[Combat information: The Lord of the Abyss releases the skill "Dark Flame" on you, and is immune to your skill "Dodge Slash". 】

[Combat information: The Lord of the Abyss releases the skill "Power of the Abyss" on you, hits at the edge, and you lose 3.69 million HP! 】

[Combat information: The Lord of the Abyss releases the skill "Fatal Destruction" to you, and is immune to your skill "Dodge Slash". 】

[Battle information: You open the field of star power! 】


Countless battle messages came.

The Lord of the Abyss is indeed an Lv180-level mythical BOSS, and his strength is incredible.

Jiao Yuan has already entered the state of full firepower, and the CD of all skills is directly reduced by 80%.

In this way, the battle for the Lord of the Abyss was also at a one-sided disadvantage.

The reason is not only because the Lord of the Abyss has a skill like a magic machine gun, but more importantly, he is also a flying BOSS. He flies in the air at the beginning of the battle, and Jiao Yuan has too few skills to hit!

Fortunately, he summoned Xiao Hei to assist in the battle in time.

The mythical Xiaohei has a short-term flying ability, which prevents him from being completely passively beaten, and also has a certain ability to fight back!

-1.21 million!

-3.21 million!

-1.36 million!

-4.17 million!


Countless numbers emerged from the heads of two people.

Because of the change in the free mode, Jiao Yuan releases his skills as he wants without being affected by stiffness.

It only takes a second or two to knock out all the cool skills!

And the high CD skills such as Nirvana Slash and the Sword of World Destruction have been held in hand, ready to be used as a trump card!

"The sky is falling apart!"

Jiao Yuan jumped high from Xiao Hei's back and smashed at the Lord of the Abyss!

The Lv31-level Heaven and Earth Crack has a knockback effect. The Lord of the Abyss was caught off guard and was hit by his sword on the ground!


The giant trees within a radius of 500 meters were all shattered, and the earth cracked!

For the fifth attack, the [Strike] effect of the Dominator’s Sword is added, and the damage is doubled!

[Alid's Kenshin] Additional 10% real damage!


-4.44 million!

With so many bonuses, the output of more than 4 million was played. A high number rose from the head of the Lord of the Abyss, but compared to his 160 million total HP, it was only less than 2%!

That's right, this time the Lord of the Abyss came from the body, Jiao Yuan knew how abnormal he was!

【Lord of the Abyss·Satan (Lv180 Mythology)】

[HP: 160 million]

[Attack: 76.17 million]

[Defense: 61.99 million]

【Skill:? ? ? 】

【equipment:? ? ? 】

[Remarks: Heyday! 】

When he saw this information at first, Jiao Yuan almost thought he was dazzled!

You must know that even when facing the Lv200 mythical boss final demon god, the opponent's HP and panel are much lower than the Lord of the Abyss!

But when he saw that the [Equipment] column was a question mark, Jiao Yuan seemed to understand something.

"Does the advanced god BOSS also have equipment bonus effects?"

"This is really not good news!"

Jiao Yuan's heart sank to the bottom, and now the battle situation is very bad.

The difference between offensive and defensive attributes is too big!

Especially after being shot down to the ground, the Lord of the Abyss used another teleport to return to mid-air. And when Xiao Hei's HP was beaten to blood loss and had to reclaim the mount space!


I'm afraid I will lose!

Jiao Yuan sighed inwardly.

Looking at the master of the abyss who seemed to be enraged in the sky, he could only silently turn on the invincible BUFF of deified equipment!

When the Lord of the Abyss saw it, he no longer wasted effort, and he was ready to wait for the passage of his invincible time!

After a brief silence, the Lord of the Abyss slowly said: "Unexpectedly, your strength is actually so strong, and that the sword of dominance, you got it from who?"

"Thank you for the compliment, the source of the long sword... I won't bother you!"

Jiao Yuan said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Actually, I don't need you to say it, I can understand, because you still have that man's curse!"

Jiao Yuan understood that the Lord of the Abyss was talking about his state of being cursed by the final demon, he didn't speak, and he was thinking about how to end it.

Directly use [Random Teleport Scroll] to escape dingyly?

Jiao Yuan felt a little bit too embarrassed, at least he had to use big skills such as Nimbling Slash to talk about it!

At this moment, the two people present didn't know, a figure approaching quietly recorded the entire conversation!

This figure is the girl's hydrogen balloon!

"Oh my god, audience friends, I thought it was a high-level boss fighting each other. I didn't expect that it was Dad Qianye and the high-level NPC that once appeared in Blood Moon City!"

The girl's hydrogen balloon was stunned!

The battle between the Lord of the Abyss and Jiao Yuan was too fierce, and she did not dare to get too close, hiding a thousand meters away for live broadcast.

In fact, it wasn't just a dialogue, she quietly fumbled for a few seconds after Jiao Yuan played against the Lord of the Abyss.

Therefore, most of the battle process was also seen by the audience in the live broadcast room!

"Fuck, it's Qianye's father!"

"I originally admired the stalwart breasts of the girl's hydrogen balloon, but I didn't expect to see such a wonderful battle!"

"What a strong attack range, shocking!"

"I beg the anchor to get closer. It's too far away and I can't see clearly!"

Dozens of viewers flooded in the live broadcast room one after another. As long as newcomers come in, none of them are willing to leave.

The number is small, but every audience is excited, and the barrage sent out for a while, like snowflakes, is endless.

Who is Jiao Yuan?

He is the undisputed number one in all servers!

It has always appeared in the field of vision of all players in an invincible posture.

Not long ago, he completed the feat of single-handedly singled out an entire main city, which caused the Blood Moon City to enter a closed state.

May I ask such a strong person who is willing to leave when he is playing a high-level BOSS?

Especially the other side of the battle is the mysterious "Fallen Angel". Just a projection in the Blood Moon City forced Jiao Yuan and had to turn on the BOSS of invincible shameless tactics for 60 seconds!

This kind of battle is destined to be attractive!

So, taking advantage of the time when Jiao Yuan and the Lord of the Abyss temporarily stopped, the audience in the live broadcast room passed ten, ten pass.

The girl's hydrogen balloon also changed the title of the live broadcast room to 【Breaking! Live broadcast the stalemate battle between Papa Qianye and the senior boss] Such a fascinating title!

It didn't take long for the audience in the live broadcast room to start to increase by hundreds or thousands per second!

The new players thought it was a headline party, but before they had time to speak out, they fixed their eyes to see who was not their Qianye Dad on the screen?

As a result, another round of barrage broke out!

"Cool, I didn't expect to see the battle between Dad Qianye and the senior boss just after watching the live broadcast!"

"This new anchor has a promising future, watching the game + rewarding, I hope to continue to work hard!"

"Come on, Dad Qianye, kill him!"

"Hmph, I used to be a player in Blood Moon City, I hope that BOSS can do more and send Qianye back to the city for free!"

The barrage was densely packed, and Jiao Yuan in the distance finally fought against the Lord of the Abyss again!

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