The fact that Jiao Yuan has 499 hidden occupational quotas has long been known to everyone.

However, because he once bluntly stated the decision of these quotas to his own guild in the live broadcast room of the hydrogen balloon, external players can only envy it.

And this decision also made the 10,000 members of the King's Landing World Association feel a strong sense of pride in their hearts.

Look, this is the welfare of our King's Landing Association!


Are you jealous?

Doesn't you drool?

Hey, sorry, the guild is full!

Now everyone’s president’s father finally returned and began to allocate places. How could the guild members not be excited?

What makes most players regret is that only the top 489 members of the guild contribution list are in this plan!

[Guild Channel (Xiao Xian Nan): President's father is mighty, finally waiting for you #]

[Guild Channel (July Upset): So happy, I happen to be the last of 489! 】

[Guild Channel (Little Follower): President Dad, I have arrived at the guild headquarters, how about you? 】

[Guild Channel (Half Rotten Banana): President Dad, this batch of benefits is over, will there be another batch? 】

[Guild Channel (T invincible pulls me): woo woo woo~ I’m just two hundred contribution points away, and I'm ranked in the top 489. I’m so disappointed...]

The guild channel suddenly became noisy because of Jiao Yuan's instructions.

Even if you can only speak once every 5 minutes, it is refreshed frequently.

Jiao Yuan's brain was a little bit painful. Seeing the members ranked after 489, they asked if there was another chance, and he didn't hide it.

[Guild Channel (Qianye): Don’t worry, everyone has a chance. These 489 are only the first batch of quotas. After the recruitment is full, there will be new quotas. The next time there will be 5,000 quotas, and there will be more! 】

[Guild Channel (Little Follower): The president's father is mighty! 】

[Guild Channel (Small Tuanzi): President Dad Niubi! 】

[Guild Channel (Grandma): President's father is domineering! 】


Jiao Yuan's words gave the guild members who had not been allocated a place this time, suddenly they had a bottoming in their hearts.

Looking at the many members who gathered at the headquarters of the guild and were ready to accept the transfer, the envy in their hearts was much flattering.

Anyway, according to the president's father, they all have a chance. The difference is only a little earlier and a little later.

I don't care about such ten days and a half months!

Jiao Yuan had always said what he said, and no one doubted whether his words were lying to them.

So everyone is looking forward to the day when they can also change jobs.


On the other side, Jiao Yuan began to proceed as planned.

"With so many players, it is impossible for all of them to be converted to mage, right?"

"If you want to transfer to another class, you must first revive the NPC tutor of that class!"

"Therefore, among the 9 remaining places, the mentors of various professions must be given priority to resurrect NPC..."

Jiao Yuan thought secretly.

The primary dungeon lord only has the authority of 10 places. Before the resurrection of Shalan, one has already taken up, and now there are 9 remaining.

These 9 places, he has his own plan!

[System prompt: Do you want to resurrect the sharpshooter instructor NPC Kaili? 】

[Whether to resurrect the fighter instructor NPC? 】

[: Do you want to resurrect the Ghost Swordsman Instructor NPC GSD? 】

[Whether to resurrect the priest mentor NPC Golantis? 】

[Whether to resurrect the Nightbringer's mentor NPC Minnet? 】

[Whether to resurrect the guardian mentor NPC Yanis? 】

Mentors for six basic professions use up six places.

There are three left!

A familiar scene appeared, a magic door appeared out of thin air in front of Jiao Yuan, and six NPCs walked out of the door one by one!

"Dear dungeon lord Qianye, hello!"

"Good for you guys too!"

Jiao Yuan greeted the newly-appearing NPCs, and then began to think about who should use the remaining three places.

"Um... Now there is an endurance system in the game. You need to eat and sleep every day to restore endurance. Therefore, it is best to find a good cook."

"I think about it... it's her, Sophia from Moonlight Tavern!"

Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up.

At this stage, the upper limit of the endurance value of each player is 200 points.

If you do fierce dungeons or wild monsters, this point of endurance is enough for a long time at most.

Therefore, every player needs to have three daily meals to restore stamina.

Sophia, the owner of Moonlight Tavern, obviously has a unique advantage in cooking and winemaking.

And Sofia is also a super groceries merchant, the inventory is very rich, players will be able to buy some items they need from her.

Consider it as a benefit!

[System prompt: Do you want to resurrect NPC Sophia? 】

【Yes! 】

In the next moment, Sofia's slender figure slowly appeared in Might and Magic.

The last two places are left.

Jiao Yuan thought for a while, resurrected the NPC clay pot and the cupping pot.

Once in the game "Poisoned Milk Powder and Warrior", he was really obsessed with opening jars for a while.

When you drive with good equipment, you will be very happy, and you can keep a happy day.

When you drive to the trash, you are very disappointed.

How can we prevent players from experiencing this interesting thing?

[System prompt: You have resurrected the NPC clay pot. 】

[System prompt: You have resurrected NPC cupping. 】

At this point, all ten NPC resurrection places have been used up!

"Huh? NPC actually has a panel?"

Jiao Yuan accidentally saw the "Personal Panel" option on the body of Golantis next to him, and he was suddenly surprised.

Fengzhen, GSD, Minette and others also have this option!

Jiao Yuan opened.

[NPC: Golantis]

【Level: Lv80】

【HP: 1.2 million】

[Attack power: 200,000]

[Defense: 168,000]

[Strength 38000, Agility 38000, Physical Strength 116000, Intelligence 116000]

【Equipment: None】

[Skills: Master all of the priesthood series occupations! 】

[Remarks: Player Qianye's subordinates! 】

This is the case with the Grantis panel, and the rest are similar.

At least, the level is the same, only one level lower than Jiao Yuan himself.

"This combat power is very good. If you have equipment, it will definitely be stronger. It is also a good combat power. Maybe it will appear on the battlefield anytime..."

After browsing all the NPC information, Jiao Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

Each NPC is also a BOSS-level template in "Original", which is very powerful.

And from the [Dungeon Master's Permission Description], this is because the level of the resurrected NPC will not be higher than Jiao Yuan.

If his own level is raised higher, then the level of his NPCs will increase accordingly.

However, for every level higher than Lv80, too much experience is needed, so I can't rush for this for the time being.

After understanding, Jiao Yuan instructed the major professional mentors, NPCs, to stand at the door of the headquarters of the King’s Landing World Guild, and begin to receive players who came to take up the job transfer task one by one!


Time passed bit by bit, and soon, all 499 people, including Shuang Aoxue, received the transfer task!

No sand sculpture has given up such an opportunity!

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