Three commands.

The first way increases the cohesion of the guild and makes it more convenient to manage.

The second way let the members understand, follow him Jiao Yuan, it's not wrong.

The third order is that Jiao Yuan wants to get some more first passes of the dungeons and get the attribute point rewards for the first pass. Although there are not many low-level dungeons rewards, the mosquitoes are fleshy no matter how small they are, and the effect of gathering sand into a tower is also good.

"President father, awesome!"

"Hahaha, I got kicked out with a rhythm, so happy!"

"So many legendary quality equipment... the president's father is too domineering!"

"The guild channel is finally clean, so comfortable!"

"Think of the trash that hasn't been kicked. Don't let us discover that the guild now has a large number of officials. Even if the president's father has no time to pay attention, you can't please!"


The guild channel began to swipe the screen, and praise Jiao Yuan, like snowflakes, flowed incessantly.

In the eyes of the members of the guild, Jiao Yuan's series of actions are really very pleasing!

Not only kicked out the rhythmic garbage, but also replenished the guild warehouse.

The atmosphere of the entire guild became positive again.

But the cronies around Jiao Yuan were a little nervous.

"Dad Qianye, I'm the vice president... It's too sudden, I'm afraid I can't do it well..."

In the June rain on the side, his eyes were a little panicked.

The eternal big tit next to her also had the same panic expression.

Can they be vice presidents?

"Be confident, I think you can do it, you can do it!" Jiao Yuan encouraged: "Don't underestimate yourself. These days, I have silently seen your management talents. Work hard and will not treat you badly!"

"The rest of you, too, be confident!"

Jiao Yuan's appointment to the management level was not arbitrarily appointed.

The guild had a total of 10,000 members, but few impressed him. Among them, a few old friends were relatively close.

Everyone has the talent for management. Among them, the rain in June has the best affinity with eternal big breasts. He has three views and is clear and decisive. In his opinion, it is very suitable to be the vice president.

Of course, if some negligence is discovered over a period of time, Jiao Yuan will not be relieved if he should criticize or be dismissed.

On the other side, everyone was moved by Jiao Yuan's trust.

Secretly vowed to live up to Dad's expectations...


Four days passed unconsciously.

In the past four days, Jiao Yuan led the guild members to fight the abyss-level spider cave as usual, and after winning the first kills of two hidden instances, he fell into the multiplayer PVP!

Up to now, he has been promoted to the diamond rank of the team competition!

The merit value finally exceeded 100,000 points!

After completing the goal, Jiao Yuan hurriedly withdrew from the ladder game, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ finally got rid of the boring PK..."

There is a huge disparity in strength, and there is no fun in PK with players, all the way is spikes, Jiao Yuan has long been irritable.

So Jiao Yuan didn't want to waste time anymore.

Jiao Yuan glanced at the leaderboard.

The current rankings on the world’s regional ladder rankings are:

First place: Qianye (the strongest king in the individual competition, 6591 games, 100% winning rate, 3319 diamond games in the team, 100% winning rate)

Second place: 5, 6 and 8 (Individual masters, 13211 games, 79% win rate, 8121 team games, 81% win rate.)

Third place: Little fairy...


The first place is undisputed.

Jiao Yuan, the second place, is somewhat impressed.

It seems to be an assassin player of the Celestial Clan, called Five Six Eight...

From the third to the tenth, four of them belonged to the King's Landing Guild.

Jiao Yuan nodded silently, very satisfied.

Among the major rankings, in addition to the wealth list, the other five rankings have the most places occupied by King's Landing.

A feeling of relief appeared in Jiao Yuan's mind.

But soon he calmed down and turned away.

Because there is still half an hour left before the agreed auction time, as the owner of this equipment, he has to go to the scene to see the situation.

By the way, witness the first time you become a millionaire!


In the past few days, Xingchen Auction House rented a piece of land in Qianye Town. It is said that as the head office, Jiao Yuan agreed.

At 6:50 in the evening, Jiao Yuan appeared in the VIP box No. 1 of the Xingchen Auction House, surrounded by Shuang Aoxue, Feng Qingwu, and June Yu and their group, they all rushed over with curiosity.

The Star Auction House in Qianye Town can only accommodate about 1,000 players in total, of which the hall can accommodate 800 players, and the rest have 20 VIP boxes.

When Jiao Yuan sat down, the hall was bustling with seats.

Jiao Yuan chatted a few gossips with people around him, and soon, ten minutes passed!

The next moment, the magic crystal ball on the auction stage lights up, a beam of light shines on the middle platform, and Pin Xixi, dressed generously, stands in the beam of light.

"Welcome to enjoy your face to participate in this Star Auction. It's an honor to meet you!"

She greeted him simply, and went straight to the subject, "Presumably, everyone has been eager to wait, let me remind you, but don't bear the gold coins, this opportunity is really rare!"

"Now we invite our staff to bring up the first set of equipment!"

A young girl, holding a tray, slowly approached the beam of light. On the tray, dark gold and purple equipment flashed in a small pile, which was about the same size as the young girl's figure, which caused her to only lift the tray above her head.

From a distance, it looks like a giant moving pallet!

Seeing this, Jiao Yuan couldn't help but feel happy.

"Is it a feature of the auction house? Pin Xixi, this woman really knows how to play routines!"

The equipment can be stored in the backpack and taken out only when needed. The arrangement of Pixixi is obviously to allow more buyers to enjoy the special effects and gloss of the good quality of the equipment.

This may make the players participating in the auction more enthusiastic.

"The first set of equipment is already here. This set of equipment belongs to the mage class. It consists of nine Lv35 dark gold equipment from different parts and one Lv36 legendary secondary weapon!"

"The attributes of the Abyss Orb, I believe you have learned about it on the forum before you come here. You don’t know or want to know the respective attributes of other dark gold quality equipment. You can watch it from the illustration book on the current channel. I won’t be too nonsense here. NS!"

"The first set of equipment has a starting price of 100,000 gold coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 5,000 gold coins!"

Pin Xixi knocked on the wooden hammer, indicating that the auction has officially begun!

The current channel refers to the chat interface of all people within a 500-meter radius of the player. No one knows if the game has been on for so long.

Soon, after reading the attributes of the illustrated book, all the participants became excited and blushed.

"One hundred fifty thousand gold coins!"

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears stood up and nodded to the people around him, "I have taken a fancy to this set of equipment by Fengyun Guild. Everyone, please give me some face!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately jumped up, "Go away, which green onion is your Fengyun Guild? I'll give you 200,000!"

"I am two hundred and ten thousand!"

"Two hundred twenty thousand!"

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