When a person is tough to a certain height, no one will protest even if it harms the interests of others.

Jiao Yuan is now talking about this situation.

He beat Blood Moon City to a state of lockdown, and the leveling and survival of millions of players in the city have a huge impact.

The vast majority of players, not only did not resent him, but blamed the NPC for not doing well, and the main city's poor endurance!

Isn't it just that a city lord died?

What are you doing?

Is this autistic?

The ability to withstand stress is too bad, you need to exercise!

However, they had no time to spit at this time. Under the state of lockdown, three million players were in a mess, looking for a way out.

As for the player with the lowest mood in the entire city, Prince Bigil is none other than Prince!

At the beginning, he was awarded the first mythical quality dagger in the whole server. Although it was Lv10, the unrivaled joy of the game is still fresh in his memory.

At that time, he was swollen thinking that he could really replace Qianye and become the number one in the new full server!

Therefore, I posted to the forum to provoke!

But how long has it been?

How come it has fallen to such a downfall?

Bigil looked sad.

Not only the only mythical quality equipment was lost, but the loss to the guild was equally huge.

The death of more than 10,000 members was caused by his command, which had a negative impact on his commanding ability.

If you want to restore the image in the hearts of many members, you should spend at least millions of gold coins to compensate, and the entire Dark Lords Guild will be hurt!

And this is not the main thing.

The most important thing is that the enemy's strength makes him unable to resist a trace of resistance!

"If it wasn't so swollen at the beginning, it would be great not to provoke Qianye!"

"Or, after he issued a PK agreement on that condition, he was not so greedy and had a good ending!"

"Unfortunately, in the words of Chinese people, one step is wrong, one step is wrong..."

Prince Bigil regrets that his intestines are almost blue.

I can't wait to travel through more than ten days ago, slap myself a hundred slaps, let myself not be so swollen!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world to buy.


The change of the new mission has caused the NPC to be hunted down from a miscellaneous fish to a terrifying existence like the Lord of the Abyss.

The Lord of the Abyss is the ruler of the Demon Race, and maybe he will arrive in Blood Moon City at some point.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan Jiao Yuan did not dare to stay in Blood Moon City for long.

After tidying up, he left directly!

A total of 260,000 free attribute points awarded for this mission were all added to agility.

The basic agility attribute has changed from 2.89 million to 3.15 million!

The increase in agility not only makes the attack speed faster, but also improves the movement speed.

This made Jiao Yuan's speed faster.

And now Jiao Yuan's equipment basically doesn't need to be replaced anymore, so all the four mythical quality treasure chests he rewarded have survived.

He is going to keep it for later when the level rises, and when he needs to update the equipment, he will fire it together.

Soon, Jiao Yuan left in the opposite direction of Blood Moon City.

"The chasing mission of the Lord of the Abyss will take a full month!"

"For such a long time, it is impossible for me to go back to the human race for safety reasons, so the original plan remains unchanged, and I will complete the main task!"

Made up his mind, Jiao Yuan moved forward to the position of the eleventh demon prince!

After three days, start the system announcement again!

[Full server announcement: The player "Qianye" kills the Lv75 mythical BOSS plague god Hill for the first time, gaining 5000 reputation, 5000 free attributes, and 1 world legend. 】

Two days later, I announced again—

[Full server announcement: The player "Thousand Nights" kills the Lv77 mythical BOSS Blood Moon ancestor Keynes for the first time, gaining 5000 reputation, 5000 free attributes, and 1 world legend. 】

The more you get to the back, the higher the level of the god BOSS you encounter.

It's a pity that these mythical BOSSs are in a state of recovery, and almost no valuable equipment has been released.

Jiao Yuan murmured a few words, then ignored it.

Because now, the three-headed hell dog Xiaohei successfully hatched out——

【Mount · Black (Hell three-headed dog)】

【Level: Lv40】

【Level: Myth】

【HP: 3 million】

[Physical/Magic Attack: 400,000]

[Physical/Magic Defense: 320,000]

[Riding movement speed bonus: 240%]

[Skill 1 Thunder and Lightning Rain]: The three-headed dog in the hell has the middle thunder attribute head, which releases lightning attacks within a radius of 500 meters. Skill damage: 1200% of the basic panel, cooling time: 60 seconds

[Skill 2 Ice and Snow World]: The left ice attribute head of the three-headed dog in the hell releases an ice thorn attack covering a radius of 200 meters, skill damage: 1200% of the basic panel, cooling time: 60 seconds

[Skill 3 Magma World]: The fire attribute head of the three-headed dog in the hell will release a magma attack covering a radius of 200 meters. Skill damage: 1200% of the basic panel, cooling time: 60 seconds

[Skill 4 Sacrifice]: The three-headed hell dog can sacrifice 10% of its own health and increase its basic attack power by 300% within two minutes.

[Skill 5 Yukong]: The three-headed hell dog can fly for a short time (maximum 1 minute), and the cooling time is 3 minutes.

[Special Moves·Vitality Bullet], the three-headed dog of the hell releases stored energy to carry out a devastating blow to the target within the range of 200X200. Skill damage: 4000% basic panel, cooling time: 24 hours.

[Myth Aura]: After being summoned, it can help the owner to withstand 30% of the damage.

[New ability after advanced]: You can control the size of the shape at will!

[Status]: Upgradeable

[Remarks]: Dark mythical creatures have the potential to evolve when used as mounts.


Higher moving speed!

Attack and defense, HP, and skill damage increased by more than three times!

Short flight ability!

You can control the size at will!

And the new ones, help the owner to bear 30% of the damage tolerance!

"It's worthy of being a mythical-quality BOSS template. It's too strong!"

Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up, a little slapped.

Immediately, Xiao Hei was summoned without hesitation.

"Master, I feel so powerful!"

As soon as Xiao Hei came out of the mount space, he immediately cheered.

A body of ten meters high, black flames burst out of his body, letting it out, it can scare a child to cry.

But this terrifying creature, with three ferocious heads, showed a smirk.

The three-headed dog of hell never thought that he would actually have a day of advancing to the ranks of mythology. Looking at Jiao Yuan, he was full of gratitude and joy!

"Originally, in order to survive, I was wronged by my master. I thought I would be tired to be a cow and a horse, but I didn't expect it to be so easy! Except for being a horse and running around, I almost sleep in the space, so comfortable!"

"Moreover, it can actually be advanced..."

"It's so fragrant to find the master of the immortal!"

At this time, the three-headed dog of hell is not only because of the contract, but also willing to be Jiao Yuan's mount from the bottom of my heart!

Jiao Yuan stepped hard and instantly jumped onto Xiao Hei's back.

"Next location, let's go!"

"Okay, master, sit down!"

One person, one mount, instantly disappeared in place.

I don't know how long it took, a tall figure appeared in this spot.

It is the Lord of the Abyss!

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