Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 188 The plea of ​​the small guild

[Seven Stars Guild, declare surrender! 】

[The ruthless family, declare their surrender! 】

[Ruthless Guild, declare surrender! 】


Half an hour passed in a flash. After many guilds that declared war before, after learning about the destruction of [Upper Guilds], about 2/3 of the guilds made a wise choice.

Although the sky-high compensation of 300,000 is a heavy burden on them, the one-month deadline is actually not to the point of breaking one's muscles and bones, but the following days will be more difficult.

The most fundamental reason that prompted them to make such a decision was that the demon player lunatic could not effectively limit Jiao Yuan's actions!

This is too different from the emperor's initial plan!

Even, because of the unknown means of resurrection of the group, it is estimated that the lunatics will find it difficult to restrain even the many managements who dominate the world!

When Qianye pulled out his hand and led many of his little brothers to retaliate, they didn't even have a chance to carry it down!

Therefore, two-thirds of the guilds have admitted to it!

And the remaining 1/3, probably with a fluke mentality, acted as a tortoise, trying to dilute his own sense of existence.

As for dealing with the two guilds headed by Jiao Yuan according to the original plan?

Sorry, this matter is too difficult for them!

It's harder than God!

At the forum, many viewers expressed their eyes wide open about the effect of Jiao Yuan's shouting on the World Channel.

"Ahahaha, these guilds changed their faces too quickly!"

"A wise decision, they are very clever. Instead of being knocked on the door by Qianye's father himself, it is better to surrender directly!"

"Yes, it's not ashamed to surrender with the first person in the whole server. If you want to be ashamed, lose it together, hahaha~"

"So far this farce is almost over, right?"

"How long is this, not even 24 hours?"

"Facts have proved that to oppose the Great Devil Qianye is simply the stupidest decision in the entire "Original"!"

It has only been half a day since the declaration of war.

In such a short period of time, most of the many guilds that were bewitched by the emperor had already surrendered to Jiao Yuan.

At this point, the numerous guild alliances headed by the emperor have exhausted their momentum!

The process was too short, and the audience said they hadn't enjoyed it yet.

But fortunately, in addition to the three major guilds, there are still 1/3 diehards who are waiting for Jiao Yuan to resolve. Therefore, this turmoil is still worth watching.

Jiao Yuan is also preparing to do the same.


Still the main city of Thunder.

Target: King Spurs Guild!

This guild has a much smaller number of players than the [upper guild], with only more than 30,000 members. There is a main guild and three sub-guilds in total.

Different from other guilds, most of the more than 30,000 members in [Guild of Assassins of Kings] are assassins and can launch stealth without any escape.

Perhaps it was for this reason, plus the size of their own guild was too unremarkable, or perhaps it was unable to bear the compensation requested by Jiao Yuan, so even if they were in the same main city as [Upper Guild], they did not surrender!

However, reality is always cruel.

Jiao Yuan's first goal is them!

On the way to the [Wang Tsang Guild], Jiao Yuan started the live broadcast with a thought!

The live broadcast function in "Original" also has real-name verification, no one can impersonate.

Because Jiao Yuan had posted several posts on the forum and had a large number of fans, after the live broadcast was turned on, a large number of viewers swarmed into the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, Dad Qianye actually started a live broadcast!"

"Following attention, the old irons brush up their gifts, let Qianye Dad feel our enthusiasm!"

"Are you going to be a diehard? Hahaha, there is a good show!"

"Huh? The first goal is [Wang Assassin's Guild]? Okay, I have already figured out the ending!"

The audience was very enthusiastic, the barrage appeared like an explosion, and the rewards of gold coins were endless, and soon reached an incredible number.

And Jiao Yuan didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly introduced: "Hello everyone, I am Qianye. Many people may think that offending me does not need to pay any price. They are lucky. This is a wrong idea!"

"Next, I will personally take you to witness the tragic end of these guilds!"

Jiao Yuan's two words naturally caused a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

As he said, it is impossible to offend him without paying any price.

For those guilds that did not announce their surrender within the specified time, he would not relent.

As the first person in the whole service, he is not a Virgin, he will never be merciless when he should be cruel!

Soon, the members of the [Guild Assassin Kings] who received the news also began to arrive at the headquarters of the guild!

However, what surprised Jiao Yuan was that he originally thought he was about to usher in a boring battle, but the other party looked at it from a distance, and didn't have the idea of ​​coming up and doing it.


This scene immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room feel ridiculous.

"Hahaha, don't you have a spine to surrender? That's it?"

"I don't cherish a good opportunity, do you regret it now? It's too late!"

"Looking forward to the scene where the Qianye Great Demon King God descends to the earth..."

The audience talked a lot, and the members of the [Wang Claw Guild] in front of Jiao Yuan looked at each other.

Jiao Yuan waited for a while, seeing that the other party really didn't have the desire to do anything, so he directly attacked the foundation stone of the guild.

[System reminder: The guild's cornerstone is being attacked by the enemy, the durability is 100,000, and the remaining durability is 4.9 million. (Note: After the durability is cleared, the guild is forced to disband!)]

[System reminder: The guild's cornerstone is being attacked by the enemy, the durability is 100,000, and the remaining durability is 4.8 million. (Note: After the durability is cleared, the guild is forced to disband!)]

[System reminder: The guild's cornerstone is being attacked by the enemy, the durability is 100,000, and the remaining durability is 4.7 million. (Note: After the durability is cleared, the guild is forced to disband!)]


Numerous "ding, ding, ding" prompts sounded in the ears of the members of the [Wang Assassin Guild].

Finally, a female player who seemed to be the president wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and stepped forward boldly.

"Lord Qianye, I am the president of the [King Assassin Guild], the king assassin, hello!"

"We have all heard the world call you posted before... Actually, we also want to surrender, but I really can't get the compensation!"

"We will never go against you again!"

"Please, let us go."

The king assassin showed a pleading look.

Her humble expression made some viewers unbearable.

"It's too pitiful, Dad Qianye, or else, let them go, okay?"

"It's just a small guild of 30,000 members. It is really too difficult to come up with 300,000 gold coins!"

"I beg Qianye Dad to let it go..."

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