Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 163 I still have 499 such professional quotas!

"Fuck, the basic attributes are so high? Too abnormal!"

"As a mage class, is it melee?"

"Your focus is wrong, just look at the skill introduction, I'm speechless!"

"Damn it, why..."

Because she was transferred to a mage class, all the assassin equipment on the hydrogen balloon was useless. The attributes she displayed now were the basic panels.

Attack power and four-dimensional attributes far exceed the basic level of players at this stage!

This stunned all the audience!

And the basic panel is just one of the most inconspicuous of all the shocking focus, on the personal panel of the hydrogen balloon, there is a detailed introduction of professional skills.

Lv1 Magic Shield: It can convert 20 damage received into MP, consuming 0.5% of MP per second.

Lv1 War Spear Mastery: Equipped with war spear weapons, you can increase 1% physical/magic attack power, 2% physical crit chance, and strengthen some skills.

Lv1 Stick Proficiency: Equipped with stick weapons, it can increase physical/magic attack power by 1%, magic crit rate by 2%, reduce skill cooling time by 2%, and strengthen some skills.

Lv1 Combo Mastery: Awaken the combo instinct of the battle mage, extend the time interval of combo, every 5 combos, increase the output by 1%, and stack up to 5 layers.

Lv1 dazzling pattern: the unique combat magic of the battle mage, when the attack is successful, the magic ball dazzling pattern that generates the condensed elemental power, the dazzling pattern exists for 30 seconds, and there are up to 7 at the same time. Each dazzling pattern has 160% of the basic magic attack power.

Lv1 dazzle pattern launch: launches the earliest dazzle pattern to the last target hit with a cooling time of 0.5 seconds.

Lv1 Skystrike: Physical attack 240%, generating light attribute dazzling pattern, cooling time 4 seconds.

Lv1 Dragon Tooth: Physical attack 240%, generating ice attribute dazzling pattern, cooling time 4 seconds.

Lv1 Falling Palm: Physical attack 360%, can be charged, the higher the charged, the higher the damage (up to an additional 200%), the fire attribute dazzle pattern is generated, and the cooling time is 6 seconds.

Lv1 Round Dance Rolling: Physical attack 360%, additional 0.6 second invincible state when used, generating dark attribute dazzling pattern, cooling time 6 seconds!


Lv1 Strike Meteor Flash: The pooled forces quickly launch 10 attacks to the enemy in front, and when released, they enter the domineering state, with 360% physical attacks for each attack.

Lv1 dazzle pattern strong pressure: concentrate all dazzle patterns generated on the secondary weapon, attack the ground in front and cause an explosion, 1320% magic attack power, 20X20 meter attack range, 40 seconds cooling time.

Lv1 Enhanced Stealth: It can perfectly hide its own breath, will not be found by monsters within 10 meters, and consume 10 copper coins per minute.


Super high skill percentage!

A CD with a very short cooling time!

You should know that at this stage, the percentage of professional skills of most players basically does not exceed 300%, and the CD is also very long, at least ten seconds or more.

Now that everyone sees the extremely high percentage of battle mage skills, everyone is looking straight, almost running out of water.

1320% of the Lv dazzle pattern is strong pressure...Well, my five skills can keep up with the one of the hydrogen balloon!

However, among these skills, BUFF, attack, and defense have everything!

The most important thing is that after being transferred to a combat mage, the original assassin skills of the hydrogen balloon still exist in the skill list!

A mage who can sneak, just ask if you are afraid?

All of this not only stunned the hydrogen balloon itself, but the audience in the entire live broadcast room also stared wide-eyed.

"Fuck, invincible, this profession is really terrifying!"

"One, two, three, four...Nineteen! There are nineteen master skills!"

"I took it, how about you guys? The dog anchor is lucky!"

"Dad Qianye, I also want to switch to a battle mage... Guiqiu, woo woo woo~"

One by one, the audience seemed to be incarnation of lemon essence, and they were not good at the good luck of the hydrogen balloon.

At the same time, there is a lot of focus, even if the hope is slim, how good is it if you can become the lucky one to change your job and hide your career?

I'm afraid I can wake up even in dreams!

The hydrogen balloon himself was speechless for a long time after watching the panel.

She never expected that, as a salted fish player, she would have such a wonderful opportunity!

This list of skills is really shocking!

The hydrogen balloon turned to look at Jiao Yuan beside him, his eyes could not help showing a grateful look.

"Thank you, Dad Qianye, for helping me change my job into such a powerful hidden career!"

"This great favor, I can't remember it. From now on, I will be Qianye's father, your most loyal little follower. I will do whatever you tell me to do, nothing more!"

Jiao Yuan smiled slightly, "Needless to say, it's just a small matter."

"No, it may be just a trivial matter in your eyes, but to me, it is a major event that changes destiny!" The hydrogen balloon said seriously.

Jiao Yuan nodded lightly when he heard the words, and was very satisfied with the interest of the hydrogen balloon in his heart.

As the second world of mankind, "The Beginning", if no accidents happen, all human beings in the future will always exist here.

Therefore, players with higher strength can be sure that life will be smoother.

With this attitude, the hydrogen balloon did not disappoint Jiao Yuan.

But Jiao Yuan didn't intend to make her grateful for all the time.

"Don't think too much, saying that a small thing is a small thing!"

"In your opinion, it seems to be a particularly precious hidden occupational quota, but I want to tell you that I have 500 such quotas temporarily... Oh, wrong, now it is 499!"

"In other words, I can allow 499 players to be converted into mages, sharpshooters, priests and other professions!"

"In the future, this place will be more!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hydrogen balloon grew out of surprise and his face was dull.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned!


At this moment, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is as silent as death!

Everyone wondered if they had auditory hallucinations?

499 places for hidden occupations?

There are still 499 jobs with such terrifying intensity as the hydrogen balloon?

And many viewers thought that the mage profession was not the only choice. When Qianye played against the Lv180 mythical BOSS not long ago, many professions changed.

For example, the sharpshooter who most of them like!

This elegant, handsome, gorgeous, and extremely high-output career!

A profession that has never been a second place in the world of "Original" before!

Now, they also have a chance to become a sharpshooter?

Isn't it amazing?

It took a long time before someone finally issued a barrage.

"Everyone, I heard that right? The Great Devil Qianye said there are still 499 places?"

"I thought I was the only one who heard the hallucinations. So, isn't it a dream?"

Realizing that what Jiao Yuan said was true, suddenly, the barrage exploded!

"I, I, I, I, I sign up, Qianye Dad, kneel for a place..."

"I'm a demon player, don't talk about it, go to the Death Forest now, Dad Qianye waits for me!"

"I'm an orc player, is Qianye boss going back to the human race? Oak, I'm going to the human race now!"

"In order to be a handsome sharpshooter, I will fight!"

"I want to transfer to a Paladin..."


One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Because of Jiao Yuan's words, all players on the server exploded!

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