Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 165 Activating the Arad Continental Core, Three Tasks

A week later, Jiao Yuan returned to Qianye Town smoothly.

As soon as he entered the village, he immediately welcomed the cheers of the surrounding guild members.

"Good news, good news, the president's father is back!"

"I haven't seen you these days, Dad Qianye has become handsome again, envy!"

"President, how long will you stay in the guild this time?"

Members one by one look forward to Jiao Yuan.

It has been almost a month since he set off to the Demon Race and came back now.

For such a long time, although I can learn about his information from various channels, I have never personally contacted the truth.

The members of the guild really want Jiao Yuan to stay in the guild honestly and lead the development of the guild.

Vice-chairman June Yu, and the management of the guild, also greeted them one after another.

"President Qianye, how long can I stay in the guild this time?" June Yu asked first.

Jiao Yuan thought for a while, "I don't know, but it is estimated that it will be recruited for at least a month or more. It may not be possible for a longer time, because my main mission has not been completed yet, I must go to the Demon Race again!"

"I came back this time because I had to do something!"

"Well, we can probably guess." June Yu said with a smile.

The little fairies and others around also showed smiles.

After all, there was an announcement before, and there was another explanation that Jiao Yuan was in the hydrogen balloon live broadcast room.

They all understood that Jiao Yuan came back to complete an unknown task.

"Well, just understand, without further ado, I will start now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiao Yuan took out the [Item: Arad Continental Core] from his backpack and clicked to use it.

[System prompt: Because you use the item (the core of Arad continent), the Arad continent timeline plan is activated, and the town of Qianye is renamed the Alvin Line of Defense! 】

[System prompt: The first dungeon "Lorland" appears, which can be entered from the entrance of the dungeon. The difficulty is four levels: simple, adventurous, brave, and king! 】

[System reminder: You trigger the Lord’s task "Build a Dungeon"]

[Content: Clear the copy "Lorland" of the Alvin line of defense, you can open the copy "Deep Lorland", clear the depths of Lorrain, open the area "Hudunmar", open the copy "Dark Forest", clear the Dark Forest , The open copy "Deep Dark Forest"...and so on! 】

【Duration of Task: None】

[Task Reward: Every time a dungeon is opened, all current basic attributes will be increased by 1%~100% (the higher the level of the open dungeon, the higher the reward). 】

[Note 1: Only the adventurers recruited by you can complete the task progress when clearing the level. 】

[Remark 2: Only clearing the level of King difficulty can be considered as the completion of the task progress. 】


"Good job!"

"Percentage bonus to basic attributes...high rewards!"

Jiao Yuan was overjoyed.

This lord task belongs to the long-term type.

Calculated according to the task reward, every time a new copy appears, its basic attributes will increase by at least 1%, and at most 100%.

Accumulated, it is very abnormal.

However, the only fly in the ointment is that Jiao Yuan personally completes the level, which does not count as the completion of the progress. Only when the subordinates recruited in 500 places can the level be cleared can be converted into a reward.

This means that Jiao Yuan's best to bother to train his subordinates to complete the task progress as soon as possible, so as to get the task reward as soon as possible.

"Originally, I was going to salt the fish. This task is to force me to make a big move!"

Jiao Yuan muttered to himself.

With a dungeon warehouse, it is too easy for him to train players.

And now the level of mainstream players has generally surpassed Lv40, and at most one or two months later, they can even reach the level of Lv50 second turn.

In this way, the Lv180 mythical quality equipment [Abyss Wand] that Jiao Yuan exploded on the Abyss Demon God will be useful.

Wouldn't it be simple to cultivate a magician whose full-service combat power is second only to one's own?

The number of copies that can be cleared is estimated to have increased a lot!

"What's the mere myth-level equipment? I can't bear to let the child not catch the wolf!"

Jiao Yuan has a candidate in his heart.

[Abyss Wand] Only a mage can use it. Without a doubt, Jiao Yuan is going to give it to Feng Qingwu for use.

Of course, it is not free.

Because even if she followed Feng Qingwu's character for free, she would not agree to accept it.

However, the specific price to be paid will need to be discussed and discussed at that time.

At the same time as the [Building a Dungeon] mission, there were two other side missions. Jiao Yuan took a closer look.

[You have triggered a side mission: Recruiting adventurers]

[Content: As a lord, how can you lack subordinates? Please start recruiting as soon as possible! Number of recruits (1/500)]

[Reward: an additional 5000 recruiting places. 】

【Duration of Task: None】

[Note: The number of adventurers is closely related to your strength. Every time an awakened adventurer appears under your name, you will be rewarded with a 0.001% attribute bonus. 】


[You have triggered a side task: professional promotion qualification]

[Quest content: 1. Recruit a total of 100,000 adventurers, 2. Clear the ultimate altar. 】

[Task Reward: Proof of qualification for promotion! 】

【Duration of Task: None】

[Remarks: The Ultimate Altar will appear after opening the Lv90 instance! 】


Both of these tasks are of long-term type, and the previous one is more profitable than the previous one.

In terms of rewards, although each adventurer recruited will only increase the four-dimensional attributes by 0.001%, according to the content of the latter task, the task of increasing the number of players recruited may follow.

Therefore, accumulated, the bonus of this task is considerable.

One is 0.001%, one thousand is 1%, ten thousand is 10%

One hundred thousand, that's 100%!

Quite impressive!

Moreover, who said that Jiao Yuan's goal is only to recruit 100,000?

The emergence of the Arad continent is a subversive change for the entire "Original" background at this stage.

History begins at this moment, and there is a turning point!

In the future, perhaps all 2 billion players in the entire server will become adventurers recruited by Jiao Yuan, maybe.

"As for the third task...Is the intermediate lord's qualification for promotion? It is another task that cannot be completed in a short time!"

Jiao Yuan sighed slightly.

He clearly remembers that [Limited Altar] can be entered at Lv65, but now the task tells him that it is Lv90, it can be seen that the magic changed poison milk powder and the stone hammer.

Just like the [Sorrowful Cave] that he cleared at the beginning.


After watching the mission, Jiao Yuan started to do it non-stop.

First of all, the 499 available places under the name should be filled.

This kind of thing must be close to the members of the family first, but Shuang Aoxue and others can also be added, after all, they are all old acquaintances, and Jiao Yuan takes care of them more than the relatively strange guild members.

So Jiao Yuan asked Shuang Aoxue and Feng Qingwu for their opinions, and after getting the affirmative answer, he began to shout on the guild channel:

[Guild Channel (Chairman Qianye): The top 489 of the guild's contributions, and those who want to transfer jobs, gather now at the guild headquarters! 】

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