Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One: Bi Jill's Response, A Gamble

When Jiao Yuan is fine, he has the habit of visiting forums.

Soon, I learned about the sensation in the forum caused by the guild members’ update of the warehouse.

"These guild members really like to show off!"

Jiao Yuan smiled and shook his head, but he could understand.

After all, it’s not a day or two for players to like to show off in the game. Unless they really like low-key, or who don’t care much about fame like him, most other players will make such a flaunting choice.

There are too many envy and jealous posts on the forum, Jiao Yuan enjoys it for a while before preparing to close it.

However, at the moment when the forum was closed, several abnormal posts that run counter to the mainstream suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Huh? Prince Bigil wants to challenge me?"

"real or fake?"

Jiao Yuan became interested in an instant, flipped through the forums and found many related posts.

Before he opened thirteen mythological boxes and screened the whole server. Although Prince Bigil had deleted the challenge post in horror, Terran players still remembered his arrogant remarks at the time, so all kinds of Yin and Yang became angry and kept posting posts. laugh at.

From the perspective of human players, Bigil's act of deleting his own post after sending out the challenge post is a backlash.

How rampant he was before, aroused the anger of human players.

Now I want to shake my ass and treat it as nothing happened. How could it be so easy?

Terran players, can't wait to nail it on the pillar of shame!

Players of other races also laughed and made up for it from time to time.

Even the players of the demon race, after this incident, Prince Bigil was a little angry.

It feels too embarrassing for him to act like this!

It has discredited the image of the entire Demon Race player!

So all these reasons added up, and even though almost 90 of the 100 posts on the forum are discussing the guild warehouse of Kings Landing, there are still at least two or three, and he will be taken out to whip the corpse.

Jiao Yuan browsed through several posts and took the time to confirm with the members of the guild before he was sure what happened.

"A Lv10 mythical dagger dare to provoke me? This guy is really not afraid of death!"

"But after all, I won the first mythical equipment in the whole server, and it is unavoidable to be a little swollen. At this time, I should teach him how to be a human..."

Jiao Yuan muttered a few words, his expression thoughtful.

He didn't know this matter, but if he knew it, it was impossible to ignore it.

The reason is also very simple.

First, I was a little unhappy about the announcement that Bigir had snatched his full server.

It is the normal state of the player to do it when he is unhappy in the game, and Jiao Yuan is no exception. This is the normal state of the player.

Second, in the long run, according to the speculation of the main mission, there will be a 99.9% chance of a war between races in the future.

By then, players with the ability to be immortal may play a very important role in the war.

Therefore, if you can weaken the opponent's development in advance, you must not miss it.

Third, Bigir is the first one. It's an open mouth. If you ignore it, what if you get a little bit of strength and expand, and then challenge yourself? It's impossible for Jiao Yuan not to pick it up, right?

If you don't pick up the other party, you may take the opportunity to publicize and say that you are afraid.

Responding is too annoying and wastes my time.

Therefore, in this matter, Jiao Yuan decided to take Bijier's operation.

Not only can you show off your fists to achieve the purpose of killing chickens, but also avoid future troubles as much as possible by the way.

But Bigir has already admitted, how can he be operated on?

After thinking about it, Jiao Yuan suddenly had a bright light in his mind!


On the game forum.

After the last guild recruitment event, Jiao Yuan’s ID already has nearly eight digits of fans.

At this time, I opened a post, which instantly attracted the attention of at least millions of fans.

This post is -

[Title: Overestimate! I accept your challenge, Bigir! 】

The title is very attractive, even with a taste of contempt.

As long as you are curious about the players who have been impressed by Bi Jill before, they are all curious.

The content of the post is also very simple.

First, Jiao Yuan explained why he didn't respond to the message before, because he was busy cleaning the Tower of Darkness and was not free.

Second, Jiao Yuan agreed to the previous challenge issued by Bigir and agreed to create a room online PK for the Ladder Singles Tournament. The time was set at nine o'clock this evening, which is five hours away.

Third, the result of the challenge is not to be born and die, but Jiao Yuan stands still. Bigil can knock out 5% of his HP within three minutes from the beginning to the end, even if Bigil wins.

Fourth, since it is an agreed duel, it is always necessary to draw some prizes. The gambling agreement is a piece of mythical quality equipment, and whoever wins will get the opponent.

These four contents immediately caused a huge storm on the forum.

After reading it carefully, there was contrast Jill's disdain between the lines, and the forum enthusiasts suddenly exploded!

"Fuck, Dad Qianye is domineering. As a ten-year-old fan, I'm too excited, but I'm a little worried..."

"This kind of criterion for winning or losing... How confident Qianye Great Devil is in himself!"

"Yeah, isn't it the same as not being able to fight back when standing still? Bigil can't beat 5% of his HP after standing for three minutes?"

"Too underestimate Prince Bigil? You know, he also has mythical quality equipment!"

"I feel that this bet, Dad Qianye is about to hang up!"

"Hmph, you short-sighted people upstairs, I disdain to be with you! Dad Qianye will win, and Bijir dares to promise, he will definitely lose his only mythical dagger!"


Stand still, let the opponent attack for three minutes, as long as the HP drops by 5%, even if the opponent wins!

Under this condition, I look down on Bi Jill too much!

Although domineering, but not too big?

After all, Prince Bigil is not a passerby, he is the only person with mythical quality equipment in the whole server!

The vast majority of the people who eat melons shouted Qianye Niubi on one side and were impressed by his domineering, but on the other side they couldn't help but be a little worried, afraid that he would lose.

Especially the use of a piece of mythical quality equipment as a gambling contract is really worrying.

This kind of earth-shattering gamble, in the eyes of the players, if Bigil wins, his fame will inevitably soar. The benefits of washing away the humiliation before and getting a second mythical equipment are too great.

And the Great Devil Qianye won, but he can only get a piece of mythological quality equipment that is dispensable to him. If he loses, he will be put on the stigma of "inflated arrogance", and the gain is not worth the loss.

In terms of the gains from the victory of both sides, the gap is a bit too big.

But Jiao Yuan will not consider failure, he only pays attention, will Bijier accept it?

An hour later, Bigir responded on the forum——


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