"President Qianye, do you want our Stars Shining Guild to help?"

"Guild President Qianye, I'm just that Xue'er will summon all the members of the guild to help you!"

"President Qianye, there are not many combat players in my Star Auction House, but it can support you with a lot of gold coins. Is 2 million enough? If it is not enough, I will find a way to make it!"

In the private chat interface, the avatars start to flash.

Almost all of Jiao Yuan's friends outside the two major guilds sent requests for help.

This attitude made Jiao Yuan very useful, but he still refused all of them. ,

Just kidding, he dignified the first player in "Original", the existence of countless grades beyond mainstream players, to deal with this group of miscellaneous fish headed by Disregard Guild, do you need someone else's help?

As for the bounty against each other?

Incompetent talents will look for the main force of casual players. This kind of thing is simply too offensive, and Jiao Yuan is unwilling to do it.

At this time, he had already started to follow the initial plan to go to a main city called Thunder to clear the emperor's affiliated guild!

What we are facing now is a top guild called [Upper Guild], with a full 100,000 members.

He is different from Shuang Aoxue and the others, but instead of standing at the gate of the city and trying to force the players out of this guild, he directly killed the inside of the main city, stood in front of the opponent's guild headquarters, and started the killing mode.

The high prestige is enough to support him to do so, and any NPC will ignore his behavior.

Faced with the threat of the foundation stone of the headquarters guild, the players of [Upper Guild] also rushed forward to catch up, trying everything possible to prevent Jiao Yuan from destroying the foundation stone of the guild.

But if Jiao Yuan really wants to go straight to Huanglong, it's not the ink for so long.

One of Jiao Yuan's goals is to kill the players and kill them until they are terrified!

Soon, the 100,000 players on the other side were indeed going to be stunned by Jiao Yuan.





Rows of bright red numbers appeared above everyone's heads!

Jiao Yuan's output is estimated to be tens of thousands of times more damage than normal attacks.

If it weren't for the opponent's players generally only had HP in their early three thousand online, this number would be spectacular!

But this also did not affect being spiked.

[Battle Information: You were hit by a normal attack by the player "Lv81 Qianye" and lost 3617 HP. You are dead! 】

[Combat information: You were hit by the player "Lv81 Qianye" using the skill "Headshot" and lost 3219 HP. You are dead! 】

[Battle Information: You were hit by a normal attack by the player "Lv81 Qianye" and lost 3377 HP. You are dead! 】


Lines of battle information appear in the system prompts of the players who are killed.

This situation has lasted for nearly half an hour, and the number of players killed has exceeded 50,000!

[Upper Guild] players almost all began to tremble!

"Fuck, the hanging man's attack power is too high, any skill or normal attack hits, we will all be killed in seconds!"

"It's over, I feel that after today, our upper guild is gone!"

"Uuuuu~ As expected to be the Great Demon King Qianye, we simply lost our minds and declared war on him!"

In the guild channel, the atmosphere was low and lost.

In the invincible posture of focusing far away, almost all 100,000 players have lost their fighting spirit!

The president of the high-ranking guild, the high-ranking fighters, look at it very uncomfortable!

"Damn! This Qianye Great Demon Lord, why should we first target a small fish like us?"

"That lunatic rubbish, why don't you rush over?"

The torment in the heart of the upper-class fighters cannot be added.

He is no longer thinking about why Jiao Yuan would deal with their guild first, nor how to make him give up the opportunity to the cornerstone of the guild, leading to the dissolution of the guild!

He is now expecting that the Demon Race player who has killed Qianye in the mouth of Disdain·Emperor can come quickly!

During the waiting period, it is simply not too much to describe how many years have passed!

The players on the side looked at the situation on the field and smiled——

"Yes, it's this invincible taste!"

"I still miss it so much!"

"Look at the trembling appearance of the 100,000 players in [Upper Guild], it's so miserable that you can't bear to look directly at it! Hahaha!"

"What about that arrogant energy? Why don't you continue?"

"Nonsense, in front of Dad Qianye, they are still f*ck arrogant?"

"It's so funny to be blocked in the guild headquarters and dare not flinch."

"That's it, how about a top guild? In front of my Qianye father, nothing!"

A guild that can mix with the emperor, you can see what kind of stuff it is.

Players gloated at the unfortunate situation of [Upper Guild].

At this moment, Jiao Yuan's perspective caught a sneaky figure-a demon player, a lunatic!

Jiao Yuan was about to take the lead in taking the shot, and immediately dropped it, but because of the influence of people around him, he found it a little late.

The madman's actions were also very decisive. Seeing Jiao Yuan looking over, he immediately activated his skills!

[Combat information: You were hit by the skill "Life Exchange" of the demon player "lunatic", and you are dead! 】

[System prompt: Do you use resurrection coins? 】

Jiao Yuan's eyes flashed, and he was succeeded again by the exchange tactic.

Seeing this scene, many players who originally watched the game all looked dull.

"Why, how?"

"Dad Qianye, was killed?"

"Grass, how is it possible?!!!"

Although the Dark Lords Guild Hyun announced that they had already killed Jiao Yuan once, they didn't see it in person, and most players didn't believe it.

Now that the facts are happening in front of our eyes, everyone can't help but believe it.

Contrary to the emotions of the players, the 100,000 members of the [Upper Guild] gave out huge cheers, and the president of the upper level fighters suddenly became ecstatic.

"Sure enough, the emperor didn't lie to me, they can really kill the Great Devil Qianye!"

"Although I don't know how to do it, the process is not important, the result is the most critical!"

"The Great Demon King Qianye is a big red name. After he is killed, he will definitely explode, right?"

"Maybe, all the equipment in the body will be exploded!"

The upper-class fighters were more surprised as they thought about it, his face flushed with excitement, and he couldn't even breathe quickly!

As everyone knows, Jiao Yuan's original profession was a junior god of war and a branch of warriors. From the ranking list, you can find that after he was transferred to junior lord several times, his equipment was basically not changed.

When the upper-class warrior thought that he could put on Jiao Yuan's full-body equipment, he even began to fantasize about the scene of his smiling and full service!

However, at this moment, where Qianye disappeared, another figure slowly appeared.

Taking a closer look, it is not Jiao Yuan himself, but who else can it be?

The face of the upper class soldier froze suddenly!

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