Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 164 Super Equipment, Focus: Terran Thousand Nights Town

The horror of the battle mage skills are all seen by the audience in every live broadcast room.

For them, this kind of quota is tantamount to changing jobs and hiding occupations, and Jiao Yuan actually has 499 places.

No one would doubt Jiao Yuan's words, so all of a sudden, it attracted the attention of all players.

The hydrogen balloon at the scene finally recovered from the shock at this time. Hearing what Jiao Yuan said, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Daddy Qianye, I still have a good friend, can I give her a place?"

"can not!"

Jiao Yuan simply refused.

"...Why? 499, please reward my friend!"

The hydrogen balloon looked at Jiao Yuan with a pitiful expression. It seemed that the friend in her mouth had a good relationship with her.

But Jiao Yuan was not moved by it.

"I'm not doing charity, so you ask me to give it?"

"With these 499 places, I must take care of my guild members, don't think too much!"

"……All right."

The look of the hydrogen balloon was a little lost, but he didn't say anything more.

Jiao Yuan said that it makes sense, not for relatives or for reasons, why should you give a precious hidden career quota to your friends?

She was also dazzled by a series of surprises, so she asked rashly.

Now looking at the other party's somewhat displeased expression, how dare the hydrogen balloon speak too much.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, listening to Jiao Yuan's words, they were both lost and envious.

"Damn it, again is the welfare of the King's Landing Guild!"

"The players of King's Landing World Guild seem to be too happy, right? How do you say that, as expected, the choice is greater than the effort!"

"The thing I regret most in my life is that I didn't join the King's Landing Guild in the first time when I met the conditions..."

"Don't be sour with your lemon essence. Isn't it normal for Qianye's father to take care of the members of the guild?"

But the members of King's Landing World Guild were all excited.

In the guild channel, began to cheer.

"Dad Qianye is so good, he can always take care of us miscellaneous fish players."

"No, I will be a father for one day and a father for life. From now on, my father will only be Qianye!"

"President's father is ridiculous, mighty and domineering!"

"I look forward to, these 499 places, maybe there is one of mine!"

"I want to play Sharpshooter..."

At this time, the hydrogen balloon found another serious problem.

"Dad Qianye, the battle mage's profession is indeed very powerful, but where can the equipment go to fight?"

"Armor, leather/cloth armor, weapons...Where can I get them?"

"I can't always go without gear?"

After being transferred from an assassin to a combat mage, all the equipment on the hydrogen balloon could not be worn at this moment because of a mismatch in occupation.

Realizing this, the hydrogen balloon panicked.

His eyes were fixed on Jiao Yuan, looking forward to his answer.

"Um... I forgot to say that!"

Jiao Yuan thought for a while, and said: "No hurry, I took a mission. When I return to Qianye Town, I will get a copy of these equipment at that time, and there will be no shortage of equipment sources!"

"Really? Great!" The hydrogen balloon was relieved.

Although the matter of the player making a copy is unprecedented, it is incredible when I think of it, but Dad Qianye is not an ordinary player, and things that are beyond common sense are completely understandable.

Moreover, there is no need to lie to yourself.

You know, it's still live broadcast, it's absolutely impossible to talk nonsense.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be lying in front of hundreds of millions of viewers?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

At this time Jiao Yuan thought about it again, and suddenly took out a war spear from the lord's warehouse.

"Forget it, it is estimated that the difficulty of hitting the dungeon is not small, let's give you a high-grade war spear as a basis first!"

"In addition, in the future, all those who are transferred to hidden occupations in my place will have a high-quality main weapon as a reward!"

"Blue quality is equivalent to bronze equipment!"

[Item: Fine Iron War Spear]

【Quality: Advanced】

[Part: War Spear]

[Equipment requirements: Lv30/magic]

【Physical Attack Power: 440】

【Magic Attack Power: 314】

【Power: 120】

【Intelligence: 120】

[Critical strike chance: 4%]


The quality of equipment in "Original" from low to high are: ordinary, bronze, silver, gold, dark gold, legendary, epic, and myth.

However, Jiao Yuan discovered that the quality of the equipment in the underground city warehouse is divided into: whiteboard, high-level, rare, artifact, ancient legend, ancient epic, and ancient myth.

The high-quality equipment is just prefixed with the word "Ancient", and there is no obvious change.

However, those below the legendary level have a new quality division out of thin air.

Jiao Yuan is within the authority of the underground city warehouse and can receive all equipment below Lv60 at will.

And there is only one piece of equipment of quality above the artifact level.

Rare quality, 100 pieces.

Advanced, whiteboard, all 999+!

Therefore, Jiao Yuan didn't care about sending out a high-quality war spear.

"Anyway, the whiteboard and advanced equipment are rubbish to me, so it's better to reward others!"

Jiao Yuan murmured secretly.

On the other side of the hydrogen balloon, because of his move, tears burst into his eyes, and he took the spear and bowed deeply.


"Thank you, Dad Qianye!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw the attributes of the fine iron war spear through the equipment attribute broadcast mode, and they were all stunned.

"This, this is the main weapon of high quality?"

"Can't believe it, attributes, too explosive, right?!!!"

"Fuck, they all have better attributes than the Lv30-level superb silver [Poisonous Dagger] in my hand!"

"Great Devil Qianye, do you have any misunderstandings about bronze equipment?"

"Niu Bian, I've taken it, today is really a lucky day for the dog anchor!"

The Lv30-level stainless steel war spear, in terms of attributes alone, is actually several times higher than the prime silver main weapon of the same level.

Even, it can match the quality of gold!

You know, the Lv32 level [Holy Silver Scepter] that Jiao Yuan burst out in the Spider Cave on Abyssal difficulty was only +110 points of magic attack and 35 points of intelligence!

Even with the Lv33 gold quality [Blasting Staff], the additional basic magic attack power is only 490 points, and at the same time an increase of 160 points of intelligence.

And the Lv33-level [Fine Iron War Spear], in front of the [Burst Staff], is not inferior at all!

"Have you noticed? The Great Demon King Qianye said, these equipment can be exploded from the copy!"

"Fuck, don't you say I really didn't notice it, it's really likely to be like this!"

"Brothers don't say anything, I will go to Qianye Town to develop!"

"Together, together!"

At this moment, all the viewers in the entire live broadcast room unanimously focused their eyes on Qianye Town.

Almost no one can remain emotionally indifferent under such super-attribute equipment.

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