Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 145 Singled out the lord of the abyss, the girl's hydrogen balloon

Jiao Yuan is very happy with the emergence of new features of the game.

But the voice behind him made him feel less refreshed, and he was even taken aback.

Who is it that said this kind of words like a grudge in a low male voice?

Jiao Yuan turned his head stiffly, the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank!

What appeared in front of him was a huge humanoid creature with a body height of six meters!

He was surrounded by a black mist, his blood-red eyes were like the cruelest prisoner in hell, and a wing full of black feathers slowly stirred behind him, making him float in the air!

This creature like a fallen angel is indeed the Lord of the Abyss himself!


"Once there was only 50% projection, it was very difficult for me to deal with it, but now with a 100% strength ontology, it's even more difficult!"

Jiao Yuan's heart sank to the bottom, silently clenching the weapon and shield in his hand.

The strength of the Lord of the Abyss is undoubtedly an Lv180-level mythical creature, second only to the Lv200 final demon god, and one of the top BOSS in the entire "Original" world!

Jiao Yuan just had confidence in himself again, but after all he was less than Lv80, he still had no idea.

Especially when he faced his projection a few days ago, it was even worse.

However, Jiao Yuan is not prepared to admit counsel if he loses or does not lose.

On the surface, the disparity is indeed not small, but who is the ultimate winner can only be known after the battle!

Moreover, even if he can't beat it, he who has the [Random Teleportation Reel] has no problem trying to run!

"When I met in person, I realized how strong you are!"

"very nice!"

In the silence, the Lord of the Abyss took the lead to speak, and his gaze at Jiao Yuan contained appreciation, "Think about it, do you want to reincarnate into our demon clan camp? I will give you the second highest position in the clan!"

[System reminder: You trigger the temporary mission "The Recruitment of Satan, Lord of the Abyss"]

[Content: Satan thinks that you are very strong, and has the heart to cherish talents, and is ready to transform you into a demon creature! 】

[Remarks: After being converted to the demon clan camp, all the prestige/contributions/tasks currently owned by all the clan will be cleared, please consider carefully! 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

Second only to the Lord of the Abyss, second in the clan?

This temptation can be said to be full of sincerity.

But Jiao Yuan curiously said: "I have killed so many god-level creatures, and killed a major city lord and many demons. Do you want to recruit me?"

"Of course, the weak are not qualified to protest, they just have to accept my arrangement!" The Lord of the Abyss said nonchalantly, "Besides, the gods will not die and will be resurrected again soon!"

Cruel and ruthless!

It reveals a bit of mystery again!

Will the demon gods be resurrected again soon?

Jiao Yuan's expression was calm and tentatively asked: "How to resurrect?"

If he can figure out the cause, he wants to see if he can destroy the factor.

However, the Lord of the Abyss was not fooled. He shook his head, "You don't need to worry about this. You still answer me now, do you turn into a member of our demon clan?"

Without getting the information he wanted, Jiao Yuan sighed in disappointment.

However, he shook his head, [The Recruitment of Satan, Lord of the Abyss] mission, decisively decided whether or not.

Just kidding, a small position without any substantive benefits will make him give up his business in Human Race for a few months?


After clicking [No], the Lord of the Abyss seemed to know Jiao Yuan's choice and sighed inaudibly. His eyes were full of danger.

"I thought you were a wise man. Didn't you think you were so ignorant?"

Jiao Yuan raised the Sword of Domination in Yang's hand, and said solemnly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go to war!"

"Also, just to my liking!"

The Lord of the Abyss nodded, and as soon as the voice fell, he took the lead in sending out long-range skills towards Jiao Yuan!


The Demon Girl Hydrogen Balloon is a player who likes to wander around and enjoy the scenery of "Original".

She had also heard of the tragedy in Blood Moon City before, but was not interested.

Now she has arrived at a map called the Dead Forest.

This is a map where creatures above LV100 exist. If it weren't for the enhanced stealth skills of dark gold quality, she wouldn't be able to come to this place to kill her.

But the stealth skills of dark gold quality also have a huge disadvantage——

Others only need to spend mana to use the skill, but she needs to spend gold coins to use this skill!

Every minute of maintenance will cost 1 silver coin, which makes her very distressed.

You must know that the currency in "Original" is too difficult to save now. All the copper and silver coins she saved are mostly consumed by this skill.

On the way to go to the high-level map to watch the scenery, often because of the lack of copper coins, they are found by monsters and sent back to the city for free!

The hydrogen balloon doesn't care about the weak state after the death and resurrection. Anyway, she is just a salted fish player watching the scenery, and she has no desire to fight.

But she was sent back to the city for free when she watched it halfway through. This kind of thing also made her extremely irritable.

The reason is only because of one word-poor!

"It would be great if I had always had enough gold coins!"

The hydrogen balloon often sighed like this.

As if God knew her prayer, no, the game has suddenly been updated to version 2.0!

Other updates don’t matter, the only thing that interests the hydrogen balloon the most is the live broadcast function!

You know, according to the game system, the live broadcast can be rewarded by the audience!

This means that as long as the content is fascinating enough, there will be countless audiences watching it. If the base is more, can there be less rewards?

As a result, the hydrogen balloon that has just been updated will be live broadcast immediately!

It's a pity that there are too many players who have started the live broadcast. There is no bright spot in her salted fish, and very few viewers stop and watch.

In the live broadcast room, there were only trash fish in twos and threes.

While thinking about how to attract more audiences, the hydrogen balloon kept introducing.

"Hello, new viewers, the map under my feet is called Death Forest. This is an advanced map with level 100 monsters running everywhere!"

"Next, I will show you the scenery of advanced maps!"

The girl's hydrogen balloon introduced energetically, but the audience of trash fish didn't buy it.

"What? Appreciating the scenery? It's really boring!"

"Hehe, the anchor's voice is very nice, anyway, it's all salted fish players, why don't you just dance and have a look?"

Two barrage flashed by, and the face of the hydrogen balloon became slightly stiff.

At this moment, there was a huge explosion not far away!


The movement was so loud, as if the entire forest of death was trembling a bit!

The hydrogen balloon's eyes lit up, and he ran to the explosion site.

"This must be a high-level BOSS vying for territory. Audiences, this anchor will take you to see it!"

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