Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 103 Dissatisfaction among members of the Association? Kick off

"Why is the president like this? I feel so uncomfortable in my heart!"

"Me too, how can the equipment that is clearly stored in the warehouse go wrong and sell it?"

"These were originally equipment belonging to our guild members, so they are gone?"

"I am also a little uncomfortable, feeling that the glorious image of the chairman's father in my heart collapsed!"

"Hurry up, you idiots, disgusting remarks!"

Lines of similar messages continued to flow in the guild channel.

Although it just appeared, it attracted other people's rebuttal and verbal abuse, but it was still very active.

Jiao Yuan hadn't noticed these things normally. After Pixixi started to publicize for a whole day, he learned about these things when reminded by the rain in June.

He looked around, a little dazed, and then a burst of anger rose in his heart.

Things are also very simple.

The reason is that after Jiao Yuan originally put the five legendary equipment in the warehouse, some members have already regarded them as belongings.

As for the guild point demand is too high, can't afford it temporarily?

This is not a problem!

As long as the equipment is still there, they think they will get it one day.

But unexpectedly, because of Jiao Yuan's sudden shot, these equipment would be put on the auction floor in a few days.

This made this small group of members feel dissatisfied.

With the promotion of the Star Auction House in full swing, the attention of the players in the game, this kind of dissatisfaction gradually grew, no longer hidden in the heart, but began to express.

So from time to time in the guild channel to vent negative energy, with rhythm.

Seeing that Jiao Yuan didn't intervene for the first time, the rhythmic person became bolder.

Gradually, there was a lot of hype in the guild channel.

Most of the players are actually neutral, where there are more benefits, and they stay there. They are not a clumsy player. They belong to the kind of players who lack their own opinions. If they are provoked by a few words, their mentality is easy to change, and they are loyal to Jiao Yuan. Only a small part, about 1/5.

These neutral players are somewhat lost by the rhythm.

Gradually, they began to approach the dissatisfied group.

Can't indulge like this anymore!

"I remember, I played the legendary BOSS in the monster siege, didn't I? Am I wrong? These five legendary equipment were not exploded by me playing the BOSS alone?"

"No, I remember correctly, there are some people who are seriously lacking in self-knowledge!"

Jiao Yuan uses the authority to set the guild channel so that only he can speak.

There are a total of 10,000 members in the guild, quietly listening to him.

As soon as the beginning words fell, the players with rhythm began to panic in their hearts.

It's a pity that because of permissions, there is no way to admit mistakes.

Jiao Yuan continued to speak.

"Not to mention these five legendary equipment, there are more than 1,000 pieces of gold and dark gold equipment in the warehouse, all of which I played alone!"

"Do you still need to ask your opinions on how to allocate the equipment I play?"

"Still dissatisfied? Why, are you teaching me to do things?"

The upper-class group in the guild has a chance to get the golden equipment, but after the hit, they basically wear it or sell it, and few people store it in the guild's warehouse.

As soon as Jiao Yuan's voice fell, the guild members' emotions became more obvious.

Originally to his members, began to celebrate.

Unwilling to neutralize the party firmly, he began to wake up, regretting the change in his thoughts.

And the small group of people who had the rhythm at the beginning were completely panicked.

Because everyone heard what Jiao Yuan meant and understood that this matter would not be over in a few words.

Smart people understand that now is a good opportunity to establish prestige!

For a long time, due to Jiao Yuan's super combat power, and the guild's disregard for the welfare of the full server, the members have never had troubles, and the guild is in harmony. This is very unstable in the eyes of smart people.

A qualified guild must have a majestic voice to convince everyone at the critical moment!

However, the president is the best candidate!

Now, those short-sighted people with rhythm have successfully attracted the attention of the chairman, and the clever members are starting to look forward to it.

And Jiao Yuan did not disappoint them.

If you don't make a move, you will be merciless when you make a move!

"Some people like to call me a father, so let me exercise my father's rights... Most disobedient children have not been beaten up!"

"Remember, only if I am willing to give you, you will have a chance to take it. Don't be delusional if you don't want it!"

After Jiao Yuan finished speaking, he started kicking people directly.

[Guild History: Player "SKY Headlight" was kicked out of the guild by the guild president Qianye and will never be hired! 】

[Guild History: The player "Wu Da Lang" was kicked out of the guild by the guild president Qianye and will never be hired! 】

[Guild History: Player "Zhongheng No. 1" was kicked out of the guild by the guild president Qianye and will never be hired! 】


System prompts appeared one after another.

Jiao Yuan kicked the 100 most active players in one breath before stopping.

It's not that he is soft-hearted, but he has limited energy alone, so he can't observe carefully and kick all the rhythmic ones away.

So it's only time to kill the chickens and curse the monkeys!

The effect is also very impressive.

Players with rhythm began to be afraid and became the next person to be kicked.

Players who were distorted by the rhythm also began to panic, for fear that they would be the next hapless player.

Even if Jiao Yuan stopped now, no one relaxed.

After being kicked out of the guild, they will never be hired. This punishment is too severe for the members. You must know that they all came from Jiao Yuan's name and the massive high-quality equipment and items in the guild's warehouse.

Just change to another guild, even the top ten guilds, in terms of welfare, are far worse than King's Landing.

Therefore, the members who wake up very much regret it.

"This incident ends here. I don't hope that similar things will happen in the future!" Jiao Yuan said again, "Now I announce three things!"

"First, the guild has June Yu and Eternal Big Tits as vice presidents, and Little Fairy, T Brother, Gangzi Brother, A Kou, and June Flower are officials, and they have the right to kick people!"

"Second, the guild's warehouse will never lack the high-quality equipment you need. Don't worry!"

"Thirdly, all players who hit the key to the hidden instance can chat with management privately, but they can't find me anymore!"

After speaking, Jiao Yuan lifted the guild channel's speaking restriction and threw 11 pieces of Lv70 legendary equipment into the guild warehouse.

[Guild History: President Qianye puts Lv70 legendary quality equipment (Dark Night Sword) into the guild warehouse! 】

[Guild History: President Qianye puts Lv70 legendary quality equipment (Dark Night Shield) into the guild warehouse! 】

[Guild History: President Qianye put the Lv70 legendary quality equipment (forbidden heart) into the guild warehouse! 】


Eleven records are refreshed.

The members of the guild are completely boiling!

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