Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 186 Surrender? Also cede land for compensation!

In fact, after Jiao Yuan died, he had already figured it out during the period of using the resurrection coin.

It is not difficult to deal with this demon player.

Even without [Resurrection Coins], he can be transferred to the Paladin's awakening class—Thinkers, thus adding a resurrection to himself in advance.

In this way, most of the life exchange skills of the lunatic were completely abolished!

As a demon player, there are huge restrictions in the human area.

Not only is there no way to quickly traverse the map through the teleportation arrays of the major cities, but the appearance is very different, as long as you carefully observe it, you can drop him in seconds in advance, leaving him no chance to release his skills!

"I see you next time, I will make you look good!"

Jiao Yuan muttered silently, and then immediately resurrected.

Looking at the high-class fighter who came up in front of him, the corner of his mouth raised.

"Why? Want to pick up equipment?"

The upper-class soldier's face froze, and his lips trembled: "No, I dare not!"

In his heart, the emperor was sprayed with blood.

The dog than the emperor, what said that he must be able to deal with the Great Devil Qianye, how to explain this situation now?

The demon player lunatic who has been given high hope is even more of a waste!

After the release of a skill, not only did he return to the resurrection point obediently, but the Jiao Yuan he faced was completely unaffected by it!

"Crossly, if you believe in the emperor, labor and capital are mentally retarded!"

The upper-class fighters gritted their teeth with hatred for the planner of this operation-the emperor!

If it hadn't been for the emperor's nonsense and loaned him ten courage, he would not dare to declare war on the King's Landing Guild!

It's alright now. Not only has it not gained any benefits, but its own guild has also suffered extremely heavy losses. It is estimated that within three to five months, there is no way to restore its strength.

Moreover, I have offended the Great Devil Qianye, and I don't know what will happen after this incident!

Just think about the tragic end, the upper class fighter's heart begins to tremble!

He can be regarded as a person who can bend and stretch. Seeing that Jiao Yuan has no intention of killing him at the moment, his desire to survive is bursting!

", Dad Qianye, you have a lot of yours, forgive us?"

"In fact, we were also bewitched by the emperor. We made this decision on impulse. In fact, I respect you and Junlin the world very much, and always want to be your most loyal little brother!"

"How about I go to the forum to announce my surrender? Can you let us go [Upper Guild]?"

If there is no way to limit Qianye, this action will completely lose the hope of winning!

The upper-class fighters still had this knowledge, so they were very sincere, betrayed the guild alliance formed by the emperor, turned their heads and prepared to throw Jiao Yuan's crotch.

"For the sake of my sincere attitude, maybe Dad Qianye will really accept us as little brothers!"


The upper-class fighter couldn't help but a whisper of joy rose in his heart.

What is a blessing in disguise?

If Jiao Yuan forgave him and accepted him as a little brother, it would be a blessing in disguise!

Unfortunately, Jiao Yuan was not prepared to do this.

"You have said so much, but what does it have to do with me? Didn't you make the decision to declare war?" Jiao Yuan hadn't seen such a handsome current affairs for a long time, and asked with interest: "Do If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price. Isn't this true?"

"...The emperor bewitched me!" the upper-class soldier said with difficulty.

"How do you confuse? Come and listen?"

"He said, as long as you, King's Landing, Fengming Guild find a way to get rid of your territory, and then we and others will occupy your territory, swipe copies, and switch to hidden professions. We all have a share..." The soldiers sold the emperor thoroughly.

"I didn't believe it at first, who didn't know your terrifying combat power in "Original", but the emperor said he had a way to restrain you, so he agreed on impulse!"

"I was blinded by the pie drawn by the emperor, but I don't have any disrespect to you at all!"

"Dad Qianye, you must believe me!"

After finishing speaking, the upper-class soldier looked at Jiao Yuan with eyesight.


It turned out to be a silly!

With this mind, dare to call yourself a high-class fighter?

Jiao Yuan smiled strangely when he thought that there were nearly twenty Han Han who could be bewitched by the emperor.

The presidents of these guilds really don't know me at all!

As the junior lord of the dungeon, he owns the ownership of the dungeon.

He can control all the powers in the territory anytime, anywhere, to expel them, and to give rewards.

Even if he leaves his territory, there are a hundred ways to punish disobedient players in the territory.

The emperor wants to occupy his own territory?

Simply wishful thinking!

Jiao Yuan curled his lips and shook his head, "The emperor, really the biggest critic!"

"That's right, that's right, he's just a silly critic, a mentally retarded person who sits on a well and watches the sky!" The upper class soldier hurriedly agreed, and then stared at Jiao Yuan, meaning it is self-evident!

"You are also the president of a top big guild, why don't you even have a bit of backbone?" Jiao Yuan glanced at him weirdly, "In this case, shouldn't you fight to the end?"

"...Daddy Qianye, you misunderstood!" The upper class warrior twitched his mouth, "Just like the emperor, it is not enough to be taught by you, but you are planning a counterattack. The biggest nasty critic in the world!"

"And a talented person like me who knows current affairs must follow the general trend!"

Hearing this, the corner of Jiao Yuan's mouth raised, "Your evaluation of Pride·Emperor is wonderful. I hope that when you announce your surrender on the forum, you can add this sentence too!"

"Of course!" The upper class soldier patted his chest decisively.

If it was before, he would definitely have scruples, but now... I'm sorry, he feels that the Scorned Guild is going to be gone!

So I'm not afraid at all.

The upper class warrior licked his face and asked cautiously: "After the surrender is announced, can our guild be spared?"

"Think beautiful!"

"...Then what are your conditions?" The smile on the face of the upper class soldier froze, for fear that Jiao Yuan's next sentence would be no conditions, and directly destroy himself and others!

Fortunately, Jiao Yuan is not interested in fighting a group of weak chickens.

"You know how many ordinary members of the Fengming Guild were hunted down in Chiyuecheng, right? I received the news that a total of 80,000 members were killed in the battle!"

"Each of these players eliminates the weak state after death, which is a big expenditure... Well, round up to a whole number, 100,000 gold coins!"

"Plus their mental damage fee, the loss of individual players who were expelled from the site by me, and our wasted time... a total of 300,000 gold coins are good!"

"Give me 300,000 gold coins, just forget it!"

With Jiao Yuan's words finished, the face of the upper class soldier can no longer be described as ugly.

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