"Naturally, the king can be resurrected."

"It's that simple"

With Wang Mang's many years of copy experience, it is absolutely impossible for such a simple thing to happen.

"Of course it's that simple, but before that, you have to experience fifty waves of hell demons. As long as you resist the hell demons, then you can resurrect the king."

"Then what good do I have."

Wang Mang asked.

"After the king is resurrected, the king will send you to me to find me, and I will give you the reward you deserve."

"Where is the king's cemetery."

"Go north from here, and you can see the garden at the end."

Wang Mang has been there all the way: estimating the combat effectiveness of his army.

Although he now has hundreds of thousands of troops, his combat power is more than two billion.

But when it comes to individual soldiers, they are still too weak.

If it is not for the limited gold coins, then Wang Mang is afraid that all soldiers will be upgraded to 100 stars.

The hero Hagg wants to get him directly to the top.

But now...Without gold coins, Liu Xiu can't collect gold coins in the mode.

Now there is really no way to have money.

Sweeping several waves of wild monsters along the way, Wang Mang also took advantage of these waves of wild monsters to upgrade to a level.

Finally, I found Gefen's cemetery.

Looking at the letters on the tombstone, Wang Mang walked over and slammed the tombstone with his hand.

Then I saw the tombstone start to glow.

The entire map began to shake.

Wang Mang knew that this was a sign of the hell army.

Although this is only the simulated hell army in the game, it is somewhat different from the actual hell army.

But Wang Mang, who has experienced hell invasion in his previous life, still has to feel that this game is really like it.

I saw hounds, ghouls and so on in all directions...the monsters of hell crawled out.

Wang Mang also directly opened his legion interface, then the general grabbed it and placed it on the map of the battlefield.

Haag still carried two giant axes with golden light, and rushed over with hundreds of thousands of legions with a roar.

Strictly speaking, this game is not a grid game, but after all, there are terrain restrictions and movement distance restrictions.

But all this is nothing to Wang Mang.

Because Wang Mang's primary pathfinding technique directly ignores terrain restrictions, the distance that the legion can move is increased by 350%.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

So this is not a big problem for Wang Mang's army.

At a time, millions of armies fought together.

To be honest, Wang Mang's broken five, broken soldiers alone, would basically be unable to escape with a punch to a Titan class such as the flame giant.

But for... these... hell hounds or hell ghouls, it's exactly like... chopping melons and vegetables.

A broken five, the damage output of the broken soldiers is...tens of thousands.

Hagg's sweep is...Hundreds of thousands.

In addition, Bimon's claw is basically 100,000, and it is still a swept group attack.

As well as the heaven-defying super long range attack of the Kite Demon, plus the long range of the centaur.

Soon the first wave of enemies was all killed, and it didn't take three minutes before and after.

Then came the second wave of enemies.

This second wave of enemies is slightly more powerful.The so-called slightly more powerful means that you can stand for two seconds and then die.

But it can only reach this point.

Then came the third wave, the fourth wave... By the time of the fiftieth wave of the last wave, Wang Mang's legion was actually dead by tens of thousands.

The entire army of half a million, plus the death of the previous fight against the flame giant.

Now there are only 300,000 left.

This time, fifty consecutive waves of attacks are still a bit dangerous.

It's just a pity that heroes cannot be upgraded in the battlefield, and upgrades can only be upgraded with gold coins.

This is a bit of a pit, but for...Krypton gold players, it is also relatively cool.

Wang Mang is now...waiting, as long as you figure out how to get a lot of gold coins from it.

Then at that time Wang Mang will let everyone know how cool the Krypton players are.

The fiftieth wave is actually much worse than the flame giant.

So even if there were only less than 300,000 legions, it still took five minutes to kill this directly.

At this time, Geffen's tombstone began to flash with white light.

After General Wang Mang gathered the army into the army interface, he walked over and gently touched the tombstone.

The system immediately prompts to place the wooden doll on the tombstone.

Isn't it to be put on Geffin's corpse?

But the system is so prompt, just do it yourself.

After Wang Mang placed the doll on the tombstone, he saw that the tombstone began to emit bursts of soft light.

Then the tombstone slowly broke open, and a person really crawled out of it.

This is probably the strangest thing Wang Mang has ever seen in his life.

Unexpectedly, a living person crawled out of the grave.

When Gefen crawled out and saw Wang Mang, it was a hearty laugh: "Dear commander did not scare you, I am Gefen, King of Elasia."

"Thank you for resurrecting me. I am surprised that you can withstand the fifty waves of invasion of hell."

"In order to show how I feel about you, this thing is for you, although I don't know what it is for."

"But this is the only valuable thing all over my body."

Wang Mang took the thing from Gefen and took a look, only to see a necklace.

[Name: Reaper Necklace Only] [Type: Necklace] [Quality: God Level] [Strength: 500] [Protection: 50] [Magic Power: 50] [Lucky: 10] [Morale: 10] [Effect 1: You get the Reaper With the blessing of Anubis, you will live forever.

] [Effect 2: You gain the ability of Anubis, the god of death, you can resurrect a hero with an interval of one hour] [Effect 3: Your luck will be passed on to every member of the legion, this effect can be used to set off soldiers during the march Obtain gold coins, materials, treasures, etc..., while greatly improving the quality of the treasures.

】【Effect 4: Your morale will never decline, you are the last one to fight.

] It smells like that.

Let's just say the attributes of this necklace.It can't be said that it is the best in the world, but it must be the most perfect necklace in the world, and the effect is the most in line with the player's psychology.

Basically, these effects are closely related to the mode.

Especially for effect three, Wang Mang knew that during the march of the army, it was possible to find gold coins, wood and even treasure chests.

This is not bad, if this is the case, Wang Mang only needs to slam the map and the wild monsters.

Then you can collect a wave of resources in minutes.

It seems that in this mode, the good things really need to be polished by yourself to find them.

At this time, only Glenn said: "Your Excellency Commander, it is not safe here, I will send you back to the Prophet's House."

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