I don't know if this is enough to be honest.

Because Wang Mang is also the first time he has played without much experience.

Seeing Hagg rushed up, it was a shattering blow directly, slashing on the flame giant's body.

Immediately after hundreds of thousands of broken five, broken soldiers, Bi Meng and the kite demon besieged the flame giant.

For a while, Wang Mang looked at the battlefield, and the blood bar of the flame giant was always there: slowly falling down.

Behind the large group, there were also many centaur archers who kept shooting bows and arrows towards the flame giant.

But it didn't help much.

The flame giant seems immune to long-range damage.

So regardless of these...however the Centaur attacks, the flame giant will not lose a bit of blood.

But fortunately, other soldiers such as Beamon still had an effect on him.

Otherwise, Wang Mang can only go home.

After all, Haag is a hero made by Wang Mang, so naturally he has to reload the front.

It's just that Haag's damage to the flame giant is not too high, fortunately Wang Mang's own attribute bonus.

Haag's axe can also have a 10 or so: damage.

And those little soldiers are not so lucky.

The flame giant directly summoned a bunch of fireballs and smashed them towards the soldiers.

Then, a large area of ​​soldiers in front was smashed into blood on the spot.

Some of the rare ones are not dead, and only half their lives are left.

At this time, Haag's skill ‘Energetic Enrichment’ showed its power.

Hagg's passive skill ‘Energetic Enrichment’ instantly left a soldier who was originally still alive on the battlefield, but was just a severely wounded soldier.

He immediately recovered and turned into minor injuries.

And due to the bonus of Wang Mang's passive skills, the original 3% became 300%.

This means that as long as it is a soldier who has been hit and not killed on the entire battlefield, it can be directly forced to be slightly injured by Haag's skills and continue to fight.

And it is infinite loop.

This is awesome.

If there are soldiers in the legion, such as priests who can replenish their blood.

Well, it's pretty good, isn't it...I can never die.Although this flame giant is a Titan, to be honest, after all, he only has 000 blood. Although the group second skill is powerful, the cooldown is a bit long.

So it took only three minutes to be hacked to death by Wang Mang's hundreds of thousands of troops.

Hearing only a wailing, the flame giant was completely lying down.

"Excuse me if the player wants to post the kill message on the public screen"


"Congratulations to the player: Hellscream killed the Titan-level flame giant alone, and became the first player in the world to kill the game, let us cheer.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Hellscream has started to kill the Titans"

"That's the Titan level, the entire third level is... God level and world level above it."

"How does this Hellscream die? This time, I definitely dropped a lot of good equipment."

"Big Brother Roar, can you take me, take me to play the map together?"

Wang Mang is not interested in dealing with these...The players on the public screen just walked towards a treasure chest for themselves.

That... the treasure chest fell from the place where the corpse disappeared after the flame giant died just now.

Since it is a Titan, the contents of the treasure chest must not be bad.

‘Kacha’ Wang Mang opened the treasure chest.

I saw a weapon inside.

It is a pity that Wang Mang has no way to equip weapons in the formula.

So this weapon was naturally used by Hagg.

[Name: Axe of Flames] [Quality: Titan level] [Attack: 10 [Strength: +1] [Hero Level: 30 required] [Description: A god axe hidden deep under the volcanic lava, it is said that this axe can be used with fire Burn the enemy.

】This weapon is good, and it is indeed suitable for the current hero Hagg.

Although it can't be said that it is as good, it is also a Titan-level at any rate.As for the world-class, that will be discussed later.

While Wang Mang was content to equip Hagg with the axe, he was about to let the army continue to search for any other monsters nearby.

But at this time, a woman appeared beside the obelisk.

Wang Mang curiously watched the woman walk over and asked: "You are"

"Brave commander, you defeated the flame giants who have been occupying this place. I thank you on behalf of the people of Elasia."

"Just thank me for this in one sentence"

Wang Mang watched.

"As a thank you, I will give you a new building, the Sacred Healing Center. With this building, Commander, you will never see any more death or injury."

"And you won't get injured and sick again."

"Congratulations to the player: Hellscream has obtained the sacred healing place in the hidden building, let us cheer for him."

Hidden buildings is a hint of hidden buildings Wang Mang looked at the system unbelievably.

I already have a medical tent, or a full-level medical tent, as long as Wang Mang sends his injuries to the medical tent.

Basically, all injuries can be fully recovered in up to 10 minutes.

If Wang Mang uses the greed of the artifact space-time again, he can instantly recover his injuries.

What is the meaning of this sacred healing? "Your heroic commander, the people of Elasia very much hope that you can completely drive the devil out of this land."

"And their beloved King Gefen has unfortunately died in battle, so if you can find Gefen's cemetery, Commander, and resurrect him within the specified time."

"Then the people of Elasia and King Geffen will always remember your kindness."

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang knew that he had accidentally triggered a hidden mission.

Wang Mang knows the task of resurrecting King Elasia, and Wang Mang has also played this game before.

So for this task, he is familiar with it.


Wang Mang directly clicked to accept.

"Your heroic commander, now I will send you to the House of the Prophet, find the Prophet, and let him tell you where the King Geffin of Erathia is."

After a dazzling light, Wang Mang was directly transported to a small wooden house.

"This is the legendary house of the prophet"

Wang Mang opened the door curiously.

"Your Excellency Commander, I finally waited for you."

An aging voice rang.

I saw a seventy or eighty year old woman sitting alone in a small chair, looking at Wang Mang.

"You are the prophet"

Wang Mang asked curiously.

"I am the Prophet Sale, and I know why you came to me."

Said Said.

Wang Mang doesn't seem to talk too much with this nonsense: "Tell me where the king's cemetery is, and tell me how to resurrect him"

Purcell slowly took out a puppet doll from his arms, then handed it to Wang Mang tremblingly: "Find the king's grave, and put this doll on him."

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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