Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 601 Disrupting the Group of Three

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Since Tianyu opened its server, it has never been so lively as it is today!

All the teleportation points in the main city were crowded with crowds, and the players who returned to the city late in the outer areas could not even see the teleportation officer!

All of this is just for today's three district-wide announcements!

Which player doesn't want to go and see, this first main city built by players?

Which player doesn't want to participate in a monster siege battle with a lot of ss gathering equipment?

What's more, the city lord does not interfere with the players' freedom to pick up equipment, who wouldn't want to get a piece of the action?

In an instant, all the players outside the city had flocked back to the main city.

Until now, there are bursts of white light in the city, and there are still a huge number of players returning to the city every second!

Game companies want to detect the number of players online every day, and this is the best time.

Even if you want to test the system stability of the master brain of Tianji, this is the best opportunity, because the number of players per 100 square meters in each main city is as high as hundreds!

Crowded and crowded, even when the server was launched, the Novice Village had never been this lively.

A lot of female players, constantly encountering swindlers in the crowd, had no choice but to turn on the anti-harassment command!

For a while, the army was in a hurry, and countless players who took advantage of the opportunity were immediately thrown into the system prison to reflect on their mistakes.

Their faces were filled with anger immediately, damn, I still want to participate in the city battle!

But it's too late to regret, they are destined to spend 24 hours in prison for their momentary obsession!

The city defense battle has not started, and all players can only wait in the city for the opening of the teleportation point, silently estimating the remaining time in their hearts.

Wang Kai stood on the tower, of course he didn't know the situation in the main city, he was still worried how many people would come to help?

"Wang Kai, the spies have received a letter. The main city is already crowded with players, so there is no need to worry about defense now." Xiao Ning's private chat came.

"That's good. I've already set up the teleportation point, which is in the middle of the forest and the flying stone formation. I only need to wait for the system countdown to end before it will be officially opened." Wang Kai immediately replied happily.

"There's one more thing, I'm afraid that someone will make trouble with your full server announcement." Xiao Ning reminded.

"Don't worry about this. I'm afraid of fewer people than too many people. No matter what his thoughts are, as long as he enters Tongmu Zhize, he can't control his thoughts." Wang Kai said with a smile.

"I understand. Once you're done, hurry up and recruit the rest. I'm still outside." Xiao Ning said like a good wife.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the Military and Political Office now." Wang Kai nodded.

The two finished talking, and he immediately rode Xiao Hei alone, and quickly ran towards the center of the city

Passing through the martial arts arena, Wang Kai used the privilege of the city lord to open the gate of the military administration hall, and immediately walked to the small gate for recruiting generals.

He checked the remaining gold coins in the package, and then started recruiting with confidence

With 200,000 players, under Xiao Ning's command, several guild leaders worked together in an orderly manner in the city according to Wang Kai's deployment.

On the shore of the lake outside the city, Chen Tianlei and Qin Tianzhu led more than 130 mechanics and players, digging a huge project.

From the shore of the lake to the root of the city wall, honeycomb-like craters can be seen everywhere, filled with gleaming weapons!

Wang Kai is right, this place has now become a veritable 'death zone'!

A few players were more whimsical. After digging out the traps within their share, they jumped into the water and went to the lake again, and began to place traps in the water!

This reminded many players, and everyone followed suit. The lake was suddenly covered with iron nets, like a cage for fish farming.

In White Tiger City, tens of thousands of players stood quietly near the teleportation point, neatly arranged into three groups.

Wandering, Eternal, Hands Holding the Sky!

The elites of the three guilds all came out for the sole purpose of causing trouble.

The guild leaders of the three guilds were standing shoulder to shoulder at this time, discussing how to make trouble.

"Third brother, this time you are always here to help, that kid named Shenzhishang is lucky to come home." Jingcheng Fengyun said with a smile.

The third brother he called was one of the top ten professional guilds, the guild leader of the vagabond guild, the vagabond mistress!

The wandering guild of the wandering little three is also well-known among the top ten guilds, and its overall strength is somewhat stronger than Domineering and Nirvana!

Originally, with the fame and strength of the wandering mistress, he would disdain to deal with Zheng Xiaohui and his like, but his real business happened to be within the sphere of influence of the Duan family.

In order to build a good relationship with the Duan family, he had no choice but to get close to Yonghen and the Zhihand Qingtian Guild. Even this time, he spared no effort to help in the suppression of Shenzhishang.

Judging from the number of people dispatched by the wandering guild today, he is determined to crush this peerless peak guild that has just emerged.

"Young Master Duan, you're welcome. After today's event, I don't know about my project in City H" asked the wandering young man.

"It's easy to talk, I'll call third uncle tonight, and tell him that I've also taken a share in third brother's business, and everything can be settled." Jingcheng Fengyun quickly expressed his opinion.

"In this case, please Duan Shao, don't worry, I have sent 50,000 wandering elites, and it is a small town, and it is no problem to take it down." The wandering young man smiled.

"Third brother, don't be careless, that kid named Shenzhishang is full of tricks, not to mention that now Misty Rain, Domineering, Nirvana, and even the Three Realms are mixed with him." Zheng Xiaohui has suffered several losses, and quickly reminded.

"I know all of this, today is just making trouble, first let the monsters break through the walls of their city, and then we will take the opportunity to launch a guild war and take down the entire city in one fell swoop!" The wandering young man laughed.

"Third brother is wise, don't know how to implement it?" Jingcheng Fengyun asked.

"After the city battle started, we entered the map immediately, and then led our brothers to quickly find a favorable terrain to hide. After the monsters who attacked the city fought against them, we took the opportunity to launch a general attack." Said the wandering young man.

"Brilliant move, the third brother really deserves to be the Grand Duke Guild Master, this move is too ruthless!" Jingcheng Fengyun stretched out his thumb and praised.

"Well, this method is feasible." Zheng Xiaohui has been hit repeatedly, and he has long lost the arrogance and domineering of the past, and now he is more cautious in thinking about things.

"But you must remember to check the faction that the city lord belongs to immediately after entering. If it is a demon camp, don't act rashly." The wandering little three instructed.

"Faction? What's the matter with it?" The two were puzzled.


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