Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 120 The Shock Brought by the Guild Warehouse Update

Qianye Town sparrow is small, but it has all five internal organs.

Compared with the major cities of the human race, apart from the smaller area, the infrastructure is almost the same.

Jiao Yuan and Zuo Xiaoxiao passed through the teleportation array and instantly arrived in Qianye Town from the imperial city, standing at the headquarters of the King's Landing Guild.

Soon after, Feng Qingwu and others also arrived in front of them.

From a distance, the little fairy shouted cheerfully: "Master, you are back!"


Jiao Yuan nodded lightly.

Then he greeted Yu and the others in June, and handed the transfer ticket to Feng Qingwu in front of Zuo Xiaoxiao.

Zuo Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed, "Is this the immortal you like?"

She thought that Jiao Yuan would carefully screen for a while. After all, she didn't accept apprentices casually, but she didn't expect that Jiao Yuan would help her decide after just a few minutes.

This speed is too fast, right?

Is he serious?

"Yes!" However, Jiao Yuan looked at her indifferently, and confidently explained: "Feng Qingwu is currently the strongest mage in the entire continent. Apart from her, I can't think of anyone else who is qualified to be your apprentice."

After hearing the words, Zuo Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Qingwu carefully.

I don't know how she checked, but after a long time he nodded lightly.

"Not bad, but far worse than you!"

Zuo Xiaoxiao was a little dissatisfied, but didn't shake his face directly.

Because she felt that the same immortal, Feng Qingwu's strength (attribute) was far worse than Jiao Yuan's.

It's simply a gap between a sky and an earth.

But because of Jiao Yuan's decision, she did not refute it.

In addition, the rain and others in the surrounding June were also not regarded by her, so they acquiesced.

"Don't be dissatisfied!" Jiao Yuan looked at her with a weird expression, "If Feng Qingwu has the strength of mine, can he still worship you as a teacher?"


Zuo Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

What Jiao Yuan is telling is the truth. If the immortal in front of him is similar in strength, would he be qualified to be her master?

The answer is obviously no!

So, she thinks too much.

After talking with these two sentences, Feng Qingwu on the other side had already been transformed from a fire magician to a space-time magician.

Eternal Big Milk and the others looked at Feng Qingwu with envy.

Hidden career, how many players dream!

But they are not jealous, because the reason Feng Qingwu has the opportunity now is all because of their president's father.

So as long as the president's father does not abandon them for a day, they are likely to have the same opportunity.

Jiao Yuan briefly introduced Zuo Xiaoxiao's origins to everyone.

When everyone looked at her, they suddenly became eager.

"The Great Magister of Lv135?"

"In the future, staying in our guild and interacting with us?"

"There are other high-level NPCs that might come?"

"President's father is mighty, awesome!"

In the eyes of players, high-level NPC means the source of the task.

Jiao Yuan was able to recruit NPCs like Zuo Xiaoxiao (everybody thought), and the energy was simply too great.

Everyone, including Feng Qingwu, couldn't help feeling excited.

On the other side, Jiao Yuan took the time to throw the idle equipment into the guild warehouse, which immediately caused a shock in the guild.

[Guild History: President "Qianye" put the Lv77 mythical quality long sword "Ancient Man's Long Sword" into the guild warehouse! 】

[Guild History: President "Thousand Nights" put the Lv77 mythical quality ring "Night Elf's Blood Ring" into the guild warehouse! 】

[Guild History: President "Thousand Nights" put the Lv77 mythical quality helmet "Dream Whisperer's Helmet" into the guild warehouse! 】


[Guild History: President "Thousand Nights" put the Lv85 legendary quality helmet "Scarlet Helmet" into the guild warehouse! 】

Jiao Yuan not only put five pieces of mythical equipment into the warehouse, but also opened up all the legendary treasure chests, dark gold, and golden treasure chests that were played out by the Tower of Darkness, and the equipment that was opened was also put in one fell swoop.

You know, from the first floor to the 289th floor, every tenth floor has boxes for the first pass!

Coupled with the idle equipment replaced by Jiao Yuan, there are close to forty pieces of information in the guild history!



The players in the entire guild were all shocked!

The nearly forty pieces of equipment that Jiao Yuan put into the warehouse this time are not worth mentioning, but the quality is unbelievable!

"In a hassle, did my eyes see the flowers? Or did the president's father rob him?"

"As soon as so many high-quality equipment appears, there is a group... Why do I feel like a Chinese cabbage? The president's father is awesome!"

"The lowest is the gold quality... the president's father is awesome!"

"I've counted them. Regardless of the quality of gold and dark gold, there are 23 pieces of Legendary Grade, 9 pieces of Epic Grade, and 5 pieces of Mythical Grade!"

"Joining King's Landing is the wisest decision I have made in my life!"

"Night, awesome!"

The legendary equipment is okay, everyone has seen a lot of it, and has anticipation of its attribute psychology.

And the epic level, there is really too little.

Before that, there were basically no other targets for reference information except for the [Devil King's Robe] burst out by Jiao Yuan from killing the Demon King.

After carefully observing the attributes of the nine epic equipment, the players of the entire guild were shocked and speechless.

That's it for the epic level, let alone the higher-quality mythical level?

The five pieces of mythical quality equipment that Jiao Yuan put in were all fighters.

Because of the level, the attributes are almost 3/4 lower than the basic attributes of the Lv180 Domination Sword, but it also throws out a large part of the epic equipment of the same level. The guild members who watched are dumbfounded and their eyes are straight.

Not to mention that every piece of mythical equipment comes with four high-yield skills!

If you set a number of 10,000 from the process of creating a character to graduation from the god costume, then the epic quality can make a player advance 100 points in an instant, while the mythical level starts with 500 points!

The myth equipment of the same level is almost five times the income of epic equipment!

Looking at the top five pieces of mythical equipment, two words suddenly popped up in the minds of all guild members——



Since the establishment of King's Landing World, the guild warehouse has been a focus of other players from the outside world.

Now Jiao Yuan’s operations were immediately posted on the game forum by the members of the guild who were so proud that they were crying with joy, with the idea of ​​showing off.

Once it was issued, it immediately caused a shock to the entire server!

"Legend, epic, myth... God, have my eyes hallucinated at a young age?"

"The word "shock" can no longer describe my feelings!"

"I now say that King's Landing is the first guild worthy of the full service. Who dares to object?"

"I just want to know, how does Prince Bigil feel after watching it?"

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