Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 189 Cold and Gentle, Jiao Yuan's Personality Charm

The King's Sting is a rare beautiful player, and the external conditions belong to the upper middle and upper levels of the entire game.

Since ancient times, female players have had some invisible privileges in the game.

As soon as she showed a pleading look, she immediately aroused the sympathy of many viewers in the live broadcast room.

On the barrage, there was also a lot of hype about how to deal with the [Wang Thorn] Guild's plan.

Almost half of the players believe that the king's thorn is very reasonable.

A guild of 30,000 members, although its strength is good, it is really impossible to collect 300,000 gold coins in a month.

They felt that the conditions Jiao Yuan put forward were a bit too far, and that different standards should be formulated based on the strength of each guild, so that it was reasonable.

But the other half of the audience believes that, as Jiao Yuan said, if you have the ability to provoke you must have the ability to bear the consequences.

You can't ask Jiao Yuan to lower the standard just because of your weakness.

In that case, wouldn't it make sense for whoever is weak?

What's more, during the live broadcast, you lifted up high and fell gently?

This kind of behavior is simply too cheap for Qianye's image!

Isn't this the Virgin?

At the same time, the stubborn guilds that were lucky enough were also paying attention to Jiao Yuan's answer, and their hearts were all raised in their throats.

The behavior of the king's thorn is to sell miserably!

If selling miserables can get Qianye's forgiveness, they can also learn something!

Now it's up to Qianye's answer!

As for the headquarters of the [Guild of King Thorns], Jiao Yuan glanced at the begging King’s Thorns, and did not hesitate for a long time.

"Weak strength is not the reason for you to provoke me!"

"This is not enough to let me let you go!"

"A guild without self-awareness should disband and give up the position to others!"

While talking, Jiao Yuan still made a fierce output at the guild's cornerstone.

He is now a gun god professional, and a round of bullets is set on the cornerstone of the guild, making all the members of the [King Assassin Guild] present all bow their heads.

In the live broadcast room, hearing Jiao Yuan's decision, many viewers with the heart of the Virgin also made noise.

"What kind of first person in the game, don't you have enough stomach for it?"

"Hey, strength is great? From then on, I will never be your fan of Qianye again!"

"Such a beautiful woman can be treated coldly, is there still Wang Fa? Is there still a law?"

If a person is red to the point of Jiaoyuan, there will naturally be a lot of black powder.

Now that I saw Jiao Yuan's harsh and cold side, I suddenly felt that the opportunity had come, so I started to take the rhythm.

However, Jiao Yuan’s fans are actually more numerous.

"If you don't watch it, you can get away. No one forces you to watch it. It's really full!"

"I will let go of the pleading? It makes sense to be weak? Then I am covered in whiteboard equipment. Can the Virgins give me some top-quality silver?"

"Hehe, my father Qianye is still short of your black fans? It's really flooded!"

"Go away, Madame Cousins!"

On the barrage, a snowflake-like mockery suddenly broke out.

Although before Jiao Yuan made a decision, about half of the players were triggered by the pleading of King's Sting, but as Jiao Yuan made the decision, most of them understood.

If you make a mistake, you will be beaten!

Weakness is not a reason to evade punishment!

Soon, the virgin bitches and the black fans with ulterior motives couldn't resist the pressure and left.

And the many stubborn guild management who paid attention to this matter couldn't help but feel nervous when seeing this result.

Faced with the pleading begging of a beautiful player, the reason is still very legitimate, and he refused without any hesitation?

Jiao Yuan's fierceness surpassed their imagination!

Many people began to regret and did not surrender in the first place.

But now that the opportunity has passed, they can only wait for Jiao Yuan's personal visit!


One bullet is an output of 100,000. After fifty attacks, the foundation stone of the headquarters guild of [King Assassin Guild] was shattered!

[System prompt: The foundation stone of the guild has been damaged, the guild is forcibly disbanded! 】

Listening to the mechanical sound coming from the ear, the guild badges on the chests of the surrounding players disappeared, and they all showed expressions of loss and relief.

What was lost was that the guild that had struggled for a long time was disbanded.

But the relief is that in the face of the killing god Qianye, no members of their guild were killed in battle. I have to say that everyone can actually accept this result.

Only the king's thorn silently shed two lines of tears.

[Wang Tsang Guild] It was formed by her a lot of hard work, and it can actually be considered as one of the top ten in the main city of Thunder, with a bright future.

It's a pity that one wrong step is like falling into an abyss, and the guild is directly disbanded!

She now has no intention of resenting Jiao Yuan.

Because she herself understands that the current result is just taking the blame.

And the ones that should be resented most are the emperor, the leader of the guild, who despised the guild, and the self who had been blinded by greed and reason.

He has already been punished, and it will be the emperor's turn before long!

"The emperor, you arrogant fellow, your fate must be countless times worse than mine!"

The thorn of the king said bitterly, and then he was about to leave.

The dissolution of [Wang Thorn Guild] is not an end, but a new beginning.

She is going to re-create a guild and recruit members who are still willing to follow her.

For this, she did not hide from Jiao Yuan.

Jiao Yuan didn't hesitate much, and directly acquiesced.

"Next, what you do is your own business, and it has nothing to do with me. Don't worry, this matter will be over with the disbandment of the [King Assassin Guild]!"

The thorn of the king bowed deeply to Jiao Yuan, "Thank you Qianye Great God!"

After speaking, he left directly.


As Jiao Yuan walked towards the other three branches of the [Wang Thorn Guild], he was about to be completely removed.

The audience in the live broadcast room also expressed their emotions.

"When it should be hot, it's hot, and when it's gentle, it's also gentle, Qianye Great Devil, you deserve to be the number one player in the game, I love this style of behavior!"

"Yes, in fact, none of the members of the entire [Guild of King Assassins] died. It was just that the guild was disbanded, which is equivalent to the disappearance of all months of operation, and the ending is acceptable."

"Compared with [Upper Guild] before surrendering after being defeated, the ending of [Wang Tsang Guild] is actually pretty good."

"Grass and grievances are clear... the pattern of this man is actually bigger than we thought!"

"Love, love!"

Although the vast majority of players do not question Jiao Yuan's decision.

Even if he was more aggressive, he would be mentally prepared to kill all the members of the [King Assassin Guild].

But now the ending is like this, and they can't help but feel admired by focusing on the far-reaching mind.

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