Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 167 Regional Announcement, Players' Liver Dungeon

These 499 members were very excited after receiving the assignment.

However, after carefully reading the task description, they all showed a confused look in unison.

"In other words, my task of transferring the sword soul is to clear the dungeon of the Dark Thunder and Thunder Ruins King Level. What is this Dark Thunder Ruin dungeon?"

"The transfer mechanic wants me to fight Blaze Graka. I have never heard of the name of this copy..."

"My mission is the tower of the dragon man, and I also look dumbfounded!"

At the door of the guild headquarters, everyone was sure that everyone didn't know how to complete the job transfer task, and they suddenly exploded.

All job transfer tasks are nothing more than three copies.

First, the ruins of dark thunder and thunder.

Second, the flames of Graka.

Third, the tower of the dragon.

Everyone has never heard of these three copies.

So I don't know how it should be done.


After discussing with the people around him, he quickly turned his attention to Jiao Yuan's body.

"President father, where can I play these three copies?" Someone asked first.

Jiao Yuan scratched his head when he heard it.

"Eh~ I almost forgot to tell you first, now the dungeons are open in order from low to high, and only the king-level difficulty of the previous dungeon will be opened for the next dungeon!,

"That is to say, everyone can unlock a new copy by clearing each copy."

"The dark thunder and thunderous ruins, the flames of Graka, and the tower of the dragons that are needed for the career change will appear at the entrance of the dungeon after about 7 to 10 copies of the level have been cleared!"

This situation is explained in detail in the lord task of [Building a Dungeon].

Therefore, Jiao Yuan directly told everyone about this characteristic.

"Oh, I see!"

"Scared me, almost thought it was impossible!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to make a copy now!"

"Brothers, the lowest level dungeon, Lorraine, can form a team of four. Are there any of them together?"

"Add me to the brother above, good brother, we have to play the book together!"

After hearing Jiao Yuan's answer, each member was relieved.

Although it is a bit beyond expectation, but they will grow father Jiao Yuan's body, there are few unexpected things?

So, everyone quickly accepted it.

One by one, you call your friends and friends, and start to advance from the Lv1 dungeon [Lorland]!


The low-level copy advancement is very simple.

Lv1 level 【Lorland】at this stage, it is really not worth mentioning.

Soon, there will be players, and the level will be cleared!

What everyone did not expect was that there was a regional announcement in this customs clearance!

[Regional Announcement (Human Race): Players "Little Followers", "Little Tsundere", "Educational Brother", "Little Moon Moon" first pass Lv1 copy of "Loran (King Difficulty)", reward 100 free attribute points for the first pass /Prestige, 100,000 experience! 】

【Regional announcement: ...】

Three consecutive icy mechanical sounds made all players in the human camp look bewildered!

"What's the situation? A copy of Lv1?"

"In "Original", there is actually such a low-level copy? Isn't it funny?"

"This reward makes me sour..."

The outside world has no knowledge, so it is not clear about the specific situation of this system announcement.

But in Qianye Town...No, it was the Irvine Line of Defense, which immediately caused a major earthquake for all players.

"Fuck it, there is a reward for the first pass?"

"Fragrant, too fragrant!"

"This is still the lowest level copy. According to the president's father, there are countless more behind!"

"Brothers, don't beep too much, go for the duck!"

"I, Li Aotian, have a blast today!"

"If you want to get the first kill reward, speed up!"

The members of the guild were all excited.

Even except for other players who received the transfer task, they couldn't help but move their minds.

Although they have not been allocated a quota for the time being, and they don't need to play these low-level books, the first pass rewards are really fragrant.

Not only the attributes have increased, but the appearance of the announcement is tantamount to an advertisement in the entire human race!

Playing games, how many players are indifferent to fame and fortune?

The answer is almost none!

It is estimated that no more than 5% at most!

Therefore, all players, start to advance the progress of the dungeon one after another!

This coincides with Jiao Yuan's expectations!


Five minutes later, the Lv3 level dungeon [Depth of Lorraine (King Level)] was first passed by a team member!

In Jiao Yuan’s ear, a prompt came from the system in due course:

[System reminder: The progress of the Lord’s task "Building a Dungeon" is increased by 1%, and a bonus of 1% of all basic attributes will be rewarded. 】

[System prompt: Huttonmar area is open, and the dungeon area of ​​Gran Forest appears! 】

[System prompt: The dungeons "Lorland" and "Depth of Lorland" can go through the entrance of Heda dungeon and choose to enter! 】

Three tips.

The first one is a reward for the task, and the middle one is a reminder of the newly opened area.

Although Qianye Town was renamed Irvine Line of Defense before, it was only a difference in name. In fact, the construction of Qianye Town did not change.

But now after changing to Huttonmar, the entire village has undergone tremendous changes!

If the village is divided into eight parts, then one part of the east is the Irvine Line of Defense area.

The remaining seven points in the middle school were officially renamed Huttonmar.

The area in the middle of the village was originally a vacant lot, but now it has become the entrance of the instance named [Gran’s Forest]!

This incident not only made Jiao Yuan a little surprised, but all the players active in Qianye Town had their eyes widened in astonishment!

"Is this what the president's father said about the emergence of a new copy? Niubi Niubi."

"I took it, and I just started a big project casually. The president's father is too abnormal!"

"Fuck, at this rate of development, I doubt that one day, the next city will become our Qianye Town!"

At the entrance of the Grand Forest dungeon, the first thing that appears is the dungeon that can be entered at Lv5-Dark Forest.

Undoubtedly, even if the dungeon of this level is the king-level, under the madness of many players, it only lasted for less than ten minutes, and was taken the first pass!

In fact, if it is not for opening a new instance, it is necessary to start from the simple level, this time, it is estimated that at least half of the time will be saved!

And the next Lv8 level dungeon of the second difficulty [Deep Dark Forest], only lasted for eight minutes, was the first pass of King Difficulty!

The first pass this time was no longer the salted fish that Jiao Yuan didn't know.


[Regional Announcement (Human Race): Players "Rain in June", "Flowers in June", "Little Fairy", "A Kou" first pass Lv8 dungeon "Deep in the Dark Forest (King Difficulty)", rewards for the first pass 200 free attribute points/prestige, 200,000 experience! 】

"Woo, the boss made a move, we can't get the first kill!"

"The vice president is mighty and domineering!"

"By the way, why doesn't Dad Qianye make a move? If he wants to make a move, he won't have anyone else's first kill, right?"

"Nonsense, it must be Qianye's father who doesn't want to snatch us!"

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