Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 155 Terrifying output, gorgeous skills

The blow of Jiao Yuan's gun on the Lord of Abyss caused the audience in the live broadcast room to boil.

"I'm going, it's the battle between the Great Devil Qianye and this high-level boss again? The host's luck is too good, right!"

"In just a few days, I can meet Qianye's father twice, awesome!"

"By the way, is this really Dad Qianye? Isn't he a fighter? What is in his hand? Revolver?"

"Fuck you, don't you say we haven't found out yet, what's the situation!"

"A shot of 11.99 million? I didn't see the flowers in my eyes, right?"

More than 10,000 viewers have doubted their eyes.

Because since Jiao Yuan appeared in the public's field of vision, he has always been a soldier's profession.

Because of the change of job Destroyer, even full server players understand how powerful this is a hidden profession.

One of the top ten guilds in the full server disregards the guild of the heroes, and it is also because of the desire to snatch the Destroyer's transfer scroll, so he is guilty of it.

And three days ago, Jiao Yuan's profession had always been a junior God of War.

This point is displayed on all the leaderboards.

But what do they see now?

This man, who has always been the peak representative of the full-server warrior's career, suddenly became a gunslinger unheard of before the full-server?

Moreover, a random skill, hitting the Lv180 mythical BOSS, actually hit 11.99 million horror output!

Suddenly, all the viewers in the live broadcast room of the hydrogen balloon were unable to remain calm.

"Is this the job of a dungeon lord? Horror!"


"Cannot understand!"

One by one, the audience was shocked and began to call friends and relatives.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to skyrocket at an incredible rate!

On the other side, the battle between Jiao Yuan and the Lord of the Abyss started to heat up!


[Headshot] The skill output is indeed terrifying.

But the defense of the Lv180 mythical BOSS, Lord of the Abyss, Satan's defense is not a display, and it is impossible to deal such a high amount of damage with simple skills.

Therefore, this is on the premise that Jiao Yuan has opened the BUFFs such as [Alid Sword Heart], [Alid Sword Eye], [Death Revolver], and [Silver Bullet] in advance.

11.99 million, which is equivalent to the final output of [Death Slash] when all the BUFFs are stacked before.

Very impressive!

"The headshot is just a small skill!"

"Small skills can achieve such a high output, and the spear god's great skills and even the awakening skills, don't you want to burst the table?"

Jiao Yuan felt his tongue smack secretly, a burst of excitement in his heart.

On the contrary, it was the bad mood of Satan, the Lord of the Abyss!

"What is this ability?"

The Lord of the Abyss stayed in place and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Gun God is one of the professions of adventurers in the Arad continent, but with the destruction of the Arad continent 100,000 years ago, all traces have long been lost.

In the background of the current "Original", it belongs to the era of demons and has almost no connection with technology such as firearms.

Even some incredible creations, such as the giant strengthening machine standing in the human imperial city, are nothing but heavenly creations.

But this is the talent of the heavenly race!

It is a related technology that every big person of the Celestial Clan can master.

So when Jiao Yuan, the human race, took out the revolver, the Lord of the Abyss was shocked.

Because this is a situation he can't understand either!

However, the damage he received reminded him to retain a sense of combat.

His outstanding insights and psychological qualities also helped him quickly recover!

Then, a strong idea appeared in his mind!

"As an immortal, he grows incredibly fast. Now coupled with an unprecedentedly powerful profession, just at a weak level, it even poses a fatal threat to me... No, he must be expelled to the Otherworld space. !"

At this moment, Jiao Yuan was already on the list of the master of the abyss.

Even in his heart, there was a trace of fear that he could not believe.

Realizing this, he was surprisingly angry!

You know, even facing the dark world master god who once controlled the world-the final demon god, he didn't feel horrible.

So the killing intent in my heart at this time is simply impossible to measure!


The Lord of the Abyss doesn't talk nonsense, and directly makes a big move!

With the wave of his wand in his hand, dark clouds rolled in the sky.

A jet-black whirlpool, and the darkest space in the whirlpool, gradually appeared!

The shot was the forbidden curse that made Jiao Yuan had to escape the last time!

[Combat information: The Lord of the Abyss releases the Forbidden Curse "Dark Space". If it hits in the first stage, you lose 5% HP per second! 】

This skill is too unreasonable!

Not only has massive output, it can even imprison Jiao Yuan, making him trapped in a dark space.

Before, he had to consume the precious [Random Teleport Scroll] because he couldn't deal with it.

But now and then, Jiao Yuan is not worried!

"Isn't it a controlling skill?"

"Hehe, the time to suck me into the dark space is enough for me to kill you, right?"

Jiao Yuan sneered.

Then, immediately fired up.

No reservations!

[Lv22 level shooting randomly! 】

[Lv22 double eagle roundabout! 】

[Lv22 mobile shooting! 】

The combined damage of each of these three skills is much higher than [Headshot]!

Frequent attacks in multiple periods made his passive skills [Composition], [Warrior's Profound Truth], and [Alid Sword Eye] quickly overlapped.

A bullet hit the head of the Abyss Lord, and the output was bursting!

Bang bang bang...

-1.12 million!

-1.13 million!

-1.19 million!


-267 million!

Multiple attacks make the HP of the Lord of the Abyss rush like a flood that opened the gate!

After the skill is released, it changes from 92% to 51% instantly!

The Lord of the Abyss couldn't ignore this kind of damage in a short period of time.

The rotating speed of the spiral nest in the sky gradually stopped!

Even in the end, disappeared!

[Combat information: The Lord of the Abyss actively interrupts the continuous input of magic power of the skill "Dark Space", and the skill disappears! 】

Jiao Yuan's eyes brightened.

"I didn't expect the BOSS's forbidden spell to be interrupted. This is an unexpected surprise!"

Without the threat of dark space, Jiao Yuan's safety is no longer a problem.

Looking at the disbelief of the Lord of Abyss, Jiao Yuan raised the corner of his mouth.

Release skills: Lv22 crazy slaughter!

Jiao Yuan held the revolver in both hands, struggling with his footsteps, and his whole body flew into the air in an instant.

The densely packed bullets completely shrouded the huge body of the Lord of the Abyss!

Every bullet burst out a blood red number!

-3.13 million!

-3.13 million!

-4.77 million!


As a first-level skill of the gun god profession, Crazy Slaughter not only outputs a burst of tables, but also the gorgeousness of the skill is also among the top batch of all 53 professions!

As Jiao Yuan finally ended with a snap of his fingers.

The HP of the Lord of the Abyss has dropped to 11%!

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