As Pin Xixi said this surprise, the auction was finally over.

The local tyrant participants left with different faces, and the friends around Jiao Yuan finally couldn't help their doubts in their hearts.

"Master, if it happens to Xueer, she will be the first to reach Lv40 than us, and then cheekily ask you to bring a copy of the Nightmare-level Tauren King. Isn't this first kill going to be taken away by them?"

The words of the little fairy made everyone around her look curiously at Jiao Yuan.

Among them, the female players such as Yu Yu and Shuang Aoxue in June couldn't help but taste a little bit, and glanced at each other.

Without him, just because Xueer is a young and beautiful female player, and the president of a big guild.

Conquering such a woman is something that many men are willing to do.

Jiao Yuan is powerful and mysterious, has a strong personality, and is generous, he is merciless in dealing with enemies, and he takes good care of his own people.

His charm is unparalleled!

Shuang Aoxue and the others had long been addicted to it unknowingly.

Although they usually call their fathers happy, these two words have changed in their hearts, and they are regarded as fun. If possible, they still want to be husbands.

It's a pity that Jiao Yuan, the wood, seems to be unable to see their intentions.

Now suddenly she is so kind to a strange beauty, and the girls suddenly feel a sense of crisis.

For this partial Xueer, perhaps in the future they will snatch the position of people around Jiao Yuan!


Jiao Yuan didn't know that the girls were hiding such careful thoughts, and nodded, "I will definitely do what I said, so if you want to kill for the first time and not be snatched by Xue'er's guild, you should hurry up to Lv40!"

Jiao Yuan's original intention was to urge everyone to level up. Calling Xue'er was just a matter of lip service, but there was another hidden meaning in the ears of Shuang Aoxue, Feng Qingwu, and June Yu.

Cher... so close!

There must be no purpose, it's a real hammer!

The girls glanced at each other, and they all saw sparks in each other's eyes and nodded imperceptibly.

They must be compared to Xueer and rise to Lv40 first!


Jiao Yuan didn't know that the female players around him began to greedy him, and after receiving the 2.9 million gold coins traded by Pin Xixi, she instantly reached the top of the wealth list.

He glanced at it and didn't care.

The wealth ranking is the lowest among all rankings.

After all, gold coins are not like equipment, rank rankings, etc., and the top few rarely appear new faces.

The wealth ranking is updated too quickly.

"Now there are one hundred thousand feats and one hundred and six hundred thousand gold coins. It meets the conditions for buying Lv160 epic earrings Frost Heart. It's comfortable!"

Jiao Yuan left everyone behind and went directly to the Imperial City Shenji Camp, looking for a warehouse manager to buy equipment.

The high-level NPCs in "Original" have a long lifespan, and their pace of life is correspondingly slower. In the eight days since the last time Jiaoyuan left, there is basically no change in warehouse inventory.

The warehouseman remembers Jiao Yuan, the newly appointed centurion!

Knowing his purpose, the administrator scratched his head curiously.

"How did you get the gold coins and merits in such a short time?"

"I am the immortal, everything is possible!"

The NPC didn't know that the player PK had merit rewards, and Jiao Yuan didn't know how to explain, so he simply fooled.

In the curious eyes of the warehouse manager, Jiao Yuan exchanged Frost Heart!

The Lv epic equipment is very useful. After wearing it, the panel changes tremendously in an instant——

ID: Qianye

Level: Lv70 (310 million / 320 million)

Race: Human Race (Race Talent: Skill upgrade experience reduced by 10%)

Occupation: Destroyer

HP: 1.88 million.

Mana: 368,000

Physical attack: 2.998 million to 4.489 million

Magic attack: 1.5 million ~ 2.25 million

Material defense: 1.096 million.

Magic defense: 1.081 million.

Attributes: strength 1.209 million, agility 563,000, stamina 697,000, intelligence 307,000

Unassigned free attribute points: 0 points

Attack speed: 0.06S/time

Reputation: 132,000 (worship)

Meritorious service: 101,000

World legend: 12

Skills: Lv11 Thunder Footwork, Lv11 Wushuang Flurry, Lv11 Silent Slash, Lv11 Furious, Lv3 Dreadnought MAX, Lv3 Counter Slash Max, Lv3 Dragon Bomb, Lv3 Ultimate Bomb, Lv3 Combo MAX, Lv3 Longyin Iron Cloth, Lv3 Water Moon God Dance MAX, Lv3 Gods Dusk MAX, L3 Occupation Mastery II, Lv3 Warrior’s Profound Meaning·Endless Power MAX, Lv3 God’s Power...

Equipment: Sword of Domination (Epic), Shield of Demon God (Legendary), Ring of Chaos (Special Jewelry), Necklace of Demon King (Legendary) Heart of Frost (Epic), Scarlet Helmet (Legendary), Center of the Earth Clothing (Epic), Blood Moon Gloves (Legendary), Boots of Quick Travel (Epic).

Fashion: Shadow Cloak (S-Class Fashion)

Mount: Black (Legendary)


The power breaks a million!

The floating upper limit of physical attacks is nearly 4.5 million!

Seeing this panel, Jiao Yuan felt scared himself!

He is now more than twice as strong as he was when he challenged the Tower of Darkness eight days ago!

With new equipment and new skills, his output suddenly rises to a new level!

"This kind of strength...Challenge the Lv100 mythical BOSS Undead Bone Dragon, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Jiao Yuan squeezed his fists, feeling the ample strength of his body, he couldn't help but smile.

The 100-level mythical BOSS, it is estimated that it should have completed the professional awakening at level 100, and only players with epic-level equipment can be eligible for the horror existence.

However, Jiao Yuanneng was confident in the second turn of Lv70, because of the strength of his profession.

The second is the hundreds of thousands of free attribute points he brushed in the final demon temple!

Coupled with various rewards for the first kill after coming out of the mountain, Jiao Yuan should now be able to surpass the normal player Lv150 or more after removing the attribute of the equipment skill bonus.

In "The Original", he is a personal BUG!


Half an hour later, the tower of darkness.

Jiao Yuan and Zuo Xiaoxiao rendezvous.

Zuo Xiaoxiao saw from a distance, a pair of familiar earrings appeared on Jiao Yuan's ears, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"You, you can actually afford Frost Heart?"

"...Why can't I afford it?" Jiao Yuan asked curiously.

"It's unreasonable!" Zuo Xiaoxiao kept shaking his head in surprise, "I have worked hard for nearly ten years, and I didn't get the capital to exchange Frost Heart. You did it in just eight days!"


Jiao Yuan scratched his head, was he hit by himself?

The growth rate of NPC is far less than that of players, and it will definitely be caught up by players in the future.

And he is just the biggest hanging wall in the player group.

I am strong, is it unreasonable?

Zuo Xiaoxiao had a long experience when he met himself.

"There is nothing unreasonable, you gradually get used to it!" Jiao Yuan said indifferently.

"...Is this human?" Zuo Xiaoxiao complained.

"Then what do you want me to say?" Jiao Yuan asked back.

Zuo Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and said cheeky: "Anyway, you are so rich, why don't you... give this frosty heart to my sister? Hee hee~"



"I didn't expect you to be such a gang, it's not boring!"

Jiao Yuan despised Sanlian and decisively refused.

Fortunately, Zuo Xiaoxiao was just making a joke, he didn't care if he was despised, hehe.

After all, the stronger the focal distance, the higher the possibility of passing through the 290 floor.

Thinking of this, Zuo Xiaoxiao suddenly asked in confusion: "You have so many strengthening materials from the Tower of Darkness, why not use it?"

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