Facing the grieving faces, Jiao Yuan just wanted to speak, when a system reminder came from his ear——

[System prompt: You have completed the task "Recruiting Adventurers", the reward is 5000, and the task is triggered: "Second Recruitment". 】

[Quest content: As a dungeon lord, how can you lack subordinates? Please recruit 5,000 adventurers, quest progress: 0/5000]

【Duration of Task: None】

[Task Reward: 50000 new places! 】

[Remarks: The number of adventurers is closely related to your strength. Every time an Awakening Adventure Adder appears under your name, a 0.001% attribute bonus will be awarded. 】


"Are all 500 people finished? So fast!"

Jiao Yuan was a little surprised.

Because only after completing the job transfer task and becoming a career in the dungeon, can it be considered as a condition for completing the task.

Now the 500 members have obviously been transferred!

Speed, faster than Jiao Yuan expected!

The number of quest rewards made Jiao Yuan immediately happy.

He first looked at Shuang Aoxue.

"Don't say I don't take care of you, now I have another 5,000 places, one thousand will be given to you!"


Shuang Aoxue showed a look of astonishment at first, but soon became ecstatic.

With 1,000 places, there is finally an explanation for the members of the guild now, so there is no need to worry about them rebelling.

On the other side, Jiao Yuan ordered the 500th to 4,500th members to go to the major vocational mentor NPC to accept the transfer task according to the guild contribution ranking, and then looked at the June Yu and others.

"I didn't let you participate in this guild event, so naturally I have my plan!"

"Master, what's your plan?"

The little fairy woman was the most anxious and asked first.

The rest of them also looked expectantly at Jiao Yuan.

Jiao Yuan smiled mysteriously, and while answering, he took out high-quality equipment from the underground city warehouse.

"To tell you the truth, one of my professional permissions is closely related to the progress of each dungeon!"

"Every time I open a copy, my attributes will increase a lot!"

"Therefore, I need you to clear the dungeons of the king difficulty level as soon as possible to speed up the progress!"

"You can use these equipment and upgrade them as soon as possible!"

The equipment that Jiao Yuan pulled out was at least Lv35 and above of the ancient legend quality, and the main weapons were basically of the ancient epic level.

Although there is only one copy of each of these equipment in his dungeon warehouse, there are too many types, and it doesn't hurt to send them out.

Anyway, after you upgrade to an intermediate or even advanced dungeon lord, you will unlock higher-level and quality equipment!

So, he is very generous!

Every member, including Shuang Aoxue, has ten!

This stunned everyone!

The attributes of the ancient legends are better than the epic of the same level, and only a few points worse than the myths of the same level.

When have they seen this kind of high-attribute equipment?

Everyone trembled with excitement!

The ancient legends made them so excited, and what's more, the ancient epic with higher attributes?



Scanning carefully one by one, everyone even suspected that they were dazzled.

"My God, this ancient epic-level [Cross Slayer], from the perspective of basic attributes, is almost the same as the Lv77-level mythical quality main weapon, and the characteristic skills are even more powerful and make me suspicious of life! "

Flower in June couldn't help exclaiming.

She changed her job to Soul Sword, and her level just reached Lv45, so Jiao Yuan gave her the enhanced version of the Blade of the Soul.

"My main weapon is also very strong, and the attributes are too terrifying!"

"The rest of the equipment is also very impressive!"

"It's over. Seeing this equipment, I feel that I can't repay the favor of Qianye in my life!"

"Thanks to the master for his cultivation, even if my little fairy is a cow and a horse in her next life, she must repay the master's kindness to me!"

"Me too. My Akou has never really convinced anyone. Now I just want to say: Dad Qianye, I will be your most loyal daughter in the future!"

The rain in June, the little fairy and others were excited and the ground was red.

Among them, Jiaoyuan is most grateful to the four of Gangzi, T, Eternal Big Tits, and A Kou!

Brother Gangzi joined in after the establishment of King's Landing World, and was fortunate enough to be accepted as an apprentice by Jiao Yuan. His relationship is no worse than that of Little Fairy.

The trio of Brother T and Eternal Big Tits finally achieved their current height because of their fate with Jiao Yuan at No. 7777 in Xinshou Village.

In general, 99% of the reasons they can grow to today's height are due to Jiao Yuan's cultivation.

How can they be unmoved or even grateful?

Jiao Yuan smiled faintly and waved his hand, "In the entire "Original", I only know a few of you, don't say these things anymore, go and write the book!"

"Improving the progress of the dungeon opening as soon as possible is the best reward for me!"



The rain in June and the people all agreed loudly.

Then, turn your head and start to attack the [City Lord's Palace] of King-level difficulty!


After changing the equipment, everyone's attributes increased almost tenfold.

Although the Lv35-level city lord palace king is very difficult, but in front of everyone, he instantly became a younger brother!

There are three levels of difficulty: Normal, Adventure, and Brave. They have all been finished long ago, so go straight to the King difficulty!

Only ten minutes later, the system announcement arrived as scheduled!

[Human area announcement: Players "Rain in June", "Flowers in June"... First pass the Lv35 dungeon "Castle Lord's Palace (King Difficulty)" and get the first pass reward...]

The first kill was taken by the rain team in June!

For this situation, Jiao Yuan is not surprised!

"June Yu transferred to Paladin, the group buff is very strong!"

"June's Flower Transfer Sword Soul, the output is very popular."

"Akou and Little Fairy are roaming gunners, and their output is also very powerful."

"On the basis of similar equipment, whoever clears the level faster depends on the professional configuration!"

The professional configuration of the rain team in June is very good, with one support and three outputs.

Many people underestimate the Paladin's auxiliary skills, but they are wrong!

With a good Paladin in the team, the overall output must be increased by at least 80%!

Therefore, Jiao Yuan had already anticipated this.

With the advent of the announcement.

In the next second, on the east coast, the entrance to the Sky Curtain Behemoth dungeon also appeared!

[System reminder: Open a new area-East Coast! 】


After shaking the mountain for a while!

The lake on the west coast suddenly expanded tenfold!

The area has changed from ten acres to one hundred acres!

The newly opened area can accept 200,000 players for free activities!

Jiao Yuan had been mentally prepared for this, so he was not surprised.

"The current development speed is too fast. Every time an area is opened, a map will be changed. It is estimated that after the opening of the dark city and the snow mountain, it will affect the Gobi City!"

"It's time to say hello to Zuo Xiaoxiao, let her be mentally prepared!"

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