Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 137 Bigir: Is the opportunity here?

On the forum.

Countless players are watching the battle at the gate of Blood Moon City.

There are many Demon players who are conducting live broadcasts of screenshots and commentary posts.

Soon, most players on the whole server understood what happened in the past fifteen minutes.

After learning that tens of thousands of Demon players were vulnerable in front of Jiao Yuan, the forum was boiling!

"Fuck, from then on, I will serve Dad Qianye for the entire "Original", and everyone else will stand aside for me!"

"A lot of people make it strong? No, Dad Qianye gave us a lesson vividly!"

"Fifteen minutes, it is estimated that there were at least 30,000 players killed by the Great Demon King Qianye, right?"

"Huh? Thirty thousand, you underestimated my Qianye father, at least fifty thousand?"

"The number of people has lost its meaning in front of the Qianye Great Demon!"

The temporary missions of the Demon players in Blood Moon City have been passed down through word of mouth, and everyone knows them.

Everyone understands why the situation has changed from playing against NPCs to players.

And this kind of player in the whole city, going forward and besieging one player after another, is really eye-catching.

As a result, it did not surprise most players.

Because Jiao Yuan used to crush the guild with ten thousand enemies in Lv50 as early as Lv50, this incident shocked the whole server at that time, and is still talked about today.

And to be honest, the people who eat melon on the forum feel that Qianye is far from using all his strength.

At least the well-known skill that kills tens of thousands of people with a single blade (Kiltering Slash) hasn't been used yet.

In the eyes of the people who eat melons, it is completely impossible to rely on the superiority of the number of people.

As for the player's idea of ​​besieging Jiao Yuan's Blood Moon City, the sensible masses couldn't help but sneer.

They don't know the total MP amount and recovery speed of Jiao Yuan's horror, but simply understand that people who can besiege Jiao Yuan at the same time can be at most ten thousand.

Each attack forces one point of damage, even if 10,000 people attack, it will only have 10,000 points of damage.

In front of Jiao Yuan, it makes no sense.

"The Qianye boss in the player group is completely invincible. Let's see what height can be reached in the face of NPC?" Someone said helplessly.

Just at this time, the latest battle situation was exposed in time!

"Wipe, the Blood Moon City NPC has come out!"

"Look at the screenshot, shit, so handsome!"

"Now, Great Devil Qianye is in trouble, right?"

The people who eat melon looked at the many live posts, and their eyes widened.


The gate of Blood Moon City.

A gap appeared in the circle of players surrounding Jiaoyuan.

A thousand-person elite demon squad, dressed in neat equipment, rushed over!

They have a clear division of labor, melee occupations, top in the front, and long-range mages, waving their staffs in the back.

A humanoid demon who looked like the captain came up first.

"Bloodmoon City's dark night guards are here, humble human race, die!"

He roared, and then, the demon mage behind him moved neatly and waved the magic wand in his hand!

Waves like water ripples appeared beside Jiao Yuan out of thin air!

[Combat information: You have been hit by the night guard's combo skill "Space Prison" and you have fallen into an immobile state, in an immovable state, and your HP cannot be restored for 20 seconds! 】

[Judgement of abnormal state... The time that you can't move is reduced to 4 seconds after the judgment is over! 】

Because of the high stamina and passive skills to reduce the abnormal state of the BUFF, the original control time of 20 seconds has become just 4 seconds!

Four seconds!

Should be able to bear it!

Jiao Yuan squinted his eyes, holding back the idea of ​​using Ragnarok to release his control.

"Good steel needs to be used on the blade. The CD of the Twilight of the Gods is too long, and it is unnecessary to use it now."

This one-man VS one-city battle has only passed the appetizer stage so far, and it is far from the time to use the hole cards.

In four seconds, even if these NPCs and players are allowed to attack together, it is estimated that the problem is not big.

But can't be careless.

Now there is no bottom of the devil's shelter, Jiao Yuan concentrated a little bit of mind to observe the HP interface, and once the speed of decline was unexpected, he would release the dusk of the gods.

Equipped with invincibility for 60 seconds and random teleporting scrolls and other trump cards, Jiao Yuan didn't panic at all.


While the Night Guards were acting, the surrounding Demon Race players also learned that Jiao Yuan was under control, and their eyes lit up!

"Twenty seconds... Fuck! Brothers, good opportunity, let's gather fire together!"

"Kill, look at my magic ball technique!"

"Chong Chong Chong, hurry up and output wow!"

With so many players around, many of them have control skills, but due to the high resistance of Jiao Yuan's abnormal state, these control skills are basically immune.

Their battle information interface does not display the result of abnormal state determination.

At this time, I honestly thought that Jiao Yuan had fallen into a 20-second immobile time!

Who can stand this opportunity?

No output at this time, when will you wait?

Hidden in the periphery not far away, Bigir was also a bright spot when he saw it.

"Opportunity here! Command all the members, give it to me!"

Bigir can be said to be the player who most wanted to send Jiao Yuan to death, none of them.

Seeing that the NPC was so powerful at this time, he couldn't bear it. After instructing the guild members, he immediately swept towards Jiao Yuan, who was surrounded by the crowd!

Because of the short distance, I kept up!

For a time, countless skills were shining at the gate of Blood Moon City!






Numerous numbers emerged from the top of Jiao Yuan's head.

The output of ordinary demon players is still a bit pitiful.

The NPC of the Night Guards basically hovered between 1000 and 2000.

Bigil's speed is very fast, and when he saw it, he quickly activated the real damage of the dagger, and the knife output 3000 points!

The quantity is too much!

The total HP of Jiao Yuan gradually decreases from 100%, and it drops by about 5% every second!

The players who participated in the siege did not know the amount of blood, but from the gradual progress of the task, they seemed to understand something.

Suddenly, I became even more excited!

"Kill, victory is here!"

"Kill Qianye, get the reward of the mythical quality treasure chest!"

After one second, Jiao Yuan HP: 95%

After two seconds, Jiao Yuan HP: 90%

After three seconds, Jiao Yuan HP: 85%

After four seconds, Jiao Yuan HP: 79%

The space prison of the dark night guards' combo skills made Jiao Yuan's HP recovery speed a decoration.

After only four seconds, it dropped to 79%!

The progress of demon players has also grown to 21%!

When many players were extremely excited, suddenly, Jiao Yuan raised the sword of dominance.

Suddenly, the players who saw this scene were stunned!

"What's the matter? Didn't it mean 20 seconds?"

"How many seconds have passed since?"

However, before they could figure out the doubts in their hearts, Jiao Yuan's long sword suddenly drew an arc of at least 270 degrees!

At the next moment, a snow-white sword light appeared!

Lv31-level nirvana cut!

(PS: I'm sorry, the two chapters have been updated in reverse, and now they have been corrected. I'm really sorry!)

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