Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 154 Plan to suspend the main mission and encounter the Lord of the Abyss

On the extremely cold ice field.

The figures of Jiao Yuan and Sailia appeared out of thin air.

"Wow, it's so cold here!"

Celia hugged her shoulders, shivering.

She is still wearing a short skirt!

Because she had died, and because Carlosso used too little power to resurrect her, Sailia had no strength except immortality and youth.

It's just equivalent to the leader of a task!

Jiao Yuan was silent for a while, and immediately used the authority of the dungeon lord to take out a set of [Christmas Fashion] from the dressing mall.

The red plush coat looks very festive on Salia.

"I will protect you during the time when you lose strength!"

Jiao Yuan solemnly promised.

Celia nodded happily, "Hmm!"

After speaking, Jiao Yuan summoned Xiao Hei, and jumped onto Xiao Hei's back in his arms.

Then look for the direction of the map, and ran away in the direction of the human race!

With his current strength, in the realm of the Demon Race, except for the Lv180-level Lord of the Abyss, other BOSSs can basically be ignored.

Even when facing the Lord of Abyss, Jiao Yuan has full confidence!

Therefore, the third ring of the main task has almost no difficulty for him.

Anyway, as of now, there are still 139 days of mission time left, which is quite sufficient.

The current main task is to bind [the core of Arad continent] to Qianye Town, and find ways to improve the progress of restarting the Arad continent, so as to improve one's strength in disguise.

So after a short period of thinking, Jiao Yuan decided to temporarily suspend the third ring of the main mission!

Besides, the rewards of this main quest are now despised by Jiao Yuan!

Mythical quality treasure chest?

Just kidding, Jiao Yuan lost interest in ordinary mythical equipment after seeing the equipment warehouse below Lv60 in the dungeon!

[Item: Ailand's Ultimate Dachi]

[Quality: ancient epic]

【Location: Taito】

[Equipment requirements: Lv60/Ghost Swordsman/Warrior]

[Physical attack power: 117,000]

[Magic attack power: 131,000]

【Power: 20,000】

[Agility: 20,000]

[Feature 1: All skills below Lv85 + Lv3! 】

[Feature 2: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to increase your own attack power by 15% for 60 seconds! 】


[Item: Wuxuan's Zhanpaku]

[Quality: ancient epic]

【Location: Steel Claw】

[Equipment requirements: Lv60/Fighter]

[Physical attack power: 123,000]

[Magic attack power: 121,000]

【Power: 20,000】

[Intelligence: 20,000]

[Feature 1: Output damage of own skills increased by 30%]

[Feature 2: When attacking, there is a 2% chance that all teammates will enter an invincible state for 10 seconds! 】


There are many similar equipment.

The equipment of ancient epic quality has really changed in the world of "Original".

The attributes are even better than ordinary mythological qualities of the same level, but the disadvantage is that they have fewer skills.

And if Jiao Yuan were not equipped with Lv77 or higher equipment, he would have to replace all the five-piece armor set on the left!

Of course, no matter how strong it is, it is much worse than the Lord's Sword of Lv180 mythical quality, so he is not going to change it on the right.

However, Lv60 level ancient epic equipment can be so good.

What if you succeed in being promoted to an intermediate and advanced dungeon lord, and get a higher-level equipment library?

Therefore, Jiao Yuan is no longer interested in ordinary mythical equipment.

"The main task is temporarily shelved and the task is put on hold. The top priority is to start the dungeon first!"

After making up his mind, Jiao Yuan took Sai Lia to sit on Xiao Hei's back, and swiftly galloped towards the territories of the human race!


After becoming the primary dungeon lord, Jiao Yuan's agility attributes exploded.

The speed of movement has increased accordingly!

And Xiao Hei's bonus is calculated based on his own movement speed, so the speed of movement is very fast!

After half a day, he crossed the extremely cold ice field.

It is worth mentioning that the only demon lord in this area was shot down by the way.

The process is very simple, almost a spike, making Jiao Yuan still unfinished.

After leaving the extremely cold ice field, bordering it is a map called [Jushang Desert].

Then, there are Death Forest, One Hundred Thousand Mountains, Yunmeng Swamp!

Jiao Yuan walked out of a straight horizontal line, encountered all the demon creatures on the road, and killed them all!

And when he was about to cross out of the death forest, suddenly, he was blocked by a figure!

It is the Lv180 mythical BOSS, the Lord of the Abyss!

"Hmph, I didn't expect to meet you again so soon, I have to say, your luck is very bad!" The Lord of the Abyss raised his mouth, "The last time I left was very precious, right? I want to see, this time. Can you still run away!"

When the Lord of the Abyss thought of the situation where he released the Forbidden Curse with confidence last time, but returned to no avail, Jiaoyuan had a huge killing intent.

This kind of thing that was successfully escaped by a creature far weaker than his own, if it were spread out, wouldn't it make his face dull?

Therefore, this time he will no longer ask for a big deal, and is ready to make a quick battle!

Coincidentally, Jiao Yuan also planned this!

"I have bad luck? No, you are wrong!"

"It's your bad luck!"

Jiao Yuan instructed Xiao Hei to take Celia and leave to the seat belt location, and then looked at the Lord of the Abyss with a smile on his face.

"Want to kill me? It's not what it used to be, brother!"

After speaking, he took out the revolver and shot a [Lv22 headshot] to be the first to throw it out!

call out!

The bullet flew too fast, the Lord of the Abyss had no time to make any response, and was directly hit on the eyebrows!


-11.99 million!

A terrifying number rose from the head of the Lord of the Abyss!

There is no blessing of passive BUFF, it is just a dry skill, directly broken 10 million!


This scene was seen by a demon girl player hidden in the dark, and it was broadcast live.


The girl's hydrogen balloon was a little troubled.

After a short period of fierce battle between the Qianye Great Devil and the Lv180 mythical BOSS before, the live broadcast room she opened was really hot, and she was even rewarded with a full 90 gold coins during the period, which made her happy!

Even if Qianye Great Devil left later, because he was a unique scenery player, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room remained above 10,000.

However, although there are a lot of people, there are too few rewards.

On average, every hour, there are not even ten copper coins!

"If this goes on, how can I earn coins by live broadcast!"

The hydrogen balloon thought with some annoyance.

Disheartened, he even stopped paying attention to the salted fish viewers in the live broadcast room.

I am also preparing to leave the dead forest and go to other places to enjoy the scenery.

However, in the process of leaving, she suddenly discovered that she had actually encountered the Mythical BOSS of Qianye against the Lv180 level!

"What a coincidence!"

The girl's hydrogen balloon hurriedly directed the live broadcast on the battlefield.

The scene that happened, not long after, caused a huge boil in the entire world region!

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