Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 107: The dust settles, an unexpected surprise

" way..."

Desperate to fight the world.

Because by the end, although Xueer had 1.5 million gold coins, he also had 1.5 million gold coins, only a difference of one or two thousand gold coins.

According to the rule that each price increase should not be less than 10,000 gold coins, whoever quotes 1.5 million gold coins first will win!

If he raises the price to 1.5 million from the beginning, then the ultimate winner will be himself!

But the reality is that there is no if.

Because he was arrogant and wanted to save money, he gave Xueer a chance to catch up!

Thinking of this, Zhan Tianxia's regretful bowels are almost blue!

Seeing Xueer Shi Shiran on the stage to trade with Pin Xixi, his eyes seemed to be poisoned, extremely vicious.

"What if you get the equipment, I want to see if you can hold it!"

From the perspective of Zhan Tianxia, ​​there is only one Qianye Great Demon in the game, and for others, Qiang also has a limit!

He decided to assemble an elite team when he went back to find a way to ambush Pian Xueer.

He wants to let Xueer know that some people can't be offended!


On the other side, after the four sets of equipment were sold out, all the people eating melons were shocked and dumbfounded!

"One...One and a half million gold coins? God, I really didn't look dazzling?"

"What kind of guild is Xueer? I want to mix with her behind..."

"A set of equipment is one and a half million...I want to hold Qianye's father's thigh in my heart, and it becomes stronger again!"

"Four sets of 2.9 million gold coins in total, damn it, Qianye's father made nearly three million gold coins with the scum on his fingers? Horror!"

"I suddenly envy the members of King's Landing World Association..."

Every corner of the whole server is full of exciting discussions.

This auction exceeded the imagination of too many people.

At the beginning, a set of three hundred and fifty thousand was already extremely shocking, and then four hundred and fifty thousand and six hundred thousand, which made the people who eat melons tremble with excitement. When have they seen such a huge number of gold coins?

The last 1.5 million gold coins made everyone even more suspicious of life.

A set of equipment, 1.5 million gold coins, is this really what happened?

It is important to know that the silver quality equipment that most players desire is only between 10 gold coins and 50 gold coins.

This contrast is too strong!

No one can keep calm.

For a time, the members of the guild that ruled the world once again became the most desirable position in everyone's hearts!

However, Xueer's Hot Sun Guild also made a splash!


At the auction venue.

But Xueer couldn't hide her excitement, and the deal with Pin Xixi was completed.

With ten more pieces of equipment in her backpack, the 1.5 million gold coins she had finally gotten together disappeared, her mood was a little complicated.

Because at the beginning, Xueer was planning to buy the [Abyss Orb] set, and the reason was very simple, she was a mage herself.

But after discussion within the guild, I decided to buy this trial priest suit!

As most wise people think, Xueer's guild management, including herself, thinks that the T career is the more important training goal.

With this [Judgement Moment]-led suit, her guild’s wasteland reclamation team will be able to play more difficult dungeons!

At that time, gold, dark gold, and even legendary equipment will gradually be available!

The most important thing is that her younger brother is the judge of the pastor, and she is using it for her family. She is very relieved.

However, Rao had considered it clearly before coming, but now Xueer is still a little lost.

Is it really worth buying one piece of legendary, nine pieces of dark gold quality equipment for 1.5 million gold coins?

You must know that in the next two months, their guild members will have to work hard and find a way to pay off their debts...

For a while, Xueer might not know if this decision was correct.

When she was about to leave, Pin Xixi stopped her.

"President Xueer, please wait a moment!"


Faced with Xueer's puzzled expression, Pin Xixi smiled slightly.

"Before auctioning this set of equipment, Qianye Great God once talked to me privately. If this set of equipment can finally be sold for more than 1.4 million gold coins, he will be free when the buyer meets the conditions for entering the Lv40 Minotaur King copy. Bring the highest level of difficulty once!"

"And all the benefits in the dungeon, as long as he needs it!"

But Xue'er couldn't help being stunned, as if being hit by a pie falling from the sky, revealing a complex expression of surprise, excitement, and disbelief.

"Dungeon of Bull Demon King, any difficulty?"

"Yes, you heard me right!"

Pin Xixi looked at the lucky guy in front of her amusedly, she understood the other party's state very well.

Because she herself couldn't help being surprised when she heard Qianye Great God tell this.

I was going to say it before the end of the auction to raise the bargaining chip. But she didn't expect Qianye to treat this incident as an additional surprise.

Following the conversation between the two, everyone who had not left the auction opened their eyes wide and fell into a dead silence!


The needle drop in the whole hall can be heard!

It took a long time before someone turned red, breathing quickly and screaming.

"A copy of the Tauren King of any difficulty? I heard it right?"

"Oh oh oh shit, I request to bid again!"

"Ahhhhh, damn, why did I sweep the auction house for those grandsons in the wasteland team last week? Even if they are covered in superb silver, they can overcome the first BOOS of the nightmare-level Tauren King dungeon? I regret it!"

The hall suddenly became noisy.

Tian Xing Jiuge, Zhan Tianxia's face was stiff.

Especially the latter, with terrible regrets in my heart, and my teeth are almost broken!

There are two entry requirements for the Lv40 Minotaur dungeon: 1, five players above Lv40, including Lv40; 2, the cost of entering the dungeon.

The second point is not difficult, but the first point is very demanding.

At present, in the human race regional rankings, except for Qianye's level of Lv70 Yiqi Juechen, the second place is only Lv39!

However, the Minotaur King dungeon is the same as the Lv30 Spider Cave. There is no limit to the number of times for any player. It is the main place for mainstream dungeons, upgrades, and equipment skill books!

Moreover, the highest difficulty of the Minotaur dungeon is nightmare level, and there is a great probability that a legendary BOSS will appear!

This means that for the first kill, there must be at least one piece of Lv40 legendary equipment!

Everyone always thought that, except for the guild where Qianye was located, other guilds would not even think about reaching the nightmare difficulty within three months.

But now Qianye promised that in the future, the team with the partial Xueer will pass the level almost free of charge. How can this make Zhan Tianxia not jealous?

At this moment, regret and jealousy filled his mind.

He silently vowed that he must make Xie Pian Xueer pay the price!

If only Xueer knew what he was thinking, she would definitely sneer in contempt.

The promise was given by the Great God Qianye. If you have the ability to find the Great God Qianye, what does it mean to find me? Bullying and fearing hard scum!

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