Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 596 Death Zone

Everyone rushed out of the city gate, and from afar, they saw several guild leaders leading Zixuan and Kuangcheng, as well as thousands of sub-group leaders of the five major guild fighters, investigating the terrain.

They are preparing for the worst. In case of an emergency, the warrior profession may have to go out of the city to fight hand-to-hand with the monster army!

So surveying the terrain becomes very important.

"Three brothers, I'm here." Wang Kai shouted from a distance riding Xiao Hei.

"Your boss is here. Let's hear what he has in mind. He has the most ghostly ideas." After hearing the shout, Jun Lintianxia laughed and joked with the people around him, and turned to meet Wang Kai.

"Brother, you have built so many horses and pits in this place, it must have cost a lot." Ji Mie Wuwei asked looking at the twenty horses and pits outside the city.

"Who said it wasn't? Playing games and saving ten to twenty million fortunes, I lost all of them in two hours today, and I still owe you a whole lot of debt to the bosses." Wang Kai said with a smile.

"We don't need to pay back our money in a hurry, we will settle it with you after we successfully defend the city." Tian Zhiao said, hooking Wang Kai's shoulder.

"When my brother built the city, he intentionally left such a large blank area here, did he have some idea?" Junlin Tiantian said, pointing to the area outside the city to the lake.

"Yeah, I observed it, and I also feel that you did it on purpose, right?" Tian Zhiao nodded and said.

"It's intentional? It can't be so magical, right?" Ji Mie Wuwei said in amazement.

"The bosses are right. I reserved this place on purpose for future use." Wang Kai said without concealment.

"Why do you want to keep this place for design?" Ye Xuan asked doubtfully.

"The explanation is very simple. As long as the enemy doesn't use flying to attack the location where I built the city, I only need to defend in one direction, which is the shore of the lake facing the lake and the forest of wind and fire." Wang Kai pointed at the lake. said in the direction.

"Then why didn't you build the city wall on the shore of the lake, just blocking the enemy from going ashore?" Ye Xuan still didn't understand.

"That's the most dangerous way. The enemy can directly attack the city wall as long as they swim across the lake. If the enemy comes by boat, the city wall will be even more dangerous!" Wang Kai patiently explained.

"So you deliberately left this buffer zone on the shore of the lake and at the city wall, so that there is a period of time for the enemy to reach the city wall after landing. You can take advantage of this time to give the enemy the most violent attack, right? " Ribs said leisurely.

As soon as the ribs finished explaining, everyone suddenly realized, where did this kid Wang Kai learn these ghost ideas?

"You guessed it right, but there's still one thing you didn't guess." Wang Kai blinked and said.

"Another point?" Ribs was also stunned.

"After I built the city wall on the shore of the lake, when the city is upgraded and expanded in the future, where do you want me to expand?" Wang Kai said with a smile.

"So that's the case, I'm so stupid." Ye Xuan said embarrassedly, after hearing what he said, she felt that she was too short-sighted in considering things.

"It's not that you're stupid, it's because you rely too much on Xiao Ning and don't want to think about problems." Wang Kai comforted her.

"Tch, what do you want to do? Are you going to poach someone now?" Ye Xuan was startled by his kind reminder, this is calling a weasel to give a New Year greeting to a chicken, it has no good intentions!

She knew that Wang Kai had always wanted to dig Xiao Ning to the peak of the world, and the most frightening thing was that Xiao Ning wanted to go too, but it was just because he couldn't let go of the sisterhood he grew up with.

Ye Xuan believed 100% that as soon as she let go, Xiao Ning would leave Misty Rain immediately.

She didn't dare to think about such things, after Misty Rain lost Xiao Ning, it would be really miserable!

Seeing her defensive appearance, Wang Kai could only sigh helplessly. It seemed that it was completely impossible to poach Xiao Ning to manage the guild.

"Brother, the traps and traps you set up here are indeed a good idea, but the number is too small. When we played games before, there were a lot of monsters attacking the city. The traps are not lethal enough." Tian Zhiao suggested road.

"Don't worry about this. The purpose of my coming here is to make this place a death zone. As soon as monsters step here, I will let them lose more than half of them first!" Wang Kai said confidently.

"What a good idea, come and hear it?" Jun Lintianxia immediately asked excitedly.

"Why do you have so many ideas, what the hell are you doing this time?" Ye Xuan was shocked by his words.

"Actually, the method is very simple. Everyone knows what my deputy does?" Wang Kai asked with a smile.

"Aren't you just digging holes?" Xiao Ning scolded with a smile.

Everyone laughed, and finally understood Wang Kai's thoughts. It turned out that he planned to use the expertise of the mechanism division on the basis of the system's rejection of horses and traps, to turn this place into a minefield full of traps!

He said earlier that he would turn this entire place into a death zone, and that was not a falsehood.

"But" Ribs hesitated to speak.

"Speak, you are an experienced digger, if you have any concerns, just speak up first." Wang Kai asked for advice.

"Traps and traps rely on the weapons inside to cause damage, but weapons have a durability limit. After the durability reaches zero, the traps can no longer cause damage. If there are many monsters in a while, I'm afraid the traps will not be able to do what you expected. Function." Ribs said his thoughts.

"This is indeed a trouble, but the weapon has lost its durability but the pit is still there. Let's dig the traps deeper. Even if we can't kill them with traps, we can delay their approaching the city wall. Using our long-range attack troops, Suppress them from a distance." Wang Kai explained.

"This is also a way, then let's start digging." The ribs had no doubts anymore.

"Don't worry, it's too late for the two of us to dig. All the bosses, hurry up and order, let all the mechanism masters in your guild come out of the city to help dig the trap." Wang Kai arranged.

Although the deputy job of a mechanism division is an unpopular job, there is a large army of nearly 200,000 people in the city, and a few mechanism divisions can be found no matter what.

"We'll pick someone up right away." The five guild leaders replied, and immediately began shouting in the guild channel.

Wang Kai looked at the green grass by the lake bank with satisfaction in his heart, which would soon become a meat-grinding machine, and a warlike spark slowly rose in his heart!

The known mechanism masters, besides himself and Ribs, also Chen Tianlei and Optimus Prime, really can't find any extra candidates. The four of them can dig a lot of big holes in the remaining two hours.

He is now waiting for the monster army to attack the city!


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