Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 592 The Golden Soldier Captain

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Wang Kai kept refreshing the quality inside the door, spent tens of thousands of gold coins, and finally saw a better Taoist priest.

Deer City Moat Taoist [Silver Level]

Level: Level 5

Life: 98

Mana: 165

Magic Attack: 179-189

Physical Defense: 145

Magic Defense: 253

Accuracy: 23

Dodge: 195

Skill 1: Intermediate Fireball (launches a fireball attack every three seconds, deals 13% of magic damage, consumes 5 mana).

Skill 2: Elementary Frostbolt (Sends a Frostbolt, causing 12% magic damage to the target, and has a 3 chance to make the target enter the immobilized state for 3 seconds, the skill cools down for 3 minutes, and consumes 6 mana).

"Kaizi, this one can be recruited, it's much better than the black iron one just now!" Xiong Zai said excitedly immediately.

"You don't need to say, it costs 30,000 gold coins." Wang Kai gave him a white look, and immediately paid for this recruitment.

Dingdong system: Congratulations to player Shen Zhishang, your town finally has its first city defender, and he is on standby at the Martial Arts Field. Please give him a task.

As Wang Kai chose to recruit, the system's prompt sounded immediately, and the one inside the gate disappeared.

Wang Kai turned his head and looked outside the gate of the military and political hall, and he saw a man holding a silver staff and covering his whole body, including his head, in a white robe. He was standing straight at the front row of the martial arts arena, as if waiting for him. Order.

"Ignore him for now, let's talk about it after recruiting the number of people." Wang Kai turned his head and continued to repeat the actions of opening and closing the door

Almost an hour passed, and the gold coins in Wang Kai's package became less and less, but the number of gold coins standing on the martial arts field gradually increased

I saw all the silver staffs and Taoist priests in white robes standing in a neat line outside. There are already more than 70 people in this team!

Everyone looked at the situation outside, everyone was grinning, but Wang Kai couldn't laugh.

He has spent more than 250,000 gold coins just to recruit these 7 guards!

This far exceeded his budget, forcing him to exchange 50,000 gold coins again, because there are still 13 people waiting for him to recruit!

Wang Kai shook his head, looked away helplessly from the martial arts arena, and continued the recruitment work.

The level of the city is low, so the probability of recruiting Silver rank is so low. It seems that not to mention recruiting Epic and Mythical ranks today, it is already good to have a Gold rank soldier captain!

He thought depressingly, and continued to carry out money-burning activities

Time is waiting for no one now. If the consumption continues like this, before the soldiers are fully recruited, the monster army may have already attacked the door.

Wang Kai hastened the time of opening and closing the door, as soon as he saw that the color of the robe inside was wrong, he would immediately change it again.

All of a sudden, the system kept beeping, and the number of people in the martial arts field increased rapidly. Finally, an hour passed before the 10-member city guard was officially assembled!

"Boss, are you still recruiting?" Zifeng asked beside him.

He knew the price of recruiting these, and in such a short hour, he saw Wang Kai throw out more than 30,000 gold coins!

"We don't know how many monsters will attack the city for a while, so we'll recruit all the guards first." Wang Kai looked at the number of gold coins in the package. Today is the most money-spending day in his life!

A few months ago, he would never have dreamed that he would own such a large amount of wealth, let alone spend it so quickly!

When he was still struggling with how many packs of instant noodles he would eat today, how dare he think of throwing out millions of blisters without risking it?

"Is that still a recruiting profession?" Fatty asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I plan to let the players defend, and the guards will stand on the tower to attack. Players can be resurrected after they die. If they die, they will lose money!" Wang Kai said his plan.

"That's up to you, but time is running out, we still have to deploy a few guilds with a defense system of 20,000 people." Ribs looked at the time and reminded.

"Boss, we have 200,000 people to help and the city as a stronghold, so it shouldn't be a problem to defend the city?" Xiaobai asked.

"It's hard to say. City Lord Ouyang warned that this paulownia marsh is a place that must be taken by the two races of demons and demons. We can't take it lightly." Wang Kai replied.

"Okay, then quickly recruit the remaining 10 people, and then we will arrange other things." Ribs urged.

Wang Kai nodded, ready to open the door again.

Ding Dong system: Player God's War, your city defense army has reached the upper limit of the city size, if you need to recruit again, please use special props.

An item submission bar appeared in front of Wang Kai, and the system prompted that the conscription order presented by the city lord could be put into it.

He took out the conscription order from the package, put it in the box and chose to submit.

Dingdong system: Congratulations on your successful submission of props. The upper limit of your moat army has been increased to 2, and you can continue to recruit soldiers.

Wang Kai quickly stretched out his hand and continued to choose to open the door


This time the door opened slowly, and everyone couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation!

Because this time the soldiers behind the gate actually exuded a dazzling golden light. In the golden light, a man in a yellow robe holding a golden staff appeared in front of their eyes!

"Damn it, your luck finally came, you recruited more than 10 people, and finally recruited a gold-level one!" The fat man said excitedly.

"Boss God, you are amazing!" Zifeng looked at the attributes of this name and repeatedly praised.

Even Wang Kai stared blankly at the Gold Rank in front of him, he was completely dumbfounded!

He wasn't shocked by his grade, but because this grade turned out to be level 8, and he was also a gold-ranked leader elite! ! !

Deer City Soldier Captain【Gold-Level Commander Elite】

Level: Level 8

Life: 28

Mana: 46

Magic attack: 610-62

Physical Defense: 58

Magic Defense: 1125

Accuracy: 69

Dodge: 55

Skill 1: Advanced Fireball (launches a fireball attack every three seconds, deals 13% of magic damage, consumes 10 mana).

Skill 2: Intermediate Frostbolt (Sends a Frostbolt, causing 14% magic damage to the target, and has a 5 chance to make the target enter the immobilized state for 3 seconds, the skill cools down for 3 minutes, and consumes 9 mana).

Skill 3: Elementary Rockfall Array (Sends a rockfall attack to a designated 5x5 range, causing 8% damage of magic attacks to all enemies within the range, cooldown of the skill for 10 minutes, and consumes 2 mana).

Seeing this in front of him, Wang Kai was stunned with his mouth wide open!


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