Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 600: A Litter of Snake Rats

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Wang Kai made up his mind, and with a smirk in his heart, he confirmed the content of the call again, and finally clicked on the send command.


In an instant, the sky of the entire Huaxia District began to faintly emit bursts of muffled thunder.

All the old players immediately stopped what they were busy with and began to look towards the sky.

They all knew that this was a harbinger of another shocking announcement from the system!

Announcement from Dingdong system: Congratulations to the player God, who officially established the first main player city in Huaxia District, Zhulu City. The monster siege will begin in 130 minutes. Backstab siege battle ss gathers a lot of equipment. I hope that players who are not afraid of danger can teleport into the battlefield area through the main cities to help fight monsters. Whoever picks up all the equipment will get it, and the city lord will never intervene!

Dingdong system announcement: Congratulations to player God, officially established the first main player city in Huaxia District, Zhulu City, and the monster siege will begin in 130 minutes

Dingdong system announcement: Congratulations to player God, officially established the first main player city in Huaxia District, Zhulu City, and the monster siege will begin in 130 minutes

The thunder-like announcement appeared in the sky of Huaxia District every three minutes, and it was broadcast three times in a row!

This time, Wang Kai really stabbed the hornet's nest. All the players outside the city stopped fighting monsters, and threw down monsters whose blood volume was about to reach the end like rabbits. Ride, be the first to teleport to the newly created player city!

Everyone was afraid that if they teleported one step later, the seats would be crowded!

"Nimma, it's this person again!" Zheng Xiaohui looked at the notice in the sky, his face was full of resentment!

He was forced by this person to the desert in the northwest of Huaxia District!

Leveling up and spawning monsters every day is like being a thief, so I worry about being discovered by spies from several guilds densely distributed in major cities, and then being blocked and besieged by them, it will be really troublesome!

For this reason, all the players of Yonghen were forced by him to change their work and rest time, rest at home during the day, and only dare to go online collectively after 12 o'clock in the evening, and the leveling and spawning are concentrated at night.

But not long after it went online last night, the system actually prompted maintenance, forcing him to take a risk and come out during the day. Didn't expect to see this message.

"If you make me blind, I will make it difficult for you!" Zheng Xiaohui said through gritted teeth.

"Boss, this man actually built a city, what should we do?" asked his loyal subordinate, the third.

"Notify all our brothers to go back to the main city and teleport to the place where that guy built the city. We will do him a disservice and make his city collapse faster." Zheng Xiaohui said viciously.

"Then do you want to inform Young Master Duan and ask him to send someone to make trouble?" the third child asked.

"That's for sure, Xiao Duan will definitely get involved in such a fun thing." Zheng Xiaohui said excitedly with a light on his face.

This young master Duan is his like-minded buddy, known as the young lady of b city, and Zheng Xiaohui basically participates in every "brilliant deed" of Zheng Xiaohui.

This time Tianyu was operating, Zheng Xiaohui fooled him into this game together, which made the young master of the Duan family who had been drunk and worried every day about not knowing how to spend money, immediately found a place to spend money like water.

Young Master Duan, who was also attracted by the fantastic scenery of Tianyu, immediately spent 80 million to build a new 'super guild', recruiting professional online game masters to expand his strength.

In just a few months, in Baihu City, the western main city of Huaxia District, a guild named "Zhishou Qingtian" has grown rapidly!

Especially after Zheng Xiaohui escaped and came to White Tiger City, he immediately introduced him to the homeless guild, the biggest power here. All of a sudden, the three guilds quickly annexed the original powers in White Tiger City, and reintegrated them into a super power that dominates the west!

Zheng Xiaohui has been holding back, waiting for the number of construction orders to start the big plan to be filled, and then go out again to deal with this guy named Shen Zhishang.

Just when he was about to contact Young Master Duan, an id named 'Jingcheng Fengyun' started calling him in the beeping voice prompt.

"Young Master Duan, I was just about to look for you, but you came here first." Zheng Xiaohui said with a smile.

"Young Master Zheng, did you see the district-wide notice just now? Isn't that name on it your enemy?" Young Master Duan said jokingly.

He is a typical son-in-law, who is engaged in both business and politics in the family. Perhaps the family has done a lot of bad things. After his generation, there is only this boy!

There are countless sisters and sisters, but it's a pity that the yin is prosperous and the yang is weak. He is the only one with a handle. Of course, he has become the baby bump in the family.

He doesn't need to do anything about Duan's family. His daily task is to think about which sports car to drive in the garage to go racing, or which nightclub has more beautiful women.

Anyway, he did a lot of fighting and making troubles, but his family was too powerful and no one could do anything to him.

After entering Tianyu, he was immediately attracted by the scenery here. For more than two months, he honestly went online every day and never went out to cause trouble again.

This made the uncles in his family overjoyed. As long as he was short of money in the game, he would be given gold and silver cards immediately, which also created a powerful new guild!

Fengyun in Beijing is his id, remembering his "great achievements" in S City, a professional knight, and remembering his heroic demeanor driving a sports car in the downtown area.

Today, he saw that the enemy that Zheng Xiaohui often talked about appeared in the district announcement again, and he immediately became interested.

"This is that bastard, how dare he be better than your master Duan?" Jingcheng Fengyun immediately felt unbalanced, so he took the initiative to contact Zheng Xiaohui.

"Shenzhishang is him. I was just going to ask you to go and give him some eye drops. I wonder if you are interested?" Zheng Xiaohui asked.

"I'm so willing, as long as it's something that hurts people, I really like it!" Jingcheng Fengyun said excitedly.

"Then let's join in the fun?" Zheng Xiaohui smiled and blinked.

"Okay, okay, let's go together." The thief in the capital said with a smile.

"Call the people now, and we will all go into that magical city to have a look." Zheng Xiaohui said immediately.

"Well, I'll see you in White Tiger City in ten minutes." Jingcheng Fengyun said excitedly.

The two hung up, and Zheng Xiaohui was so happy that he wished he could jump up.

"Shen Zhishang, I will see how you die this time!" Zheng Xiaohui clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead immediately appeared ferociously.

The youngest, who knows what to do, immediately went to summon the troops, and a farce was about to unfold


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