Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 156 Awakening skills are released in turns, and the whole server is shocked.

With bullets hitting the Lord of the Abyss.

The audience in the girl's hydrogen balloon live broadcast room fell into a sluggish state.

Everyone can't believe their eyes!

After Jiao Yuan released the [Crazy Slaughter] skill, all the audience in the live broadcast room opened their eyes.

Gorgeous skills!

Terrifying output!

The almost vulnerable Lv180 mythical BOSS!

All this shocked the audience.

Even the girl's hydrogen balloon hiding not far away forgot to speak.

After a long time, someone finally recovered!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

"What is this? I can't understand it at all!"

"Is this the real combat power of the Great Demon King Qianye? Horror!"

"Excuse me, how can I change my job to a junior dungeon lord? A correct answer will be rewarded with 500 gold coins!"

"Stupid anchor, don't hurry up and ask Qianye's father!"

"Great, great..."

The barrage in the live broadcast room, like snowflakes, is about to explode!

Audiences with good news posted the message of Jiao Yuan's appearance on the game forum from the very beginning.

Coupled with all kinds of pulling people, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room at this time has exceeded 100,000!

Only five seconds have passed and less than time!

You can imagine what kind of appeal Jiao Yuan has in the whole service!

After seeing this scene, the host girl of the live broadcast room, she silently decided to wait for Qianye's father to kill the boss, and then hurried up to talk to see if she could hold her thigh.

As for not being beaten?


Seeing such a terrifying output, no one doubted the result anymore.


On the battlefield, Jiao Yuan did not feel like the audience in the live broadcast room that the battle was almost over.

Although his output did explode, just releasing four active skills reduced the total HP of the Lord of the Abyss to 11%.

But after all, it is a high-level mythical BOSS with many cards!

At this time, as soon as the skill of [Crazy Slaughter] ended, the Lord of the Abyss immediately activated his defense capabilities!

With a light wave of his wand, a clear blue shield suddenly appeared on his body.

[Combat information: The Lord of the Abyss releases the skill "Magic Shield", which can absorb 200% of his own HP damage, and the shield lasts for 60 seconds! 】

200% HP is 300 million!

This shield is not so powerful anymore!

If you ask other players to push, in this case, you have to stop the output reluctantly and wait for the effect of the shield to disappear before you can continue.

However, Jiao Yuan was unwilling to wait for a full minute.

A [Crazy Slaughter] skill output is not enough?

Then come some more!

Jiao Yuan changed his costume in one second, switched careers, and started to output like crazy!

【Lv22 satellite ray】

【Lv22 Black Rose Special Forces】

【Lv22 Geboga's Fist】

First, the awakening active skills of the four professions after the sharpshooter changed his job!


【Lv22 Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship·Storm Style】

【Lv22 Seventh Ghost God·Cthulhu Blasiu】

[Lv22 Demon Prison Blood Bra! 】


【Lv22 Doomsday Storm】

Ghost swordsman, priest, magician, fighter.

All the sensation skills are released in one mind!

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield immediately covered the light of various skills!

The Lord of the Abyss had no choice but to withstand this level of attack, but could not find any chance to fight back!

The 300 million damage done by the magic shield was soon wiped out!

"Damn it!"

"Why is this immortal human being suddenly so terrifying?!"

"It's only a few days now?"

The Lord of the Abyss is shocked and angry!

The problem now is that it is not as simple as he wants to kill Jiao Yuan, but to see if Jiao Yuan is in the mood to let him go!

After the magic shield disappeared, with his current 11% HP, he couldn't hold it for a second at all!

Fortunately, as one of the strongest BOSS at present, he has a lot of life-saving skills!

With a wave of the magic wand, the whole person was immediately enveloped by a blood-red light.

[Combat information: Master of the Abyss releases the skill "Absolute Defense" and enters the 30-second invincible time! 】

Another life-saving skill?

Now that he was invincible, Jiao Yuan quickly stopped.

"Lv180 mythical BOSS is really not easy, but what's the use of being invincible in just thirty seconds?"

"I have the authority to transfer fifty-three professions. My skills are completely in the state of unlimited firepower, and coupled with the reduced CD state of the primary God of War, even the awakening skills can be released without interruption!"

Jiao Yuan sneered secretly.

Today, he will kill the Lord of the Abyss!

What Jiao Yuan said, no one is easy to come by, the Lord of the Abyss is dead!


In the live room of the girl's hydrogen balloon.

The number of viewers at this time has exceeded one million!

The millions of viewers who saw Jiao Yuan's series of skills were all in sight, without exception, they all boiled like they had exploded!

"Dad Qianye, what kind of profession is it?"

"There are guns, machinery, warriors, unarmed hands, sickles... and even a staff! Dad Qianye's weapons have changed so many, is this the incredible thing about mythical quality equipment?"

"Is the one upstairs stupid? This obviously has something to do with Qianye's father's career!"

"The primary dungeon lord is incredible!"

"If my combat power is 1 point, Qianye Dad's combat power is 1 million points!"

"This man is as terrifying as ever!"

The awakening skills of each major occupation have their own gorgeous special effects.

For example, the big gun's [Satellite Ray] is a huge white beam of light that almost penetrates the sky and the earth, flashing with thunder and lightning, moving on the ground, all the plants encountered along the way are all melted into powder!

【Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship·Storm Style】It has a different gorgeousness.

The twelve long swords float in mid-air, forming a sword formation, Jiao Yuan seems to be a sword fairy in the legend of God Brush, while the figure flashes, the sword energy cuts through the void!

[Black Rose Special Forces], summon four NPC characters carrying various guns to assist in the attack.

[Fist of Gaboa], a huge steel fist appeared out of thin air, knocking the Lord of the Abyss into the air!

Judo’s [Doomsday Storm], Valkyrie’s [War God’s Strong Kick], Elemental [Meteor Disillusionment]...

One by one, the awakening skills will ruin the surrounding environment where Jiao Yuan and the Lord of the Abyss are located!

All this stunned everyone in the live broadcast room!


Don't understand the reason!

At the same time, the inner shock cannot be added!

Moreover, these skills released by Jiao Yuan cover different professions, so the weapons have also been transformed into corresponding professions like swords, firearms, oriental sticks, magic wands, and so on.

It is simply incomprehensible!

And now because the Lord of the Abyss took the initiative to turn on Invincibility, Jiao Yuan, who suspended the offensive, actually maintained the awakening of Beyana's battle god professional-[transformed into Beyana]!

The five-meter-high body stood in midair out of thin air.

The horrible Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword in his hand, as if a god is alive!

All of this makes all players unable to understand!

Are they really playing the same game as Jiao Yuan?

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