Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 140: The Terror of the Lord of the Abyss

Even if it is because of frequent accidents on the battlefield, there are still demon players who are calm and have the idea of ​​watching the theater, and a series of happenings are immediately released.

Soon, there was a lot of discussion on the forum.

"I'm going, the labor and management thought that the city lord of Blood Moon City Shilaozi was very strong, but he was fucked to the ground in a few seconds!"

"Disappointed, it's not enough to watch, I hope the NPC is stronger..."

"The boss summoned by the City Lord of Blood Moon seems to be very strong. I hope that he is not strong outside and doing it in the middle."

"Papa Qianye's combat power has once again broken through my imagination. He is now slaughtering the entire demon clan by himself. I am not surprised!"

"It's too cruel, the entire city's NPCs and players are trembling in front of the Qianye Great Demon King."

When the City Lord of Blood Moon City played with great momentum, coupled with the blessing of his identity, almost all players thought that a real fierce battle was about to come.

However, no one expected the ending to be so dramatic.

Five seconds?

Or six seconds?

In short, no more than ten seconds!

Xin Haide, who came with vengeance, was directly killed by the Great Demon Qianye to the point of dying.

Fortunately, he used unknown means to summon new NPCs, and it seemed that the battle was not over yet.

The expectations of the players have maintained a lot.

From the beginning to the present, the number of NPCs and players who died under Jiao Yuan's hands is estimated to have been around 70 to 80,000. Among them, the NPC camp that has been given high expectations by demon players is estimated to have died more than 10,000.

As a result, many melon-eating players have a direct decline in the senses of the NPC camp.

Even if the newly-appearing NPC seems very strong, almost no one thinks that the Great Devil Qianye will lose.

This is the result of Jiao Yuan's step-by-step change of the concept of all players.

Contrary to the mood of the people eating melons on the forum, the Demon players in Blood Moon City all have a sudden change in mood.

Especially Prince Bigir, and the Dark Lords Guild where he is.

We must know that he not only lost the only mythical quality dagger, but also the members of the guild, the number of members who died under that Lv31 slash in Jiao Yuan was also more than 10,000!

The loss is immeasurable!

Not to mention that the equipment was exploded, and the more than 10,000 players who wanted to eliminate the weak state had to spend a total of more than one million gold coins.

Even the Dark Lord who served one of the top ten guilds could not bear it.

Therefore, the player who is most dissatisfied with the game situation is Bi Jill himself.

After he was resurrected, he quickly reached the wall of Blood Moon City, watching the battlefield at the gate of the city from a distance.

Seeing that the city lord of Blood Moon City was beaten in a few seconds, he gritted his teeth with anger.

"Trash, Quante is trash!"

"An NPC city lord in the main city, with the highest combat power, can't beat a player who is less than Lv80, eat shit!"

"What's so special, which green onion is the new Lord of the Abyss? I hope it won't be so weak anymore..."

While talking to himself, Bigir was not only disappointed with the NPC, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a huge panic in his heart.

Regardless of the outcome, judging from the situation of this battle, Jiao Yuan's displayed combat power is a powerful enemy that their Dark Lords Guild cannot deal with anyway.

I am afraid that at least one more year will be possible to catch up.

Realizing this, Bigil's heart is not desperate.

After all, their dark monarch guild is developing, and Qianye is not standing still.

At this rate of development, after a year, Qianye is afraid that he will be invincible directly.

Whether it is a player, an NPC, or a high-level BOSS, in front of him, all are not enough!

How does this make Bigil take revenge?


Deep despair!

Thinking of this, Bigil seemed to have lost his energy and spirit, and his whole body was limp.

The reason why I didn't escape on the spot was that I still retained the last glimmer of hope.

I hope this NPC that just came out can kill Qianye and then explode his equipment!

It's just that if he knew that Jiao Yuan not only had the capital to oppose the enemy, but also controlled the [Random Teleportation Scroll], and could leave the battlefield at any time, he would definitely be completely desperate.


On the battlefield.

Jiao Yuan looked at each other carefully.

The newly summoned Lord of the Abyss is just a projection.

It has wings on its back, is at least five meters tall, and is surrounded by black mist, and it can't see its face.

The weapon in his hand is a dark red magic wand. Looking from a distance, it makes people feel very uncomfortable and full of ominous aura.

On the whole, it looks like a fallen angel in the legend.

Jiao Yuan used a reconnaissance technique--

【Lord of the Abyss·Satan (Lv180 Mythology)】

【attack:? ? ? 】

【defense:? ? ? 】

【Skill:? ? ? 】

【equipment:? ? ? 】

[Remarks: The projection summoned by Xin Haide with life and soul has only 50% of the attributes of the main body of the abyss. It can ignore any damage and only lasts for 60 seconds! 】


Offensive and defensive attributes are all question marks, which is not beyond Jiao Yuan's expectation.

The main thing is the explanation in the last column.

After reading it, Jiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Other players don't know, but because of the previous mission ‘Devil’s Pursuit of the Faction’, I know that the Lord of the Abyss is the current master of the Demon Race, and his status is equivalent to the Emperor of the Human Race.”

"This kind of guy who has the highest status in the whole camp must be very difficult to deal with, I am actually not sure!"

"It's fine now, no matter how high his output is, in short, it only lasts for 60 seconds, it's nothing to worry about!"

Jiao Yuan looked at his equipment.

Seven pieces of mythical quality equipment in his body give him 60 seconds of invincibility.

In other words, just by turning on the invincible state, you can safely pass the projection of the Lord of the Abyss.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"This task-eliminate the danger ahead of time, it should be stable!"


The projection of the Lord of the Abyss will take at least five seconds.

Jiao Yuan wanted to interrupt, but Xin Haide was in an invincible + uninterruptible state during the summoning process, so he just tried a few tricks and stopped.

After five seconds, Xin Haide languished on the ground.

A prompt came from the system——

[Congratulations on completing the first stage of the mission "Eliminate the Danger in Advance", killing the Lord of Blood Moon City, Fan Haixin, rewarding 10,000 free attribute points, 10,000 prestige, and epic quality treasure box X1. 】

The first stage task, complete!

At this moment, Jiao Yuan just glanced at it.

The mind of the whole person is still firmly nailed to the body of the Lord of Abyss Projection!

The cooling time of the equipment's invincible effect is too long. The more it gets to the current stage, the more Jiao Yuan feels the preciousness of this unreasonable skill, and he is unwilling to use up all of it.

It's like the sword of destruction, he has always kept it in his hands!

Soon, the Lord of the Abyss will move!

I saw him gently waved the magic wand in his hand, and didn't see much movement. Suddenly, a black light flashed out of Jiao Yuan's body!

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