Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 136: Blood Moon City Player: If you spend thousands of nights without blue, you will win


"Kill Qianye!"

"Receive the mythical treasure chest reward!"

The gate of Blood Moon City was already surrounded by a sea of ​​people.

Countless players, stimulated by the huge rewards of the task, began to rush towards Jiao Yuan one after another.

Their undaunted spirit, even the NPC on the side felt ashamed of themselves when they looked at it, and then they were greatly encouraged and rushed towards Jiao Yuan bravely.

The morale at the scene was soaring.

Unfortunately, courage is not enough!

Although Jiao Yuan was surprised by the player's participation, he did not panic. The sword of dominance held high was airtight, and he used his skills from time to time. There was no enemy within a radius of 30 meters, and he could successfully rush over!

The bloody corpse of the NPC and the white light of the player appeared endlessly.

The siege lasted for a full five minutes. No player or NPC could break through the 30-meter range of Jiaoyuan. Only the long-range output career can use the long-range advantage to send out long-range skills.

Fireball, arcane shooting, tracking arrows, dark fire rain...

Countless skills rushed to Jiao Yuan's body, but what made the player desperate was that there was no single number, more than 1 point!

Without exception, all are the lowest mandatory injuries!

Jiao Yuan can kill a bunch of players with just one skill, but the players' desperate fire output is almost negligible!

Since the last time Jiaoyuan Online PK with Bigir, which player on the whole server does not know that his total HP exceeds 9 million? The number of recovery per second is even more unmatched!

How do you fight this?

There are about 70 to 80 thousand players participating in the battle, even if a legendary BOSS is not so difficult to push, right?


At this time, the players who had been unable to attack for a long time began to think of shrinking in their hearts.

After all, although the task rewards are eye-catching, they must be able to complete them, right?

Judging from the current results, hope is too slim!

When most of the players started to retreat, Bi Gil, who was observing the whole situation not far away, was unwilling. He rolled his eyes and murmured a few words to the subordinates next to him.

Soon, a demon warrior from the Dark Lord’s Guild stepped forward and shouted:

"Don't panic everyone, Qianye is not invincible!"

"He is indeed very strong in combat. None of us can fight, but we also have the hope of victory!"

"What hope? When Qianye's blue runs out, isn't he just a living target?"

He shouted hysterically, loudly, and spread throughout most of the battlefield.

As soon as the voice fell, the players on the scene suddenly lit up.


A player, the strongest is always the skill.

But without MP, how do you release skills?

Can only ping A!

Even if Jiao Yuan's Ping A is very sharp, the players still see the hope of victory!

Think about how many players there are in Blood Moon City?

At least, more than three million!

With such a huge amount, as long as there is enough output space, even if Jiao Yuan's blood volume is strong, it can't be recovered, right?

The more you think about it, the brighter the eyes of many demon players.

"Brothers, plan to change, use our flesh and blood to consume Qianye's blue energy!"

"Chong, think about quest rewards, a treasure chest of mythical quality, victory is here!"

"come on! Come on!"

The new round goes on and on, starts again!

The many demon players on the scene were all crazy.

They also don't want to think, even if Jiaoyuan's MP is used up, no skills can be used, but do they have that output space?

The number of three million players is indeed huge, but at this stage, the farthest skill output distance of mainstream players is only about 500 meters, and the number of players who can exceed 500 meters is too scarce.

Therefore, the number of people has absolutely no meaning in front of Jiao Yuan.

It's a pity that few people can maintain absolute sanity in the face of the temptation of a treasure chest of mythological quality.

Jiao Yuan understood at this time, why the demon player suddenly entered the battle with a thoughtful expression.

"It turns out that it is because of the high reward mission... It is reasonable. With the wisdom of NPC, it is obvious that the resurrection characteristics of the player (the immortal) are the best cannon fodder."

"But for so long, observing the high-level NPC in the dark, you should understand that it is meaningless, right?"

Jiao Yuan muttered secretly.

The battle situation on the scene was clear at a glance, and the gathering of seven to eighty thousand players did not threaten him at all, so Jiao Yuan guessed that the senior NPC would soon be unable to bear it.

As for what the Demon player said, consuming his MP to win the mission?

Jiao Yuanguang thought about it, and it felt extremely ridiculous.

He has never been in trouble because of lack of blue.

Not to mention that the current MP value has reached millions. From the perspective of intelligence attributes, the MP recovered per second is also an astronomical number.

Unless it's in full firepower state, it's okay to stick to this intensity for ten days and ten nights!

And even if you run out of MP, the Demon players will face up to a million-level dual defense, a total of tens of millions of HP, and 2% of endurance recovery per second.

Standing still, unless the senior NPC is dispatched, there is no way to get Jiaoyuan.

Not to mention, with his agility of 2.89 million, who can catch up with him?

Therefore, the thinking of the demon players at this time is completely whimsical!

If this battle is only facing the player group, the initiative is in Jiao Yuan's own hands!

"Although the mission reward is not calculated for killing the Demon player, the reward itself is very good because of the hostility of the camp..."

Jiao Yuan glanced at the system prompt page——

[You have killed the Lv33 demon player "Chelizi" and gained 1 prestige, 1 merit, and 1000 experience. 】

[You have killed the Lv37 demon player "Abili" and gained 1 prestige, 1 merit, and 1000 experience. 】


The system prompts and refreshes quickly.

The role of prestige, for Jiao Yuan, has not found any big use for the time being, it is very tasteless.

Needless to say, you can buy high-quality equipment, consumables, etc. from the Shenji Camp.

And although because of the huge difference in level, killing Demon players only has a small amount of 1,000 experience points, but the accumulation of less and more is also very impressive!

Therefore, Jiao Yuan has no intention of being merciful.

As long as the Demon player dares to send it, he dare to accept it!


Ten minutes later, the players who surrounded Jiao Yuan still did not decrease.

Jiao Yuan gradually became impatient.

"The Demon Race player is leaning against Blood Moon City, and the number is constantly replenished."

"Although the amount of experience and merits collected is considerable, the goal of the task is to target NPC after all."

"This Shilaozi City Lord Xinhaide, why doesn't he send someone over?"

Just as Jiao Yuan complained in silence, suddenly, the situation on the court changed!

The dense crowd surrounded him, suddenly a passage appeared in the middle!

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