Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 138 The power of a sword, all beings lose their color

Nirvana Slash is the one with the largest range among all Jiao Yuan's skills.

Lv9 Nirvana Slash, has a huge range of 2000X2000 meters, and 30 times the high attack power!

Every time a skill breaks through a multiple of Lv10, the skill's qualitative improvement will occur.

Before Jiao Yuan accepted Little Fairy and Gangzi as his apprentices, he wanted to upgrade his skills from Lv9 through the rewards of the apprentice system.

At this time, because of the improvement of many mythological quality equipment, it has directly become a terrifying height of Lv31!

Lv31 nirvana cut: release a 4000X40000 meter sword energy, the damage is 6200% of the basic attack power, and the cooling time is 24 hours!

Before facing ten god-level BOSS, Jiao Yuan didn't use this trick. Now facing tens of thousands of demon players and NPCs, he used it for the first time!

The effect can only be described in two words: horror!

A huge sword energy circling 270 degrees around the body shot out, and any targets encountered along the way melted instantly!





Uncountable numbers, this moment appeared in the range of Jian Qi's contact.

Whether it is the player or the night guard, all of them stared in horror, then either closed their eyes unwillingly, or turned into white light, and returned to the resurrection point.

The sword aura extended infinitely, and hundreds of thousands of demon players were present, and suddenly disappeared for a small amount!

The rest are all dull!

Even Jiao Yuan, who caused this blow, couldn't help but feel deeply moved!


"This is the nirvana slash, the road is completely extinguished!"

Lv31's nirvana cut, the effect is incredible!

This wave increased his merit points by 39,700, which means that 39,700 demon players died under Silent Slash!

Jiao Yuan didn't stop, preparing to continue cutting away at the remaining 90-degree players who were lucky enough to survive!

However, with a glance, he suddenly let out a surprise, and then he smiled.

Turning to the equipment that was exploded not far away is walking!


On the forum.

After Jiao Yuan used Nimie Slash, the melon-eating crowds lost their voices in shock!

This kind of terrifying attack range and attack power exceeds the understanding of all players in the whole server!

It took a long time for someone to speak with trembling hands.

"We and Dad Qianye, are they really playing a game?"

"My biggest attack range skill can only cover 10X10 meters...Compared with the Great Devil Qianye, it is simply dust!"

"Uuuuu~ Are there fifty thousand players who died under this sword?"

"Look at the screenshots, it's probably almost..."

"Too shocking!"

As long as the players who pay attention to Jiao Yuan, they all understand the existence of this skill.

But the level of Lv-31-level Silence Slash was beyond everyone's imagination!

The same attack mechanism as Lv9 is just a long-range sword energy with a huge coverage!

But the scope was doubled, and even at first glance, the dark night guards, a force composed of high-level NPCs, were all wiped out under this sword aura!

On the originally dense battlefield, a large piece of ground was instantly cleared!

Whether it’s the Demon players watching live or the melon-eating people who saw screenshots on the forum, there is only one thought in mind at this time-


It's too ridiculous!

Is there such a terrifying skill in "Original"?

Incomprehensible outrageous!

While shocked, I couldn't help but feel for the first time in my mind that this time the war triggered by Jiao Yuan's first killing of the NPC in Blood Moon City, maybe the ultimate winner is Jiao Yuan alone!


Blood Moon City resurrection point.

Among the countless demon players who spawned, Bi Gil was completely blank.

"Isn't it said that the control time is 20 seconds? Why is it so short?"

"Does the battle information deceive me?"

After a while, Bigir finally understood what had happened, and suddenly gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, Qianye's stamina is too high, or because he possesses the ability to reduce the abnormal state BUFF, it was reduced to 4 seconds!"

As the president of one of the top ten guilds, Bijir was also very knowledgeable, and as soon as his thoughts turned, he understood the reason.

It's just to understand it, and Bigil still finds it difficult to accept this result.

And there was a vague premonition in his heart.

"How high should this guy's physical strength be to reduce to 4 seconds? Unbelievable!"

"Terror of offense and defense, blood volume, blue volume, HP recovery speed, skills..."

"Do we really have a chance?"

The players were not Qianye's opponents, which was expected earlier than Jill, but for the first time he felt that the NPC power is not so reliable.

At least from the current results, the NPCs in Blood Moon City are vulnerable to a blow in front of the opponent.

Bijir gradually began to worry about whether Blood Moon City could stop Jiao Yuan's footsteps...

After thinking about it for a while, Bigil woke up suddenly, and quickly checked his own equipment and backpack inventory.

He died once, if unfortunately his equipment was revealed, it would be terrible!

However, at this look, his face changed drastically!

Mythical dagger, no more!

"I, I deliberately washed off the red name, how come?"

Bigir only felt weak.


It was the dagger that Bigil dropped that made Jiao Yuan change his mind!

Lv10-level mythical quality dagger, exuding a unique golden light all over it, looks like a standout among the equipment and items on the ground, Jiao Yuan can see it at a glance!

"Isn't this Bigil's mythical quality dagger? He was actually in the crowd that besieged me just now?"

"Haha, could this be the end of the rogue?"

Jiao Yuan smiled.

He didn't expect that Bigir would actually die under his Lv31 silence and sword aura.

Even more unexpectedly, the only piece of mythical quality equipment on his body would burst out with just one kill.

This coincidence made him very gratified.

"I don't know if this guy is lucky or unlucky...should be considered unlucky? After all, it is a dagger of mythical quality!"

If Bigir wants to be a tortoise, Jiao Yuan can do anything with him.

After all, Blood Moon City was his territory, and Jiao Yuan was really powerless looking for Bigir in it alone.

In order to protect the mythical dagger, Jiao Yuan also felt that Bi Jill would do so with a high probability.

It's just that I never expected that I would accidentally explode Bigir's mythical dagger in order to clear the scene!

This is fate!

"Bigill met me, it's unlucky!"

"Forget it, I won't target him anymore!"

Jiao Yuan decided not to pursue Bigil no longer.

Then, he looked at the many demon players around him who were still in a sluggish state, frowned, and said faintly:

"What are you waiting for while I'm in a good mood?"


As soon as Jiao Yuan's voice fell, the demon players around him suddenly reacted!

The terrifying Nirvana Slash just now is still vivid. For a while, all Demon players can't wait to grow four legs and flee to a distance.

As for the task?

Sorry, we are not strong enough, goodbye!

Jiao Yuan's slash of Nirvana has returned the sanity of this group of players again!

At this moment, a grumpy roar suddenly came from Blood Moon City!

"Humble human race, my City Lord Xin Haide of Blood Moon City, I can't spare you!"

(PS: One more chapter is added, I strongly recommend my friend online game Little Loli's new book "Beastmaster Evolution: From Being Summoned by Little Loli". This book is making its debut. I hope everyone can support it. The story of God, Xiao Xian'er is also chasing the book. Hehe.)

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