Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 142 Chapter 142: Threat from the Lord of the Abyss, Mission Complete

On the battlefield.

Unconsciously, the projection time of the Lord of the Abyss was only the last five seconds left.

He looked at Jiao Yuan's gaze, and gradually turned from being indifferent to surprise.

With only the last four seconds left, he stopped his hand!

"Very well, I haven't met your interesting human race for a long time." The Lord of the Abyss looked at Jiao Yuan deeply, as if to remember him, "Is he still the immortal? Interesting, interesting, haha Haha~"

At the last moment, as if the consciousness of the real body descended!

"So? What are you going to do?"

Jiao Yuan's scalp is a little numb, but as the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose, he bit his scalp and said.

The expression is quite calm.

"I already knew your name, Edmund, they were all killed by you, right?"


Jiao Yuan admitted openly.

Edmund was the first mythical boss he killed when he entered the territory of the Demon Race, so he was a bit impressed.

The remaining nine, because they are all spikes, and there is no more nonsense, they don't have much impression.

"Very well, you are very courageous, and I admire an opponent like you!" Abyss Idea said profoundly: "Hope, you can bring me a pleasure from success in the days to come!"

After speaking, his projection disappeared suddenly!

The prompt of the system came in time——

[The temporary mission "The Pursuit of the Demon Camp" has been changed to "The Pursuit of the Lord of the Abyss"! 】

[Content: The Lord of the Abyss senses your outstanding combat power through the projection, so he decides to recall the subordinates who have been sent to chase you down, and prepare to do it himself, please survive for at least one month! 】

[Task rewards: 100,000 free attribute points/prestige, 10 world legends, mythical quality treasure box X5! 】

Jiao Yuan: "..."

After reading the content of the task change, Jiao Yuan's heart sank straight down!

"Lord of the Abyss, the Dogecoin, bullied me at Lv79 with Lv180, why is he embarrassed? There is a kind of waiting for me for half a year, and see if I can compare in seconds!"

Although the rewards after the task change made Jiao Yuan very excited.

But when you think about it, you know that the difficulty will inevitably increase many times!

One hundred thousand prestige and free attribute points, plus five mythological quality treasure chests, and ten world legends...

It is actually more difficult than this one-person VS one-city mission!

Jiao Yuan had to worry.

The strength of the Lord of the Abyss is also incredible.

A projection has a basic attack power of more than 20 million.

What about the real body?

There must be more than 45 million, right?

In addition, the various passive BUFFs of the Lord of the Abyss...Is it afraid that it will exceed 100 million?

Then think of the various unknown skills that exist with Lv180 mythical strength...

At this time, Jiao Yuan’s mood can only be described in one word--


"Forget it, I won't have a big deal in the future!"

"Although it is highly probable that you won't be able to play, if you escape, you should still have some hole cards!"

Jiao Yuan took a deep breath, which made the mood barely calm down!

Soon, he looked in the direction of Blood Moon City!

"The requirement of the mission'Eliminate the Danger in Advance' is to kill all the NPCs sent by Xin Haide, which means that I don't have to slaughter the NPCs in the entire Blood Moon City. This is a lot easier!"

"Um... there are tens of thousands of NPCs following Xinhaide, kill them all!"

Jiao Yuan made up his mind and rushed to the NPC at the gate of the city!


Now that the battle has come, it’s trash time in fashionable terms.

Xin Haide, the highest combat force in Blood Moon City, was killed, and the rest, in front of Jiao Yuan, were more like chickens and dogs.

Except for Xin Haide's loyal subordinates, no other NPC in the city chased them out again!

And Jiao Yuan was actually unwilling to enter Blood Moon City.

After all, it is one of the twenty main cities of the Demon Race. It is not known how many years have passed since its establishment. It is estimated that there are mysterious and unpredictable methods such as a great defense formation, and Jiao Yuan is not willing to take risks.

This is not necessary.

Anyway, slaughter all the NPCs in front of the city gates, and the task will be completed!

One minute later, the system sent a prompt;

[The second phase of the task "Eliminate Dangers in Advance" has been completed, rewards 50,000 free attribute points, 50,000 prestige, and mythical quality treasure chest X1. 】

ten minutes later--

[The task "Eliminate the danger ahead of time" has completed the third stage, rewarding 100,000 free attribute points, 100,000 prestige, and mythical quality treasure box X2]

At this point, the task is complete!

[System reminder: Blood Moon City has suffered heavy losses and entered the state of lockdown. You have completed an unprecedented feat. You will receive an extra 100,000 prestige/free attribute points, 5 world legends, and 1 mythical quality treasure chest. A full server announcement will be made soon, may I ask Did you hide your name? 】

Having been watched by countless people, Jiao Yuan nodded without hesitation! ‘’

next moment--

[Full server announcement: The player "Qianye" killed Blood Moon City Lord and many NPCs alone, causing Blood Moon City to enter the state of lockdown, rewarding 100,000 prestige/free attribute points...]

[Full server announcement: The player "Qianye" killed Blood Moon City Lord and many NPCs alone, causing Blood Moon City to enter the state of lockdown, rewarding 100,000 prestige/free attribute points...]

[Full server announcement: Player "Qianye" alone...

Three icy full-server announcement sounds, like a twelfth level tornado, swept the entire "Original" world!

"I'll go, one hundred thousand free attribute points? I look stupid!"

"It's so peculiar, and all the attributes of labor and capital combined, it's less than two thousand... I want to die!"

"Hey, if Dad Qianye had 1% strength, I wouldn't be so miserable!"

"One person VS one city's NPC combat power, who would have thought that one person actually won!"

"As expected of my Qianye father, always refreshing my upper limit, unfathomable!"

Most of the players on the full server can't help but talk.

Excited for this unprecedented battle, one after another has a feeling of seeing the world.

Contrary to these melon-eating crowds, the Demon Race players in Blood Moon City are not so happy anymore.

Even, on the contrary!


[Bloodmoon City Regional Announcement: The lord of the city died, a large number of combat NPCs died in the city, the blood moon city formation was opened, and the city entered the locked state after ten minutes. In the closed city state, players are not allowed to be in the blood moon city freely, and the release time is uncertain! 】

The same is the three system announcements, all the Demon players who belong to the Blood Moon City begin to scold their mothers!

"Dog Ri's NPC, is this being beaten to autism?"

"Hastily, the city is so closed, how can labor and capital level up?"

"I don't have the ability to withstand pressure at all, and I don't deserve to be the main city!"

"Brothers, why are you talking nonsense? The countdown is only ten minutes, so why don't you rush to other main cities?"

"Uuuuu~ I don't have enough gold coins to send, which big brother lends me 50 silver coins? Kneel and thank you!"

The players in Blood Moon City suddenly became a mess.

Everyone ran to the teleportation array in unison.

And if the gold coins are not even enough for the transfer fee, hurry up to buy consumables and prepare to stay out of the city for wandering!

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