Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 139 Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine

Xin Haide didn't know where the immortal "Qianye" came from.

But he bears the curse of many demon gods, there is no doubt about this!

As the main city lord of a demon camp, you can ignore it if you don't see it, but when you see it, whether it is duty or belief, he can't stand it at all!

But the so-called knowing oneself and the enemy can win all battles.

At the same time, it is also to carry one's own identity.

Xin Haide plans to let the subordinate NPC to explore the strength, and then make plans.

However, the soldiers defending the city were all beheaded after only one face.

Tens of thousands of immortals are equally vulnerable.

This made Xin Haide very jealous of Qianye, and decided to send a dark night guard to conduct a trial.

The Night Guards are not only the most elite team in Blood Moon City, but also belong to the first-class army in the entire Demon Clan camp.

Although the number was only one thousand, Xin Haide thought that no matter how bad he was, he would be able to retreat.

However, I didn't expect that in just a few seconds, the night guards would be wiped out!

How does this make Xinhai De endure?

To know the complete destruction of the Night Guards, this loss he is also very distressed!

Therefore, as soon as I received the news, I hurried to the gate of the city!

When he arrived on the battlefield, Xin Haide became even more angry when he saw that the other side drew back the many immortal ones!

"Willlessly slaughter my army and people, do you think that my demons are no one?"

"The trivial human race... even if it is Sword Emperor Li Chungang, he dare not do this, who lends you the courage? Humph, today I will tell you to come and go!"

Xin Haide wielded a long sword angrily asked, and from afar, he activated his skills!

A light red steam enveloped Jiao Yuan and Xin Haide!

[Combat information: Bloodmoon City Lord Xin Haide releases the domain "Blood Demon World", the speed and attack power are increased by 50%, and you lose 97,000 HP per second! 】

[System Tip: Due to the battle, you found information about Xin Haide. 】

[Level]: Lv175 (Epic BOSS)

[HP]: 60 million / 60 million

[Attack]: 9.97 million

[Double defense]: 8.03 million

【Skill】:? ? ?

[Status]: Peak

A system prompts to swipe.

Jiao Yuan was not surprised but rejoiced.

An attack of .997 million, in front of his total HP of 12.8 million, can still bear it!

The appearance of Xin Haide made him very pleased.

Although the Lv175-level epic BOSS is powerful, the attributes are not enough in front of him.

Instead, because of the level difference, the passive effect of the title "Fearless Man" was triggered!

The title attribute of the person who never fears: Facing an enemy higher than his Lv5 level, every time the opponent increases by 1 level, all his attributes increase by 2%, with a maximum increase of 200%

After slaughtering players, Jiao Yuan is now Lv79, which means that all attributes are increased by 168%!

This is the basis for all passive BUFFs stacked up, multiplied by 1.68 times!

It is no exaggeration to say that they can be compared with the attributes of the original Lv200 mythical final demon god!

Only two words can describe——


Jiao Yuan grasped the sword of dominance and provoked confidently:

"After playing for so long, you finally stopped being a turtle! Don't worry, I will send you to heaven!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed up directly!

"How courageous!" Xin Haide seemed to be irritated, "this city lord will come to learn, how good is your strength!"

Xin Haide also had a sword, and couldn't ask for Jiao Yuan's melee combat request. He didn't retreat after speaking, and rushed forward!



In an instant, the two sides joined together!

The huge power caused the dust on the surrounding ground to rise like a whirlwind, blocking the line of sight.

The surrounding demon players suddenly stopped.

"Fuck, the city lord has taken action!"

"Now Qianye is dead!"

"Yes, if you dare to be arrogant in front of the lord of a city, Qianye is really tired of living!"

"I am starting to be curious now, you said Qianye was killed by the city lord, is our mission still complete?"

The demon players laughed happily.

In their opinion, the City Lord of Blood Moon City is synonymous with invincibility!

Qianye Great Devil is naturally invincible, but can players compare with advanced NPCs?


Qianye is dead!

Thinking of this, the Demon Race player suddenly swept away the previous decadent and panic state, staring wide-eyed, waiting to see the city lord Xin Haide beheading Qianye, and raising the power of Blood Moon City for them!

However, at this look, his face suddenly changed!

On the court, Jiao Yuan and Xin Haide played very briefly.

The huge difference in attributes prevents Jiao Yuan from even having to turn on the full firepower state, just using "dragon impact, water moon god dance MAX" and other small skills with a very short cooling time, it is enough!

As soon as he fought, Xin Haide fell into a disadvantage instantly.

On top of his head, huge numbers such as "-3.1 million, 3.6 million" and so on are constantly popping up!

In just five seconds, the total HP of 60 million was knocked out by 95%!

And the damage he caused every time he focused far away, except for the 1 second invincible time of dodge cut, it was just a pitiful "-61 million, -770,000", etc., not exceeding one million!

Coupled with the blood-sucking effect of 30% of the skill damage of the fourth skill of Domination Sword [Strike], Jiao Yuan's HP has hardly moved!

The epic-type BOSS of Lv175, in front of him is as safe as a baby who can just walk!


After the sixth second, Xin Haide used a repulsive skill to bounce Jiao Yuan away!

In this way, the situation on the battlefield is clear at a glance!

Jiao Yuan looks relaxed!

Xin Haide was covered with several huge wounds, standing in place, breathing heavily, as if he was about to die!

Seeing this scene, the players present were all stunned!


"City Lord, is actually going to die?"

"I'm going crazy, it's incomprehensible, why is Qianye so strong? Is there a law of heaven? Is there a king's law?"

"Dogecoin Qianye, I found the proof! You still said that you are not the incarnation of GM?"

"No wonder we died so miserably, we are not wronged!"

What I thought was a one-sided battle really happened!

However, the situation that many Demon players thought was reversed.

This player VS City Lord battle seems to be about to end with the player's victory!

Realizing this, all players are instantly calm!

Someone wants to post this scene to the forum to share, but the battlefield has changed again, making everyone intently watching!

Seeing that Xin Haide was dying, as if he had made some decision, he suddenly inserted the long sword into his abdomen!

He chanted:

"I would like to use flesh and blood as a lead, and soul as a sacrifice, to summon—"

"The master of the great devil, the true gods that exist in the world, the belief of the demons, the pinnacle warrior of the entire continent-the lord of the abyss!"

When Jiao Yuan spoke, he already felt bad.

For the first time, it rushed towards him like a cannonball.

Want to kill him!

However, at the same time that the sword of his dominance pierced Xinhaide's head, the other party smiled softly.

"Under the Lord of the Abyss, come to realize!"

[Combat information: Xin Haide releases "sacrifice", loses all current HP, and summons the projection of the Lv180 mythical BOSS Abyss Lord! 】

(PS: Chapter 137 and Chapter 138 have been reversed in order. Now they have been corrected. There are six chapters in total today. Thank you for your support. You can go back and click on Chapter 137. Now it has been corrected. I'm really sorry.)

(In addition, I recommend my friend's new book "Beastmaster Evolution: Starting from Being Summoned by Little Loli". I saw someone asked me what is the relationship with Little Loli. Haha, please tell me, let's make up for it yourself!)

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