Wang Kai hurried back to the military and political hall, and continued to seize the remaining ten minutes to start recruiting.

The place he went this time was the gate where the general was recruited.

He made up his mind to recruit a few powerful warrior professions, which would be used as powerful human shields to block the city gates in case of emergencies.

The conscription order presented by the city lord Ouyang, since it proves that the full text of the reading library is updated faster and the website mt can recruit a level of 80, how much he wants to have a powerful mt like the captain of Weiyang City!

Wang Kai walked towards the gate of recruiting generals, and everyone followed closely behind, waiting for the next miracle to appear.

The defending army of each city, according to the mission assigned by the system, can only play the role of defending and defending the city within the scope of the city.

In the city built by the player, another duty of the army is to help the city owner collect taxes and fees in various stores.

In the player's city, life is only responsible for production, and the army has the important task of collecting taxes.

But the system has made many restrictions on the powerful city army!

That is, the army cannot leave the jurisdiction of the city, and cannot actively attack the player. Only when the city is violated, they can spontaneously fight back.

Of course, Wang Kai couldn't dream of leading a group of powerful high-ranking people and destroying anyone who is dissatisfied.

Pushing open the door decisively, Wang Kai looked forward to another surprise for him inside.

The door opened, and the first thing that appeared in the player's eyes was a gold-ranked ordinary assassin.

"Change!" Xiong Zai said without hesitation.

Wang Kai immediately chose to close the door and reopen it again.

The second time, a gold-level ordinary berserker.

Without waiting for everyone to complain, Wang Kai refreshed directly and paid to open the door again.

The third time, ordinary golden archer.

The fourth time, ordinary gold shield battle.

fifth time sixth time

Until no one can remember the number of times, hundreds of thousands of gold coins have been spent, and the time for monsters to attack the city is less than two hours, but none of the high-quality warrior professions that Wang Kai expected was refreshed!

"Time is running out now, and there are still many things waiting to be arranged outside. Let's contact the four bosses to arrange the defense first, and then recruit when we have extra time." Wang Kai turned around and said.

"Yes, if we spend any more time here, it will be a waste of our time." Ribs said.

"Then let's go, the future will be long." Fatty looked at the recruitment gate with nostalgia, he hoped most to recruit a senior assassin.

Wang Kai led the crowd and immediately walked towards the door.

"Boss God, the position has been arranged. The position of the general guarding the city is temporarily held by the inspector general, and the soldier captain is temporarily the patrol captain." Zifeng handed him the military book and showed him the appointment options that had been arranged.

Wang Kai immediately took out the great seal of the city lord and stamped it, and this official appointment took effect immediately.

Dingdong Guild Reminder: Player God Zhishang, you have appointed the inspector of Zhulu City as the city guard general. The appointment will take effect immediately. The city guard general will immediately take up the duties and start serving your city.

Dingdong Guild Reminder: Player Shenzhishang, you have appointed the soldier captain of Zhulu City as the City Patrol Captain, and the appointment will take effect immediately. The City Patrol Captain will immediately take up the duties and start serving your city.

Two consecutive guild reminders jumped out in front of the eyes of all players at Peerless Peak.

Just when Wang Kai and everyone were wondering about the official position, everyone in the martial arts field had already taken action spontaneously!

The soldier captain held up the big banner and began to assign tasks in the middle of the field.

Everyone looked at the newly appointed general defending the city curiously, and saw that he didn't know what to say. The 100 silver-level Taoist priests had been divided into two teams of 60 and 40 people.

A large team of 60 followed the general who defended the city and walked directly to the center of the city

The other 40 followed the newly appointed captain patrolling the city, and went to patrol in a neat formation in the direction of the east gate!

Everyone was stunned. It turns out that the advantage of taking up the post is that with a leader, you can automatically complete various tasks to protect the city.

"It's a pity, if the general defending the city chooses a mythical hero, it would be even better if he can have an IQ." Ribs sighed.

"It's okay, there are still 98 places to recruit. After I've been busy for a while, I'll have to try it out for a day." Wang Kai said with a smile.

"If you have enough money to burn you, the refresh fee alone is an astronomical sum of money." The fat man shook his head.

"Don't worry, everyone. As long as we keep the city, I will tell you a big secret. We won't be short of money in the future." Wang Kai said with a mysterious smile.

Before anyone could ask a question, he had already summoned the little black rider and ran towards the east gate.

Neither he nor Xiaobai had a position in the teleportation array set up at the east gate, so they had to run hard.

Although Zhulu City is only a first-level town, there is still a distance of 6,000 meters between the east and west gates, and it takes time to run there.

Everyone hurriedly summoned their mounts and chased after him in a swarm.

Wang Kai, with a group of peerless peak cores, galloped along the empty central avenue of the city. Not far away, he saw hundreds of thousands of players lined up neatly at the foot of the east gate wall!

All the main forces of the five major guilds have been waiting in line for almost an hour outside the east gate.

"Xiao Kaizi, how is your army recruiting going?" Ye Xuan waited for them to approach, and immediately asked impatiently.

"We have recruited 100 silver-level Taoist priests and 2 leaders. At this time, they are patrolling the city for the first time. When the monsters start attacking later, you can see them." Wang Kai explained.

"It's been a long time since the recruitment and you haven't recruited all the people?" Ye Xuan said dissatisfied.

"Didn't the fat man tell you that the conscription order is a high-end item, and I would rather not recruit it if it cannot be of the highest quality." Wang Kai laughed.

"Wang Kai, let's arrange what we should do first. It's not an option for so many people to stay here forever." Xiao Ning said.

"Where are the other bosses?" Wang Kai asked.

"I went outside the city to look at the terrain, we are waiting for you here." Ye Xuan said.

"That should not be too late. We are also going outside the city. We just have something to talk about." Wang Kai urged his mount, and immediately ran out of the city through the city gate.

Everyone followed immediately, and a dozen or so riders passed through the deep city gate and immediately entered the shore of the lake outside the city.

The shore of the 3,000-meter lake is a buffer zone deliberately left by Wang Kai when he built the city.

When he started to build the city, he took the terrain into consideration, and he already had a magical effect on the green grass on the lakeside.

But at that time, he deliberately left this lakeshore as a last resort in case the city was attacked in the future, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now!


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