This is how Wang Mang watched the black angel being chopped in half with an axe by Hager, and then disappeared on the spot.

Wang Mang's heart is broken.

Inaccurately speaking, it is the reason why his hero is so powerful.

The bonus to the legion with Wang Mang's own attributes now as the commander, and the bonus to the legion with passive skills.

This axe went down almost 100 damage and went up, and the fate of the black angel had been doomed from the moment he met Wang Mang's legion.

"Congratulations to the commander for upgrading to level 51, congratulations to the commander for obtaining the new building wall."

City Wall! The news of the system finally opened up the puzzle Wang Mang had always been puzzled by.

Wang Mang's orc main city is now considered to be the most complete main city among players in the entire mode.

But Wang Mang has always felt strange.

As the main city, your buildings are so flat on the map, even if you have defensive towers, can your defensive towers withstand the siege of millions or even tens of millions of legions.

Even if each soldier can only knock you off a little bit of durability, these tens of millions of people are...tens of millions of durability.

The durability of the defensive tower is now 100, but it is only 100 durability.

Who can stand it, but it's different if there is a city wall.

With the city wall, Wang Mang can make the defensive tower rely on the city wall, and then use the legion's large circuitous battle to directly annihilate the enemy in the future.

This is a must-have thing in it.

It's just that it used to be available as soon as it came out, but this game will not start until the player reaches level 51.

It's a bit tricky.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also decided to first completely level the map of the Lost Abyss, then occupy the stronghold, and incorporate the Lost Abyss into his own territory.

Go back to the main city to upgrade the wall.

In the following time, Wang Mang spent almost ten days sweeping all the monsters in the Lost Abyss.

And Wang Mang also upgraded to level 60 in the process.

Returning to his orc main city again, Wang Mang saw the new building opened for him by the system-the city wall.

This wall is a very long wall almost on the edge of the main city, somewhat like the Great Wall.

It's... the kind that surrounds the entire orc main city...

Old rules, upgrade! "Upgrade the building walls to level 2."

"Upgrade the building wall to level 3."

"Upgrade the building wall to level 10."


No money.

Wang Mang saw that the city wall was out of money when it was upgraded to level 10.(Read more @

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of gold coins he had just now, Mang was shocked.

The previous upgrade was too fierce, and all the gold coins were basically spent.

Although Liu Xiu is also acquiring gold coins recently, it seems that a large number of materials are being acquired in the market now.

The resource storage of the entire ‘Top of the Gods’ is completely insufficient....should be exchanged on the market.

In the mode, things cannot be transferred to the mode, which makes Wang Mang a little embarrassed.

"Mu Xue, how many do you have... gold coins"

"I still have 170 here, what's the matter, brother, are your gold coins gone?"

"Give me 100, my level city wall, and then I will contact Liu Xiu later and ask Liu Xiu to transfer the gold coins."

Lin Muxue is different from Wang Mang. After all, Lin Muxue does not have Wang Mang's time artifact, so the daily cost of gold coins is much less than Wang Mang.

But even so, the consumption is amazing.

It's just that it is not a big problem to transfer 100 to Mang.

Through the email message, Wang Mang received 100 emails from Lin Muxue.

However, Wang Mang only upgraded to level 20, and the 10 gold coins were completely gone.

1 level up!.

This game is absolutely poisonous.

Wang Mang even wonders if this game is the world official united to cut leeks.

Otherwise, it is impossible to spend so many gold coins to upgrade.

And in the current mode, although more and more players move over, many players' Level is not enough...

It hasn't reached the point of trading items at all. The only thing that is most needed most urgently is... various resources.

In this case, it is even more difficult to obtain gold coins.

At this moment, Wang Mang thought that the life players of his guild on the top of the gods were also in the mode.

I created the guild by myself, and didn't let them join the guild. Isn't this a bullshit?

"Brothers on the top of the gods, quickly joined the guild. The name is still the top of the gods. In the mode, we need the players on the top of the gods to work together."

While posting the information on the public screen, Wang Mang kept passing the application information.

In half a day, more than 10,000 people at the summit of the guild gods surrendered.

It seems that most of the original brothers have come here.

"Brother Roar, how come you have been in for so long to create a guild? Brothers and sisters also said you forgot us all."

"That's right, President, your current combat power is...4.5 billion, so you can't see the people, and you said that the president is going to abandon us."

Looking at the information in the guild channel, Wang Mang also quickly apologized and said: "Always: I have been working on the strategy and the map, so I forgot to get the guild up."

"Brother Roar, we read the strategy you wrote and it is very good, but I now find that it is too difficult to make money in the early stage of this game."

"Moreover, many large consortia have followed in, but what should we do if we have money but don't have resources"

Wang Mang certainly knows this, but there is no way now.

Gold coins, wood.

Everyone is short of ore and crystal, and the resources required for upgrading are simply ridiculously high.

So now it's...The major financial groups hold a lot of banknotes in their hands, and there is no place to change gold coins.

This is the most troublesome.

If there is a place to exchange gold coins, with the money in Wang Mang's hands, you can easily get tens of trillions out.

"It's still the old rules. The guild needs a part of the support of gold coins, and everyone donates a part to the guild's public account."

"In this way, the construction of the guild will not be short of money in the future."

"Also, the guild is only Level 1 now. Upgrading to Level 2 requires a lot of crystals and a lot of gold coins. The gold coin problem is not big. I can ask Liu Xiu to transfer it.

"But this crystal must depend on everyone to get more."

"President, it's not that we don't want to get it, but we haven't found where the crystal is."

"Yes, yes, we haven't found crystals until now. I don't know where there are crystals. The existing buildings are only wood and ore."

"Crystal has heard of it but never seen it."

Wang Mang also knows the question of...

In fact, Wang Mang is also dying of lack of crystals, but it is useless to be anxious.

Not now.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also hurried to appease everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, I'm thinking of a way, everyone is a life player."

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