Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 598 Careful Deployment

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Wang Kai waved the dead branches and wrote vigorously on the ground, and a rough topographic map of Tongmu Zhize gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The square represents Zhulu City, the small open space in front represents the open space on the shore of the lake, then there is an oval-shaped large lake, and then there is a forest composed of countless horizontal lines, and the last place is countless small black lakes. Flying stone array composed of dots.

Everyone saw the terrain clearly, and couldn't help but look at Wang Kai strangely, wondering what his purpose was for drawing all the maps?

"I personally think that passive defense is worse than active attack. Waiting for the monsters to attack in the city. It is better to use all the available terrain along the way to eliminate as many of them as possible after the monster army enters the Tongmu Ze. Power!" Wang Kai said his plan.

"You're crazy, the players are going out of the city to provoke the army of monsters, not to mention how many they can kill, these players will end up dead!" Ye Xuan said with wide eyes.

Several guild leaders immediately nodded, agreeing with Ye Xuan's statement very much.

Now all guilds are facing the challenge of building their own cities after reaching level 50. Wang Kai arranges players to go out of the city to fight, isn't it a disguised form for players to become death squads?

City battles are not ordinary PK and guild battles. In order to highlight the charm of large-scale wars, Tianyu has special regulations in the rules of city battles!

In official city battles, players will lose 50% of the experience of the current level if they hang up once, if the experience is not enough, they will be directly downgraded!

And in the country war in the distant future, a player will drop a level directly once he dies!

These are the punishment measures that the mastermind of secrets increases step by step according to the progress of the game, but the corresponding rewards are also much richer.

Just like this time when Wang Kai defended the city, as long as the countdown ends and the moment the war starts, the city lord will receive a prompt from the system whether to clear all non-guild players from the city.

As the city lord, Wang Kai will have three orders.

Item 1: The city lord has the right to drive all players in the city out of the city.

The second item: The city owner can apply for allies to help defend the city. As long as players who are willing to help defend the city can continue to stay in the city, they will automatically become the city defender.

The third item: The city lord can contact reinforcements and set up a teleportation point in the uninhabited area around the city. As long as players are willing to help defend the city, they can directly choose to teleport to that location.

The two sides of the city battle, only one side can win, and the player on the winning side will receive generous rewards from the system!

This is the reminder that Wang Kai had already had in the task bar after he received the task of monster siege.

Mission reward 1: 60% experience of the player's current level.

Mission Reward 2: Three Victory Chests.

Task reward 3: a gold-level non-combat mount.

Such a generous reward was the reason why 170,000 players from the other four major guilds came to help defend the city after hearing their guild master's encouragement.

But no matter how generous the rewards are, they cannot compare to the importance of the current player level.

Because going out of the city to stop the monster army is not just a simple matter of dying once, but the time for the competition announced by the system is tight, and no one will do it if the players who come to help defend the city are sent to die when the victory is not yet determined.

"Brother, let's talk about this matter after the war starts. If the number of monsters does not change, I will lead all the domineering people to the front line." Too bad.

"I think so too. If the number of monsters is not scary, it won't be too late for us to rush up." Tian Zhiao followed.

"You think so too?" Wang Kai looked at Ji Mie Wuwei and Ye Xuan, and after seeing their avoiding eyes, he already understood their thoughts.

Although the professional guild has a large number of people, most of them are attached to the name of this guild after all, and the guild leaders rely on their own prestige and welfare to firmly tie these people.

Wang Kai is now demanding to take the initiative to attack. The guild leader is not willing to do something so obvious that the player will die.

"Actually, I didn't ask you to stop the enemy, so you don't have to be nervous." Wang Kai said with a smile.

"Xiao Kaizi, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? If we don't go, will people from your peak guild go?" Ye Xuan asked in surprise.

The other three guild leaders also looked at him suspiciously, waiting for his next explanation.

"You guys have forgotten that I still have the privilege of three district-wide announcements that I haven't used yet. As long as I advertise the establishment of a new city with ss gatherings, I'm afraid there will be more people helping us to fight monsters." Wang Kaiyin said with a smile.

"You want to temporarily set the teleportation point between the flying stone circle and the forest, and use players to help us snipe monsters?" Xiao Ning understood his thoughts instantly.

"It's a good idea, but I'm afraid your reputation will deteriorate in the future, and the players will scold you to death!" Ribs said with a frown.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to them to help me defend the city. I will definitely let them voluntarily fight in the first line of defense. This is called willingness to take the bait, and you will understand it in a while." Wang Kai said confidently.

"My brother is amazing!" Jun Lin Tianxia felt that he was getting old and couldn't keep up with his thinking rhythm at all.

"What do you want to do, let me tell you first?" Ye Xuan asked curiously, blinking her big eyes.

"Arrange the defensive deployment of the large troops now, and we will talk about these things later." Wang Kai ignored her question and arranged directly.

Ye Xuan pouted and looked at him dissatisfied.

"All the guilds gather long-range attack professions first, and line up on the tower for a while, and cooperate with the arrow tower to attack the enemies who dare to approach the city wall." Wang Kai deliberately ignored her expression and started the first step of the plan.

"Understood." The guild leaders nodded one after another.

"All mts are concentrated at the east gate. If the city gate is lost, block the monsters with your body. Don't let them enter the city. Doctors are concentrated behind the mts. If the situation is critical, they will immediately treat teammates." Wang Kai continued.

"Then what about us assassins?" the fat man asked.

"Don't worry, all assassins and berserk knights are ambush on the road leading to the guardian temple, ready to fight the monsters entering the city at any time." Wang Kai said.

"I'm dizzy, if the monster can't enter the city, don't we have nothing to do?" Xiong Zai said dissatisfied.

"If you think you have nothing to do, you can take people out of the city to stop the monster army. I won't stop you, but once the war starts, I will never open the city gate again." Wang Kai said, rolling his eyes.

Still safer in the city. "Xiong Zai immediately became honest.

"Brother, the archers and Taoist priests are all on the tower, what should our summoner army do?" Zixuan asked anxiously after he finished the arrangement but did not hear the summoner's instructions.

"You have other arrangements. After the city battle starts in a while, our legion from Zhulu City will rush over to support them. Your task is to follow them closely with all the summoner legions. Don't let them die!" Wang Kai urged road.

"Legion?" Everyone was surprised.

Because apart from a few peerless peak players, no one has ever seen what the legion he just recruited looks like.

Even Zixuan and others, who have been arranging the assembly of summoners and warrior legions at the tower, do not know the composition of the legion.


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