The gate of Blood Moon City.

After all, it is one of the main cities of the Demon Race, and he has several curses of the Demon Mythical BOSS. It will be troublesome to get in. So Jiao Yuan originally planned to humiliate Bijir with words on the World Channel and force him to show up. Kill it, the matter is over.

Anyway, coming over to find Bigir is just a matter of pastime at best, and Jiao Yuan is not prepared to waste too much effort.

However, he underestimated the range of demon NPC's sensitivity to him.

From a distance, not even close to a kilometer of the blood moon city wall, suddenly a group of demon clan guards rushed towards him in the distance, about twenty in number.

"Look, there is a humble human race there!"

"A curse? Brothers, hack him to death!"

"It's time to become famous!"

The NPC charged towards Jiao Yuan with murderous aura!

And Jiao Yuan didn't panic at all. With his strength, even Li Chungang, the epic NPC Sword Emperor of Lv160, was probably left behind by him at this time. Isn't he able to deal with the soldiers in the Demon City?

But when Jiao Yuan started to kill the first one in seconds, a task suddenly appeared!

[System prompt: You have killed the Lv80 passerby of the NPC soldier in Blood Moon City, gain 10 reputation and 1.6 million experience! 】

[System prompt: You trigger a temporary task "Eliminate the danger ahead of time"! 】

[Content: The City Lord of Blood Moon City has discovered your location and will summon combat NPCs throughout the city to encircle you. Please be prepared. 】

[Task progress and rewards:]

[The first stage: Kill Xin Haide, the lord of Blood Moon City, reward 10,000 free attribute points, 10,000 prestige, and epic quality treasure chest X1. 】

[The second stage: Kill 50% of the combat NPCs (including Xin Haide) that come to Blood Moon City, reward 50,000 free attribute points, 50,000 prestige, and mythical quality treasure box X1. 】

[The third stage: Kill 100% of the combat-type NPCs (including Xin Haide) that come to Blood Moon City, reward 100,000 free attribute points, 100,000 prestige, and mythical quality treasure box X2. 】

[Note: When a battle occurs, there may be players participating, and there is no additional reward for killing players. 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

This task is...I am alone, challenging a city?

Jiao Yuan's eyes widened.

Too unexpected, he actually triggered this kind of task!

This is not something that can be thought of in advance. Who can believe it if it spreads out?

At this stage, except for any one of his players, facing all combat NPCs in a major city, the disparity in strength is too great, and the winning rate is infinitely close to 0!

Even if Jiao Yuan faced it by himself, to be honest, he would inevitably feel a little unsure in his heart.

His strength is indeed the highest among all players, and he deserves to be the first in the whole server, but the number of NPCs in the main city of a race, and the strength of high-level NPCs are also unknown.

Jiao Yuan is not sure about it.

But thinking about the rewards of the task, Jiao Yuan admitted that he was moved.

"If all three stages are completed, there will be 160,000 free attribute points, prestige, and three treasure chests of mythological quality!"

"Generally speaking, the city lord is the most powerful NPC in the main city. From the rewards of only epic treasure chests for killing him, as a reference, Xin Haide must also be of the epic class!"

Jiao Yuan analyzed for a moment in silence, gritted his teeth, and clicked to accept the task!

It was not only because of analyzing the approximate strength of all NPCs in Bleeding Moon City, it gave him a lot of confidence.

And, more importantly, even if he loses, he still has the means to escape——

A few days ago, he got a special quality consumable from a mythical BOSS: random teleportation scroll!

【Random Teleport Scroll: After use, it can be randomly teleported to any location in the current race camp. 】

To put it simply, the role of the random transport scroll is clear at a glance.

The scroll, which was originally useless, was irreplaceable at this time. With it, Jiao Yuan could guarantee that he would not die during this mission.

Otherwise, if you lose, you will lose more than the gain if the equipment is revealed.

Especially the Sword of Domination, Jiao Yuan's most precious equipment, must be firmly in his own hands.

"Oh, it's a pity that we haven't found a way to bind equipment in "Original", otherwise, how can there be so many worries!"

Jiao Yuan sighed secretly.

I didn't think much about it immediately, cheered up, raised the sword in his hand, and killed all the remaining twenty Blood Moon City soldiers in front of him!

And in the distance, with the sound of the city's horn sounded, NPCs with ferocious faces rushed out of Blood Moon City!

The mission of one person VS one city has officially begun!


The headquarters of the Dark Lords Guild.

The incident that Jiao Yuan and the Blood Moon City NPC had just arrived at the gate can be seen by nearby players. Therefore, the news was quickly transmitted to Prince Bigir's ears, which made him extremely excited.

"What? Qianye has already fought with the NPC?"

"Okay, great!"

Listening to the reports of the members of the guild, Prince Bigir slapped the table excitedly and smiled.

"Chairman, a great opportunity, our guild members gather and kill him?" A guild management took the opportunity to suggest.

"Do you still need to remind you?" Bi Jill sneered, "No matter how strong he is, he is just a player. Compared with the main city that has been developed for thousands of years, what is the chance of winning?"

"To describe it in Chinese people's words, how do you say that idiom? I'm looking for something..."

"Death!" another member added cleverly.

"Yes, I just want to die!" Bi Jill laughed freely, "This kind of decision is simply reckless. The news that the first person of the human race is a stick is great!"

Bigil laughed for a while before he issued a decision: "Order to go down, all the members of the guild must gather, make sure Qianye has no return!"

"I want him to know whose home the Demon Race is!

"Wow ha ha ha ha~"

The thought that Damn it's Qianye would fall down soon, or even explode the equipment on his body, made Bijir very excited.

From today, the so-called first player in the game should start to go downhill!

This is the price of his recklessness!


The gate of Blood Moon City.

Jiao Yuan has been killed for a while.

The NPCs currently appearing are all trash fish around Lv80, and they are really vulnerable in front of him.

The black and red blood flowing under the feet has gathered into a stream.

Broken corpses of demons criss-cross.

There was a monstrous smell of blood in the air, which was disgusting.

The current battle is too easy, and Jiao Yuan even has time to distribute 4D. If it is changed before the end of the world, with the authenticity of "Original", it can definitely be regarded as a limited-level game.

It seemed that the trial was enough. When Jiao Yuan once again killed a line of soldiers, a senior NPC riding a black horse appeared from Blood Moon City.

"Your Excellency is so courageous. It is unforgivable to dare to kill my demon soldiers aggressively!"

"My demon commander Chiyuelier, by the order of the city lord, come to take your dog's life!"

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