Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 593 The Mysterious Conscription Order

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Isn't the Weiyang city soldier captain of the magic tower mission also level 8?

His super high defense and blood volume are still fresh in Wang Kai's memory until now, and the one in front of him is exactly the same as the soldier captain in Weiyang City except for his profession!

"There must be something wrong with the system. How could a level 5 city recruit a level 8 gold-level commanding elite, or a soldier commander!" Ribs rubbed his chin and asked in question.

"I think so too, but whoever of you lend me some money first, let me recruit this guy." Wang Kai said excitedly, looking at the soldier captain in front of him.

The recruitment fee figure of 180,000 gold coins on the head of the soldier made Wang Kai already ashamed of his pocket! ,

Originally, he was going to recruit some, and he could just borrow some if he didn't have enough money, but he didn't expect that the first one would refresh the gold-level commander elite, and he was still a level 8 soldier captain!

It's enough to be extravagant today. There are nearly 20 million yuan in the account, and it hasn't been spent until noon!

"Kaizi, I still have 30,000 yuan in my account. It's the spare funds you gave me to build my studio. I'll transfer it to you right away." The fat man immediately opened his bank system and transferred the money to him in a hurry.

"Is it enough for you, or not? I have a few million here and use it first." Ribs asked.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid the sum of your millions is not enough. I'd better find a few guild leaders and advance my dividends for this month first." Wang Kai stared at the soldier leader behind the door and said excitedly.

"The recruiting fee for this soldier captain is only 180,000 RMB. How can our sum of money not be enough?" Ribs was confused by him.

"Let me tell you, we made a lot of money this time. The conscription order given to me by City Lord Ouyang is the treatment of the main city of the system. Do you know that?" Wang Kai said happily.

He looked at the soldier captain who was beyond the level of Zhulu City, and he figured it out in an instant when he asked the question just now with the ribs.

That's why after recruiting hundreds of people, it took an hour to get the silver-level quality, but using the conscription order presented by the city lord Ouyang, the first one to get the gold-level commander!

These situations can only prove that the full text of the reading library is updated faster and the website m is a little bit. The system defaults to the conscription order to recruit people, and they come according to the treatment of the main city of the system!

This is like, the previous recruitment used a silver card, the highest level is to get a silver level, but now I am using, I am afraid it is the highest level epic card, maybe it is a mythical card, it is possible to get a hero level!

That's why he thought that even if the fat man's money and the ribs' several million were converted into gold coins, it would only be tens of millions, which might not be enough at all.

Wang Kai immediately told everyone his guess in detail.

"What you said is true!" Ribs was petrified as soon as he heard it.

"Whether it's true or not, we must first recruit this soldier commander, and then try the next one." Wang Kai laughed.

In less than 3 minutes, the fat man's money transfer arrived, and he immediately exchanged 30,000 gold coins, and recruited the soldier captain as soon as possible.

Dingdong system: Congratulations to player God Zhishang, you have successfully recruited a gold-level soldier captain, please arrange a position for him.

Wang Kai turned around helplessly, and immediately started searching for the next one, wanting to prove whether his guess was right or wrong.

After admiring the soldier captain, everyone immediately stared at the back of the gate with full attention, waiting for the next miracle to appear.

The door opened slowly again, and the golden light was still shining behind the door.

What appeared this time was not what he expected, and it was still a gold rank!

Although it is only a doctor profession this time, it has been proved that Wang Kai's guess is not wrong.

The conscription order sent by City Lord Ouyang is indeed a high-level item!

Everyone looked at Wang Kai in surprise, their eyes were already going crazy

"Kaizi, if you can't recruit a mythical hero with such a good opportunity, I will kick you away!" the fat man threatened loudly.

"Kaizi, come on!" Xiong Zai said excitedly.

"Boss, I suggest that after recruiting a few high-level legal professions, you should also try to recruit a few physical attack professions. After all, a city cannot have all legal professions.

"You are right, but there are two problems now. One is that I have no money, and I have no money to recruit high-level ones; the other is that there is not enough time now. I can't keep improving quality here." Kai spread his hands and said.

"If you don't have enough money, you can find a few guild leaders to support. Time is not a problem. You don't have to recruit 10 people. First, get a few powerful people to help defend the city. After you arrange the defense system, you can Feel at ease in this move hero-level np bone suggested.

"It's a good idea. I'll go to some bosses to get money right away. Kaizi can just focus on quality." Fatty's small eyes lit up, and he immediately said excitedly.

He immediately turned on the voice system and started to contact several other guild leaders who were forming formations in the city.

"That's it, I will continue to do my work." Wang Kai finally felt relieved, gave up the gold-level doctor, and started to refresh the next one.

Although 10,000 gold coins are expensive to open the door once, he is full of energy now.

The door opened, and this time it was a gold-level ordinary Taoist priest. Wang Kai passed it without hesitation. After seeing the attributes of a soldier captain, his requirements have become higher!

According to the instructions of the system in the guild city management, the recruitment system of the player city is also unique.

In Tianyu, the relationship with the players is hostile, and it is generally divided into two categories, that is, combat and life.

For example, in the main city of Xuanwu, those who change jobs and sell props are all related to life.

And those guarding troops who hold weapons and stand guard on the towers, streets, and gates of the city every day belong to the combat category.

Even mythical heroes like Xuanwu City Lord belong to the category of combat.

Combat equipment is the same as the player's equipment, and it also has a strict grade division.

They are also divided into bronze, black iron, silver, all the way to the mythical level, and each level is divided into three levels: ordinary, elite, and commander!

The Taoist soldier captain recruited by Wang Kai belongs to the highest level of gold-level quality, the commanding level!

In his memory, besides Ouyang City Lord of Xuanwu City, there is another one who is also at the myth level, and that is the Great General who defends the city.

This shows that the conscription order given by City Lord Ouyang has a chance to recruit mythical heroes!

But let's not talk about the recruitment fee, it's 10,000 gold coins per refresh fee, I'm afraid it will take an unknown number of refreshes to get such a powerful character.

Not only does it require a lot of gold coins, but it will certainly take a lot of time.

And these two, whether it is time or money, are what he currently lacks.


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