Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 173 Zuo Xiaoxiao's shock, disdain for the emperor's conspiracy

Jiao Yuan did as he thought of, and immediately contacted Zuo Xiaoxiao.

Zuo Xiaoxiao had never left since he came to Qianye Town to observe the players last time in accordance with the orders of the human emperor.

Back to Human Race, it was the first time Jiao Yuan saw her.

As soon as they met, Zuo Xiaoxiao immediately asked, "Qianye, what's going on? Why is there such a big change here? Also, how did my apprentice become an elementalist?"

Zuo Xiaoxiao was not a player, and could not learn the reason for the change from various channels, so she was shocked at this time.

The changes in Qianye Town are obvious to all as long as the brain is online, and Zuo Xiaoxiao is naturally no exception.

It was originally an ordinary village. After a series of changes, the territory instantly expanded many times, and the terrain showed several major changes!

Take the west coast and east coast areas, it is clear that the Gobi terrain was originally desolate, but in just one day, it suddenly turned into a large lake!

This really makes Zuo Xiaoxiao unable to understand!

Jiao Yuan thought for a while and decided to tell her some information.

"Have you heard of Arad continent?"


Zuo Xiaoxiao looked puzzled, "What is the Arad continent? I have never heard of it. The continent under our feet is obviously called Kalitria!"

"Continent of Kalitria was called Continent Arad one hundred thousand years ago!" Jiao Yuan said straightforwardly.

"One hundred thousand years ago?"

Zuo Xiaoxiao was shocked and asked: "The historical records of the major races can only be traced back to more than 20,000 years ago. How do you know the information from 100,000 years ago?"

"I naturally have my information channels. In short, don't pursue this issue too much. If you don't believe it, you can go back to the Imperial City and ask people about history research. I don't want to discuss this now!"

Zuo Xiaoxiao is only Lv130 after all, in the middle and upper reaches of the human NPC camp, and knows limited information.

Regarding what happened on the Arad continent 100,000 years ago, Jiao Yuan felt that perhaps the top high-level human race might know something.

As long as Zuo Xiaoxiao returns to the imperial city to pass on the information about the Arad continent, it is estimated that there will be top NPCs to contact her.

Therefore, he is too lazy to explain it now.

Seeing that Jiao Yuan didn't want to say more, Zuo Xiaoxiao also helplessly stopped asking.

"Well, what can you do if you come to me?"

Jiao Yuan groaned for a while and said, "You have seen the current situation. The village under my name has begun to expand rapidly."

"I can't control this kind of expansion. According to my calculation, it is estimated that it will spread to the Gobi City in three days at most."

"So, I want to inform you first, so that the high level of the human empire should be mentally prepared."

Jiao Yuan didn't go around the corner, and directly stated his original purpose.

In fact, there is no trace of water in what he said. The current regional expansion is indeed uncontrollable.

He himself didn't know, after all the instances of the Skyshroud Giant Beast cleared the customs, the opening of the Dark City and the Snow Region of Stone would occupy much of the territory!

So inform Zuo Xiaoxiao in advance, and hope that the NPC senior management will be mentally prepared.

And when the information on the Arad continent was revealed at the beginning, it was actually just to increase the credibility.

"...Well, I will report this to you!" Zuo Xiaoxiao was silent for a moment and replied.

Jiao Yuan nodded, "That's OK, nothing else, I will withdraw first!"

"Wait, you haven't told me the reason why my apprentice became an elementary teacher!" Zuo Xiaoxiao saw that Jiao Yuan was about to slip away, and quickly complained, "I'm a good apprentice, just started to appreciate it, that's it. I've been harmed by you!"

"No, you have to compensate me for another apprentice, otherwise I will go to that Shalan for advice!"

"...Okay, let me pay attention!" Jiao Yuan was speechless.

Zuo Xiaoxiao, if he remembered correctly, he was a bit dissatisfied with Feng Qingwu.

But now that the apprentice was transferred to Shalan's name, he was immediately anxious.

It can only be said that in the hearts of NPCs, the immortal is really incense!


Due to Jiao Yuan’s vigorous cultivation, the attributes of rain and others increased sharply in June. After the opening of the east coast area, the six instances of Skyshroud Giant Beast——

The periphery of the Lv36 temple, the Lv38 tree spirit jungle, the Lv40 purgatory, the Lv42 first spine, the Lv44 second spine, and the Lv46 skyshroud forbidden ground.

These six copies were quickly knocked out of the first four!

According to the reward settlement of the Lord’s task [Building a Dungeon], the 5 instances including the Lv35 [Town Lord’s Palace] have added a total of 16% of the basic attributes to Jiao Yuan!

3% for the first four and 4% for the fifth!

Very impressive!

And it is worth mentioning that starting from the periphery of the temple, the number of people required for each instance to enter is no longer limited to 4 people, but 10 people start to increase.

When it came time to attack the Lv44 second spine instance, it even became a 30-person instance!

The increase in the number of people who can enter, in disguise indicates that the difficulty of the copy increases!

Jiao Yuan watched the situation of Yu and the others teaming up in June through the spectator system. If there is no surprise, it is estimated that he will be able to pass the customs the next day!

If it were not for the lack of stamina, Jiao Yuan felt that in fact, it would not be a problem to clear the customs today.

It's a pity that I am constrained by the endurance value!

"Currently, the difficulty of the King's level is much easier for Yu and his team in June."

"I just don't know, when will the abyssal difficulty be released? Do I have to wait for me to be promoted to the middle-level dungeon lord?"

Jiao Yuan muttered secretly.

The major dungeons in the poisoned milk powder have an abyss difficulty that is more difficult than that of the king class.

I don't know why, but now it has not appeared.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan can only guess that maybe after the professional promotion, he has more authority to resurrect NPC, and the difficulty of the abyss level can appear.

Of course, there is no need to think about it now.

Anyway, the time has come, it will always appear!

On Jiao Yuan's side, when it was thriving, a monstrous conspiracy against him and the entire King Landing World and Fengming Guild was quietly happening in Xuanwu City, a few main cities far away!


Xuanwu City!

Disdain the group's union headquarters, conference room!

Among those present here are many members of the pioneering teams who look down upon the trade unions, as well as the presidents of the top guilds in Xuanwu City, as well as the pre-selectors of the top ten guilds-the presidents of the Tianxiahui!

The leader of the emperor surrounded everyone around him, and said slowly:

"I am calling everyone here today. There are two main issues that need to be discussed in earnest, so I'll just say it!"

"First: How to deal with the two guilds of King's Landing and Fengming, at least interrupt the development momentum, and discuss or even how to make them annihilate!"

"Second: How to deal with the Great Devil Qianye, turn him-round! White!"

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was like an explosion!

Everyone present, except for a few who had discussed with the emperor's sight, the others couldn't help but doubt their ears.

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