Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 133 Xiao Hei Evolves and Arrives in Blood Moon City

Jiao Yuan didn't have time to pay attention to the external situation.

At this moment, after the death of the sky ghost, Edmund finally broke the item.

And it's not a normal first kill rate, it can be regarded as a big explosion, as if the situation of the previous unexploded equipment of many of the sky ghosts has been accumulated.

Jiao Yuan carefully counted.

"An Lv45 mythical quality ring, an Lv45 mythical priest's shoe, an epic, three legends..."

"This burst rate is cool, but it's a pity that I can't use the ring!"

Jiao Yuan was both happy and disappointed.

Because, the ring attribute of myth quality is——

[Item: Blood Ring of Vengeance]

[Level: Lv45 Myth]

[Equipment requirement attributes: Lv45, strength 40,000]

[Equipment requirements occupation: Warrior/Assassin]

【HP: 300,000】

[Physical Attack Power/Magic Attack Power: 160,000]

【Strength/Agility/Physical Strength: 40,000】

[Extra Attack Power Bonus: 20%]

[Skill 1: Revenge (Passive Skill)]: When hit by any attack, there is a 50% chance of rebounding 200% of the damage from the panel.

[Skill 2: Bloodthirsty (passive skill)]: 30% of its output is converted into health.

[Skill 3: Overclocking (active skill)]: When actively released, it adds a layer of BUFF with 200% attack speed/movement speed and 50% attack power. The effect lasts for 180 seconds and the cooling time is 24 hours.


This Lv45 mythical quality ring has rare attributes.

Although the basic attack power and four-dimensional attribute increase are somewhat low, the three built-in skills are very strong.

It is especially suitable for people like Jiao Yuan who need to break out.

However, because of the special effect of [Chaos Ring]-lowering the level of equipment requirements, Jiao Yuan could only regretfully put the blood ring in his backpack.

After all, if the ring is replaced with a blood ring, the Lv180 mythical quality dominator sword and the Lv160 epic quality Frost Heart will not be able to be worn.

"Fortunately, I don't expect much of the Lv50 BOSS, so there is nothing to entangle."

Jiao Yuan put the blood ring, another priest's mythical quality shoes, and epic equipment into his backpack.

Next, he started slowly advancing according to the coordinate location the sky ghost told him.


The map of the Demon Race is too big, because Jiao Yuan belongs to the Human Race, and can't teleport through the main city, instantly crossing countless distances.

He could only summon the mount Xiao Hei and ran forward slowly.

In this case, the advancing speed is really not fast.

Even the myth-level bosses encountered are still in the recovery stage, with very low levels and attributes, and they are basically in seconds in front of Jiao Yuan, but the time spent on the road is too much.

On the first day, he killed the devil.

The next day, he killed two Lv60 mission targets.

On the third day, one shot was killed.


On the eighth day, kill one more!

So far, Jiao Yuan has fully killed ten targets of the main mission.

Not to mention the sudden increase in the progress of the task, a lot of equipment exploded, all in the backpack.

Even the expanded backpack has nearly six hundred grids, but because there are too many BOSSs along the way, it fills in half.

"233~ It seems that if I don't return to the human race to store it in the middle, I will lose even the Legendary equipment..."

Jiao Yuan shook his head helplessly.

Who is to blame for all this?

It's not all to blame for his toughness!

Going deep into the hinterland of the demon clan camp, it is a high-level map, too much equipment burst out.

"My terrifying strength~"

Jiao Yuan shook his head helplessly and said with emotion.

Then, he cast his gaze on Xiao Hei.

After beheading ten mythical bosses one after another, the three-headed hell dog, Xiao Hei, successfully completed the evolution task.

The moment he clicked to complete the task, Xiao Hei slowly shrank, and finally turned into a flaming red egg!


Jiao Yuan was taken aback, and wondered in surprise, it turns out that Hellhound Xiao Hei is an egg-bearing animal?

[System reminder: The three-headed dog of hell is in the process of advancement, countdown: 7 days! 】

"Seven days to complete the advancement? Then I can only use my feet to drive the road during this period?"

Jiao Yuan curled his lips, feeling a little unhappy.

Sit on Xiao Hei's soft back, if it wasn't really impossible, he wouldn't want to use his feet to drive long distances.

And know the distance between the coordinates of the demon gods, but it is not close, there is no speed bonus of Xiao Hei, it is simply laborious and laborious, it is not cost-effective.

Jiao Yuan glanced at the minimap. He had cleared the nearby area. According to the original plan, the next goal would take two days to arrive.

In these two days, if he was allowed to drive with his feet, it might take four days.

After all, because of the blood curse of Edmund, the ghosts and monsters will come over and harass him along the way, which is very annoying.

"Huh? This is..."

Jiao Yuan suddenly discovered that there was a demon clan main city not far away on the route according to the original plan.

And this main city happens to be Blood Moon City!

"According to this efficiency, the time for the main task is too abundant, so there is no rush."

"It just happens that Xiao Hei can't summon it out, so it's better to go to this blood moon city to play, and find Prince Bijier by the way, take the spoils..."

Jiao Yuan smiled, and immediately set out in the direction of Blood Moon City!


A day later, Jiao Yuan appeared on the outskirts of Blood Moon City.

At this point, it is already a leveling point for Demon players, and Demon players pass by from time to time.

Jiao Yuan didn't use the shadow cloak to disguise his appearance, so he walked towards the city gate with such carelessness.

Players with his face are too familiar, and few don't know him.

Along the way, many demon players cried out.

The message that he appeared outside Blood Moon City was also like a rocket, spreading to the outside world!


Blood Moon City, the headquarters of the Dark Lords Guild.


Prince Bigil patted the table fiercely, with a grim expression on his face.

"What are you talking about? His Qianye, actually dare to come to Blood Moon City?"

In the past eight days, every time Jiao Yuan killed a mythical boss, there would be a full server announcement.

Every announcement, like a giant hammer, hit Bigir's heart fiercely, making him more and more sure that he must not leave the city.


Just now, the members of the guild conveyed to him the message that Jiao Yuan had appeared outside Blood Moon City.

This made Bigil startled and angry, and even a hint of joy appeared in his heart, and his emotions were extremely complicated.

The reason is also very simple.

What was horrified was that Qianye actually came to Blood Moon City and asked him to settle accounts.

Angrily, he came here alone, is he bold or confident? Regardless, one thing is certain, Qianye doesn't see herself at all.

What is pleasantly surprised is that Qianye's arrogance gave him hope!

Kill his hope of the immortal myth!

"Qianye ah Qianye, should I say that you are arrogant or reckless?"

"Dare to come to our Blood Moon City alone, afraid that you still don't know the terrifying strength of our Blood Moon City NPC? Ha ha, this time, I want you to come back and forth!"

Prince Bigir said viciously.

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