Happy for a second, and then the mood changes sharply!

This is the emotion of the emperor now!

Shuang Aoxue and others, who were resurrected because of the use of [Resurrection Coins], directly sent him back to life for free!

"This guy is so funny, he dares to be so close to us!"

"Hahaha, are you too smug? I thought we were dead!"

"It is inevitable to think about it. Look at our big red name. If he dies, can he not be greedy for the high-quality equipment exploded? So he rushed over to pick up the equipment as soon as possible."

Shuang Aoxue and others smiled.

When they died before, they had already discussed it, press for a few seconds before resurrecting, and see if you can trick the emperor into coming.

Unexpectedly, he really came here!

"This guy has been in the back of the crowd for a long time, and there is no way he can do it, now he has finally been killed once!"

After the battle, everyone felt happy for the first time.

And the scattered players around, watching the reappearance on the field, Shuang Aoxue's group, who seemed to be okay, were stunned in surprise.

"Fuck, all are resurrected in place? What's the situation?"

"Is it hastily, it's too ridiculous, right?"

"It's incredible!~"

"Is there any precious group resurrection props? That's why the situation is like this?"

"Impossible! Is there such a heaven-defying prop in "Original"?"

Individual players are talking about it.

In their eyes, all this is almost like a dream.

Eight people, Shuang Aoxue and others, unexpectedly resurrected together in the same place after their deaths!

It's beyond common sense!

A completely incomprehensible existence!

Therefore, everyone began to doubt whether there were any group resurrection props or skills.

There are many people who believe, and there are also many people who do not believe.

But think about the changes that Jiao Yuan has brought to the Human Race since he returned from the Demon Race to the Human Race. It can be described as "subversive". Therefore, although this matter is incredible, in general, he still chooses people who believe in it. Some more.

After all, Jiao Yuan is too mysterious to outside players.

All unreasonable things were broken one by one on him!

After accepting this, the casual players were surprised while feeling refreshed.

"Chairman Shuang Aoxue, come on, kill the guild that looks down on the heroes!"

"Yes, that's it, kill them all!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"come on!"

This time, the casual players also understood that it would be difficult to look down upon the guilds, so they didn't hide and tuck them, and the words of encouragement screamed loudly.

It can be seen that in Xuanwu City, how stinky the name of the guild of arrogant heroes is!

On the other side, after returning from the resurrection point, the emperor's face was completely gloomy.

He naturally guessed that the reason Shuang Aoxue and others were able to resurrect in place must have some precious props or skills, so there was no thought of shrinking in his heart.

"As we all know, the more cherished skills, the longer the cooling time!"

"The more precious the props, the less the number of times they can be used!"

"So, I want to see how many times they can be resurrected?!!!"

The emperor thought viciously.

In his opinion, as long as the human sea tactics can still play a role, there is no reason to retreat!

The members of the guild, it doesn't matter if they die multiple times, but Shuang Aoxue and others only need to die once, and the equipment exploded is enough to make up for all the losses!

If the emperor knows that there are still ninety-nine [Resurrection Coins] used by Shuang Aoxue's party, I don't know what it is.

Presumably, you want to cry, right?


Different from the situation where Shuang Aoxue faced the stalemate of the guild of disdainful heroes, in Scarlet Moon City, countless ordinary members of the Fengming Guild ushered in the hunting of massive bounty players!

The reason is that the emperor and many other guild presidents announced a full-scale war with King's Landing and Fengming Guild on the forum, and directly released a reward!

[All players who kill any guild member in King's Landing will be rewarded with 100 gold coins! 】

[All players who kill Fengming Guild will be rewarded with 30 gold coins! 】

You know, at this stage, an ordinary player can't save 30 gold coins even after working for a month.

With such a high bounty, how can you stop them from moving?

So, stimulated by the huge amount of rewards, countless greedy people stepped forward!

They couldn't go to Huttonmar and other areas to find the trouble of the main members of the King's Landing World Guild or Fengming Guild, so they all focused on the ordinary players of Fengming Guild who were still in Scarlet Moon City.

As a result, the latter suffered heavy losses and had to ask for support from the guild's senior management.

Shuang Aoxue discussed with Jiao Yuan and decided to transfer all these ordinary members to their own sites such as Huttonmar, West Coast and East Coast.

As for the site is full?

Sorry, under special circumstances, all players who are not the two major guilds, let's go!

When Jiao Yuan thought, he used the authority of the city lord to clear the location, and in an instant, there were countless players who were expelled to the outside world with a dazed expression!

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"Yeah, why am I here? I was still picking up the quest from Kaili, and the flower person appeared out of the city when I saw it?"

"Grass, don't compare, look at the system prompt, we were Ted out by Dad Qianye!"

"how come?"

The players were surprised and found the truth from their respective system prompts-they were really dropped by Jiao Yuan!

At this moment, the players are all puzzled!

Fortunately, Jiao Yuan gave an explanation at this time-

[World area (Qianye): Now, under special circumstances, the location must be reserved for many ordinary players in Fengming Guild. Players who have been out of T, please understand. The taxes and fees paid have all been refunded to their backpacks! 】

Everyone also paid attention to this battle that almost swept the entire human race. Jiao Yuan's call from the world region made these players all understand the reason.

At this moment, it was like being stabbed in a hornet's nest!

"MMP, it's a mess of these big guilds again!"

"Fuck, what kind of team fight is going to be good, it's really not a human being!"

"Father Qianye, we must kill them!"

"All the dog critics who are the enemy of my father Qianye are not good to die!"

The players shouted angrily.

They didn't dare to blame Jiao Yuan, so they aimed their spearhead at the many team battle initiators headed by Pride Emperor.

In addition, they are not satisfied with verbal scolding, they go directly to all the forums and spray these people with blood~!

Suddenly, it caused another wave of rhythm!

Players such as demons, orcs, and dwarves naturally began to fight back.

Human, elves, and heaven players have echoed the immorality of these people, especially the Dark Lords Guild and the Wild Fighting Wind and Clouds Guild.

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