Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 602 The Secret of the Faction

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The faction system is a new thing that just appeared after today's update.

The words of the vagabond mistress made the two of them completely unable to understand what it meant.

"If this God's War is in the demon camp, we will bear it for a while. We have to wait until the monsters eat them before we can make a move. If the opponent is the God-Man Alliance, I don't have to worry about it. If you want to fight, you can fight without any scruples." .” The wandering third said with a smile.

"The third brother means that if Shenzhishang chooses the demon camp like us, what can we do with him?" Zheng Xiaohui said with a frown.

"That's right, if that arrogant guy is also in the demon camp, even if you want to attack him, you'll still be famous, that's not worth the loss." The wandering young man shook his head and said.

He was willing to get involved in this dispute for the sake of business to please Young Master Duan, and this kid named Shenzhishang was so crazy that every few days he would see his name appearing in the district notices, which made the old man As a player, he was a little unhappy.

"Listen to the third brother's arrangement, anyway, we have to teach him a lesson." Jingcheng Fengyun nodded.

"You should also pay attention, our actions may have been known to them a long time ago, once we enter the map later, we will hide it quickly, and don't let them find it." The wandering little three warned.

"That's true. With so many of us standing here, their spies should have discovered it a long time ago. Shouldn't the teleportation point be closed to prevent us from entering?" Zheng Xiaohui asked worriedly.

"They don't dare, the teleportation point will not be closed because of us, even if they know that we are going to enter the city battle scene, they can't block the passages of all players because of small mistakes, so that they will lose their reinforcements, and they will suffer To the scolding of the players in the whole district." The homeless third analyzed.

Zheng Xiaohui and Master Duan nodded, expressing their understanding.

The three continued to discuss things, waiting for the city battle to start

Countless players gathered at the teleportation points in each main city, anxiously waiting for the teleportation point to be officially launched.

And Ye Xuan, Jun Lin Tian Xia, Ji Mi Wu Wei, Tian Zhi Ao, Ribs and others have already received the news from the spies.

Zheng Xiaohui has changed!

"I said this guy won't stop, he will definitely come to make trouble when Kaizi builds the city!" The fat man said angrily.

"What should we do now, Kaizi's full server announcement has been sent out, we can't break our word and close the teleportation point." Xiong Zai said irritably, touching his head.

"This is a difficult situation. They definitely didn't come here for bosses and equipment. If they take the opportunity to make trouble, we don't have the energy to deal with them." Ye Xuan frowned and waved her big shield.

"You don't have to worry. With my brother's cleverness, he should have considered this when he issued the district-wide notice asking for help, right?" Jun Lintianxia comforted everyone with uncertainty.

"President Jun's Landing is right. Wang Kai has already prepared to prevent tempting from making trouble, so he set the teleportation point for this city battle at the junction of the flying stone formation and the forest." Xiao Ning pointed to the map. A place, signaled to everyone to check.

"Will the teleportation point work here?" Xiong Zai didn't understand.

"This teleportation point is not only the teleportation point for outside players to enter Tongmuzhize, but also the resurrection point for our city battle defenders. Think about it, if someone comes here to make trouble, they will definitely not help us deal with monsters, but would rather The monsters broke through our city walls, so they can reap the benefits of the fishermen!" Ribs analyzed.

"But after the boss set up the teleportation point here, it is not only far away from the city, but also the only way for monsters to attack the city. Whether they are willing to help us attack the monsters or not, they will definitely bear the first wave of attacks from the monster group. Unless" Ribs explained, but at the end, he was also a little startled.

"Unless they choose the demon camp!" Xiao Ning added with a smile.

"Demon camp!" Everyone's eyes widened.

"Yes, in fact, I just talked to Wang Kai, and he has already explained the situation. Now his only worry is that Zheng Xiaohui and the others who came to make trouble choose a different camp from us." Xiao Ning said.

"What's the difference between different camps?" Ji Mi Wuwei asked.

Most of the people present didn't know much about this new faction system.

"Wang Kai has analyzed that if the camps are different, they can take the initiative to attack us, and they don't have to worry about red names. More importantly, players from the demon camp are in the same camp as the monsters, so they won't be attacked by monsters!" Xiao Ning Said sternly.

"What! Players from the demon camp will not be actively attacked by monsters?" Ye Xuan suspected that her ears had heard it wrong.

"Then they are so excited about leveling, they don't have to worry about being beaten by groups even when fighting monsters?" The fat man was also shocked.

"That's not the case. In Wang Kai's camp option, because he hired the demon beast as the guardian beast of Zhulu City, the reputation of the god-man camp is now 0; in the reputation of neutral races, because he has made the top of the magic cliff and the top of the paulownia. Ze's task, won the favor of the spirit clan, which just offset the hatred of the dragon clan, and now his reputation is also 0; and in the last monster camp, everyone remembers that he once killed Fanji, the hatred of the fox clan and the cure for the demon dragon. The prestige is offset, and it is still 0 now, and he is now the only one with a balanced prestige among the three camps!" Xiao Ning said in detail.

"What's the benefit of balancing the prestige of the three camps?" Tian Zhiao asked suspiciously.

"He can see the privileges of the three camps in the system description, so he knows that players in the demon camp can only farm specific monsters for leveling, and after reaching level 50, they will be sent to the main city of the demon world to continue upgrading " Xiao Ning immediately told her what Wang Kai had just told her.

"I'm dizzy. With such a setting, wouldn't that divide the players into two worlds?" Ye Xuan was confused by what she said.

"It's not two worlds. The demon world and the human world are actually just the distance of a portal, and Wang Kai and I have seen one of the portals with our own eyes!" Xiao Ning thought of the demon realm in the underground sea of ​​flames. Teleport array!

"Kaizi's prestige in the three camps is 0, so it doesn't affect him?" the fat man asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter. He is the first person to accept the level 50 mission of the main line. The system forcibly helped him choose the Godman camp, just like everyone else." Xiao Ning explained with a smile.

"Then what does he have to say, how do we deal with these troublesome monster camp players?" Tian Zhiao asked.

"It's very simple, kill these players as if they were monsters, and you will be treated as if there are a few more humanoid monsters in the crowd of monsters attacking the city." Xiao Ning suppressed a smile, and relayed Wang Kai's original words.

"That's it, the method is so simple, but it is the most practical." Everyone nodded to express their understanding.

Time passed slowly in their deployment

The red countdown in front of their eyes had already gone for less than a minute!


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