Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 594 Epic Inspector!

The second gold-level NPC that appeared now can already confirm Wang Kai's guess.

The conscription order presented to him by City Lord Ouyang is indeed a high-end item!

Wang Kai looked at the time. There were still about two and a half hours before the countdown to the monster's siege.

Now if we want to recruit the remaining 99 NPC soldiers and recruit high-quality heroes, the time may not be enough.

He planned to use half an hour to refresh a few NPC soldiers with better attributes and recruit them, and then go about his own affairs.

When everything in the city is arranged, he can come back quietly and concentrate on recruiting the remaining number.

"Kaizi, several guild leaders have promised to lend you a sum of money, now you don't have to worry about the recruitment fee." Fatty said excitedly after contacting several guild leaders by voice.

"Well, I see." Wang Kai replied, and quickly opened the door in front of him. He had to hurry up to recruit people.

The system kept flashing reminders to deduct gold coins, and Wang Kai was too lazy to read it. He just stared at the attributes of the NPC behind the door, and kept opening and closing the door.

The four guild leaders have each transferred gold coins to him, and what he has to do now is to spend the money as soon as possible!

At this time, he didn't pay attention to the ordinary gold rank behind the door. Now that he understood the magical effect of the conscription order, he didn't want to waste the remaining precious conscription quota on ordinary ones.

In just ten minutes, millions of gold coins were deducted, and he had already opened and closed the door hundreds of times!

But luck seemed to be running out, and no one appeared as strong as the soldier captain, and even everyone watched anxiously.

"Kaizi, let's make do with the elite gold, don't pursue such advanced ones." Seeing that he even refreshed a first-level gold-level elite Taoist just now, Xiong Zai couldn't help but said distressedly.

"Everyone don't worry, the good ones will definitely come later." Ribs is in favor of Wang Kai's pursuit of the best. If such a good opportunity is wasted in front of you, you will regret it in the future!

"Kaizi keep working hard, don't care about money." Fatty supported.

Wang Kai turned his head and smiled, refreshed a gold-level Taoist again, and started the process of opening the door next time.

This time the door opened slowly, and before everyone could see what was going on inside, they found a purple ray of light that had already scattered from the door!

Everyone knew what the purple light meant, and they all widened their eyes immediately, staring closely at the slowly opening door, and there was no time to catch their breath.

Wang Kai withdrew his hand from the gate, and he also felt that the situation is a little different this time, it seems that an epic level has been refreshed inside!

The door finally opened, and a person wearing a purple robe, shrouded in brilliant purple light, stood proudly in front of everyone!

The excited eyes of everyone, after seeing this, their faces immediately changed from anticipation to disappointment.

It turns out that this epic-level one is actually holding a large purple banner!

"Damn it, damn the system, we managed to spawn an epic hero, why is it a Summoner class!" the fat man cursed.

"The Summoner offended you, leave me alone to cool off." His words immediately offended Wang Kai, causing Wang Kai to give him a hard look.

"It's a pity, how good would it be if it was a Taoist profession?" Xiong Zai shook his head, he was not optimistic about the summoner profession either.

"Taoist priests are indeed better, and summoners are not bad. Fortunately, they are not doctors." Ribs laughed.

"Yeah, it's a pity that the quality is epic." Zifeng said with a sigh.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you guys." Wang Kai was so irritated by their underestimation of summoners, he didn't even look at the attributes of the summoner, and directly chose to recruit.

Ding Dong System: Congratulations to player God Zhishang, you have successfully recruited an epic inspector general, please arrange a position for him.

In the sound of the system's prompt, ten thousand gold coins were deducted from his package!

"Epic-level inspector? Wan!" The system's prompt stunned him!

"I'm dizzy, this time the official is even bigger, let's take a look." Fatty and everyone were startled by his words.

Wang Kai quickly led the crowd, ran out of the Military and Political Hall to the Martial Arts Arena, and began to check the purple summoner he had just recruited!

In the team of 102 people, the position of the gold-ranked soldier commander has been automatically moved back a step, and the leader's first place has been handed over to the summoner who just appeared with a higher official position!

Chief Inspector of Chasing Deer City [Epic Leader]

Level: level



Magic attack:-

Physical Defense:

Magic defense:



Skills: Summon the gods (can summon three powerful gods, specifically to subdue demons and ghosts, and attack pets. The skill cools down for 10 minutes, and each call consumes magic power).

Skill: Summon tree god (can summon three powerful god trees, each attack comes with deceleration and stun state, control pets, skill cooldown minutes, each call consumes mana).

Skills: Summoning Mountain Gods (can summon three unshakable mountain gods, with extremely strong life defense, defensive pets, skill cooldown minutes, and each summon consumes magic power).

Skill: Earth Rejuvenation (pet recovery skill, which can restore % life for the specified pet each time, the skill cools down for 1 minute, and consumes magic power).

Buy Karma, a three-line summoner!

When everyone saw clearly the attribute map sent by Wang Kai, they all gasped for a while!

Although no one has seen what the summoned pets look like, from the introduction of the system, one can already imagine the power of these three summoned beasts.

"Kaizi, you've found a treasure now." The fat man immediately withdrew his disdainful tone and began to exclaim.

"Zifeng, the book of war is in your hands. I will recruit a few more people later, and you can arrange positions for them according to their attributes." Wang Kai urged.

He ignored Fatty and the others, and went straight into the Military and Political Office, continuing to hurry up and recruit.

Now he saw great hope from the captain of the soldiers and the chief inspector who had just been spawned.

As long as you persist in refreshing like this, you don't need to care about how many gold coins you spend. He believes that even if you recruit a mythical one, it is not impossible.

The fixed update time is around 00:01 every day.

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At the same time, I recommend my friends' books "Mad Dragon Retirement" and "Extreme Cultivation and Evil Shao"

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