Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 597 Pre-war Meeting

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The four guild leaders and Zifeng inquired in the guild, and within a short while they found more than 130 players whose life occupation was mechanism master!

Wang Kai was overjoyed. In fact, he only needs to have dozens of mechanism masters among the 200,000 players. He didn't expect the situation to be so powerful, so many helpers at once.

He hurriedly urged several guild leaders to get all these players out of the city.

A few minutes later, 130 players who were deputy mechanics had lined up neatly in front of him.

"Brothers are all mechanism masters. I won't talk nonsense. The monsters will attack the city in less than two hours. It is said that there will be a lot of monsters attacking the city this time, so I ask you to help me in this lake. On the shore, dig as many traps as possible, I thank you again." Wang Kai raised his hands in a bow.

"Boss God, you are welcome. As long as you can let us come here to level up frequently in the future, you can charge less." A player named Nirvana Coffee said loudly.

"Yeah, yeah, the location of this city is really amazing. I've been in Xuanwu City for so long, but I've never seen this map before. It's so cool to level up with so many monsters!" Another player who died nodded.

"Boss God, we should help you, so that everyone can come to Zhulu City to level up in the future, you should reduce our fee."

"Boss God is mighty, I decided that after successfully defending the city this time, I will stay here to farm monsters and go out until I reach level 60!"

After the establishment of Zhulu City, most players entered the map of Tongmuzhize under the arrangement of the team leaders, and they were stunned by the beautiful scenery and the number of sea-like monsters here!

After everyone turned on their map system, they were surprised to find that this new map named Tongmu Zhize was something they had never seen before!

Even though many players kept opening up maps in Xuanwu City, they had been to the location of Tongmu Zhize, but they had never heard of this place.

It seems that this map is as magical as a dungeon, outsiders cannot enter without special permission!

They are all seasoned professional players, and immediately understood the value of this place, and now they have the opportunity to meet the legendary character of Shenzhishang, so they put forward their ideas without reservation.

They only have one request, that is, they want to be authorized to freely enter this map, and their extravagant wish is to reduce a part of the fee, and they are satisfied.

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as you have helped me today, you can teleport here freely in the future, and the teleportation fee and the shopping fee in the city will all be halved!" Wang Kai announced loudly with a smile.


The crowd cheered for a while, and their goal was achieved.

"Hurry up now, everyone help me dig the traps and work harder. When digging the pit, just make it deeper and wider. It's best for the monsters to fall in and not be able to climb out." Wang Kai urged.

"Don't worry, Boss God, we will definitely not let you down." All mechanics replied with a smile.

Wang Kai smiled and nodded, and asked Chen Tianlei and Optimus Prime to lead the team to set up traps

Although he and Ribs are also mechanics, but as think-tank figures, they can't waste time digging traps, and there are 200,000 people waiting at the city gate for arrangements!

When all the mechanism engineers lined up on the shore of the lake excitedly, took out the shovel and other items and began to start construction, Wang Kai signaled all the core personnel of the five major guilds to follow him into the city

Xiao Ning waited anxiously on the tower, watching the time impatiently, and was about to go out of the city gate to ask Wang Kai what happened, when Zhang Jing next to him suddenly shouted: "Sister Ning, they are back."

Xiao Ning hurriedly looked outside the city wall, and sure enough, he saw dozens of people riding horses, rushing towards the city like a gust of wind.

"Let's go down." Xiao Ning looked back at the well-arranged city tower, and beckoned the sisters to walk down the stairs together.

As soon as Wang Kai led people into the city gate, he ran into Xiao Ning and others who were coming down from the tower.

"Hurry up and make plans to defend the city. The transfer of 200,000 people cannot be completed in a short period of time. Hurry up." Xiao Ning urged as soon as they met.

"I'll arrange it right away, everyone follow me." Wang Kai jumped off his mount and beckoned all the leaders to follow him.

He found a corner and sat down directly regardless of the dust on the ground.

Everyone was puzzled, and under his call, they surrounded the city in a big circle and sat down.

Wang Kai picked up a small dead branch on the ground, and began to quickly draw graphics on the open space in the middle.

"Look, everyone, this is the floor plan of Zhulu City, and the place where the monsters are about to attack is our current location, the east gate!" Wang Kai said loudly after finishing drawing the figure.

Everyone followed the ground where his dead branch pointed, and saw a square frame drawn on the ground, with a small far point in the center of the frame, and on one side of the square, two Chinese characters 'East Gate' were written.

Everyone understands that this box represents Zhulu City, and the origin in the middle undoubtedly represents the location of the Guardian Temple.

"We have studied the direction of the monster's main attack for a long time. Judging from the shape of the map, the only entrance to Tongmu Zhize can only come in the direction of the rock formation, then pass through the forest of wind and fire, and then step through the swamp. The monster army can only enter from The East Gate is attacking." Wang Kai continued.

"But now the two natural defenses of the forest of wind and fire and the swamp are gone, and the monsters will advance very quickly. Apart from this lake, we have no better terrain to use." Xiao Ning said with a frown.

"So now, all we can use is this place on the shore of the lake. Brother Wang Kai has already arranged people to fill it with traps, which should be able to stop the attack speed of the monster group." Jun Lintianxia said.

"Although the trap method is good, it also has a big loophole!" Ribs said in a deep voice.

"Oh, tell me, what's the loophole?" Wang Kai always felt that there was something wrong there, and asked immediately after hearing his statement.

"Traps are a good way to deal with slow-spawning monsters, but in the face of monsters attacking the city, they can do little damage." Ribs said solemnly.

"What he means is that after the monster falls into the trap, it will automatically fill up the pit, and then the group of monsters behind will pass safely. Full of traps, the effect is only to reduce the number of monster groups, we will still face the direct attack of most monsters." Xiao Ning analyzed.

"That's right, I haven't played any games before, and I don't understand the scale of monster siege. You guys reminded me well, I won't put all the treasures on the trap." Wang Kai nodded.

"Do you have other ideas?" Tian Zhiao asked.

"The trap is just to delay the time for the monster to get close to the city wall after it lands. If we really want to stop the monster attacking army, we will start to set it up from the first checkpoint!" Wang Kai continued to paint underground, waving dead branches.

Everyone looked at the ground in doubt, waiting for him to explain, what novel tricks he hadn't used.


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