Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 135 Blood Flows into a River, Full Service Earthquake

On the game forum.

When Jiao Yuan just appeared on the outskirts of Blood Moon City, he had already attracted small-scale attention.

But now when he blocked the city gate and fought against the NPC forces, it suddenly caused a huge sensation.

"God, did the Great Demon King Qianye kill the Devil Clan's main city?"

"Horror, terrible! What else does this man dare not do?"

"In order to punish a mere prince Bijier, is it really tough with a NPC in the main city? Too reckless?"

"Even if Dad Qianye is strong, there is a limit. Now it is a bit irrational to be rigid with NPC..."

"Qianye: Humph, a mere NPC, dare to stop me from punishing Bi Gil? It's ridiculous!"

Countless people began to discuss on the forum.

As a human race, Jiao Yuan was born in an antagonistic relationship with the demon race camp. He couldn't enter the demon race main city. It seemed normal to many players, but he didn't agree with each other. He actually fought with the NPC. It really made everyone. Surprised.

You know, it's a major city, not a trash fish!

Is it really worth it to punish a betrayal than Gil?

Many players, while admiring Jiao Yuan's domineering, secretly sighed that his decision was too irrational.

Up to now, the players have thought that Jiao Yuan was only single-player hard-hearted Blood Moon City NPC because he wanted to punish Prince Bigil.

Really reckless!

Even if the current situation is downside down, almost no one can think that Jiao Yuan can take advantage of the NPC forces.

No, the miscellaneous fishes just died, and a high-level NPC was immediately dispatched from Blood Moon City.

Jiao Yuan fans who learned of this through Demon players were extremely worried.

But most players pay attention with the mood of watching a good show.

It’s not the first time in "Original" that this kind of player has a lot of NPCs, but the scale is as big as it is now.

There is no doubt that Jiao Yuan has no rival among players, but what kind of height can he reach in front of NPC forces?

The vast majority of players are very curious.

This fight caused by a temporary task attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of players across the server.


The gate of Blood Moon City.

The magic commander Chiyuelier roared and rushed towards Jiao Yuan.

A long sword full of pitch black, slashed in the air!

The whole action was done in one go, extremely smooth!

But in the eyes of Jiao Yuan, the speed is really not enough.

He slowly raised the shield of the dark night to block the offensive of the long sword.

[Combat information: NPC Chiyuelier (Lv110 epic level) sends out the skill "head blow" at you, your block is successful, and the damage is reduced to 1 point! 】


A pitiful number rose from the top of Jiao Yuan's head.

With his current strength, the Lv110-level epic BOSS is really not enough!

Glancing at the battle information that was refreshed, Jiao Yuan suddenly lost interest.

"It's just a Lv110 epic fish, it's really boring!"

When the voice fell, Jiao Yuan didn't bother to release his skills, and immediately backhanded a normal attack.

After a long battle, the BUFF of his passive skills has already been superimposed, and the panel has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most direct, physical attack changed from "13.28 million ~ 19.92 million" to "36.11 million ~ 51.465 million"!

Turned over nearly three times!

Even if it is a normal attack, there are nearly 30 million output!

An Lv110 epic NPC, Jiao Yuan doesn't believe he can have so many NPCs!

However, what surprised him was that Chiyuelier was next!

-16.603 million!

This ordinary attack was carried by Chiyuelier, is this a bit outrageous?

Jiao Yuan looked at him in surprise, and soon understood the reason.

From Zuo Xiaoxiao, I learned that NPCs can also improve their combat effectiveness by wearing equipment.

The Scarlet Moon Lier in front of him was equipped with a set of dark golden heavy armor, which was obviously different from the general Lv110 epic BOSS.

Compared with ordinary BOSS creatures, NPC is obviously more intelligent!

"Is this kind of interesting, otherwise, it would be boring to kill all the way!"

The corner of Jiao Yuan's mouth raised, and he looked at Chiyuelier with interest.

"You deserve a skill for me..."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiao Yuan's sword of dominance swung horizontally, and the Water Moon God Dance MAX was ready to go.

However, Chiyuelier suddenly yelled when he saw it, and ran towards Bloody Moon City without looking back.

Inwardly, I was terrified.

The sword just now almost killed him on the spot.

Now that the other party is a little more serious, there is still the possibility of survival?

Chiyuelier, I'm scared!

"This guy……"

Jiao Yuan was shocked, and shook his head helplessly.

Overestimate him!

In an instant, the ten sword auras seemed to have eyes, the latter came first, and all of them fell into the fleeing figure of Scarlet Moon Lier like lightning.

-239.7 million!

Just the first sword qi hit, Chiyuelier's body froze, and his eyes lost their expression.

The nine sword qi behind him even turned his body into a sieve.

Jiao Yuan picked up the equipment exploded by Scarlet Moon Lier, and continued to face the soldiers of Blood Moon City without looking back.

The requirement of the task is to kill all the NPCs chasing out of the city, Jiao Yuan has to follow through to the end, in order to have the reward.


At the moment when Chiyuelier died, all players in Bloodmoon City suddenly heard a prompt—

[System reminder: Trigger the temporary mission "Defend Blood Moon City"! 】

[Content: A celebrity strongman is massacring the demons outside of Blood Moon City. The demon commander Chiyuelier has been sacrificed. In view of his tyrannical strength, the city lord Xinhaide issued a large-scale mission to convene the demons in the city, and make concerted efforts to bring the human race together. Get out! 】

[Task Reward: It is settled based on the degree of completion, and all participants have the lowest reward of Silver Treasure Box X1, and the highest Mythical Treasure Box X1! 】

[Mission failed: no punishment! 】

The treasure chest with the highest reward of mythical quality?

The players were all stunned, and then ecstatic.

Although knowing that the chances are slim, this is the closest they have been to mythical equipment, so they have to be moved!

As for the so-called strong human in the mission?

Of course it is Qianye!

But even if he is the first person in the game, hundreds of grades far surpassing mainstream players, the Demon players in Blood Moon City are not afraid.

No way, rewards, it's so tempting!

Moreover, no matter how strong it is, can it be withstood in front of the entire Blood Moon City's three or four million players?

What can be done is not the player, but the GM!

For a while, countless players who accepted the task ran away thinking about the direction of the entrance to the city of Blood Moon City, eagerly trying to get a piece of the pie.

And Jiao Yuan was not curious about the abnormalities of the demon players, in short, one cut one was right.

Anyone who delays his task will die!

Soon, the location of the city gate became a river of blood.


Not far from the gate of the city.

Bigir led a group of elites of the Dark Lords Guild, slowly observing in secret.

"President, aren't we on it yet?" someone behind Bi Jill couldn't help but whispered.

"Don't worry, look again, Qianye is not annoying!" Bi Jill said solemnly.

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