Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 190 Killing the lunatic in advance, revealing the existence of Resurrection Coins

Outside Xuanwu City.

Listening to the report of his subordinates, the emperor was shocked.

"What are you talking about? Most of the guilds have surrendered?"

"The remaining persistent personnel are also beginning to usher in Qianye's cold revenge?"

After confirming this, the emperor's heart couldn't help but sink to the bottom.

This alliance against Qianye's strength was organized by him. At this point, it can basically be said that the general situation has passed, and there is no way to complete the original goal.

The deaths and injuries of our own personnel, plus all kinds of compensation for land cessation, can't be measured for the heavy losses.

And this kind of loss, at this point, with the emperor's insight, it is natural to understand that they need to disregard the group of heroes to bear, otherwise, the alliance of the other major guilds will target themselves!

This is the worst ending!

This result was completely unacceptable to the emperor!

However, as of now, there is no other way but to resist to the end!

If the two guilds of the Dark Lord and the Fighting Wind and Cloud belong to the human race, they will definitely help him bear a lot of pressure, but it is a pity that these two guilds are far away, and if they fail, they basically don’t have to bear any consequences. .

Only if they disregard the guild of the heroes, they are the main pressure bearers!

But what made the emperor's face ugly was that the guilds' accountability was something that would only be faced in the future, and now the most important thing is to accept Qianye's revenge directly!

Qianye faced the [Wang Thorn] guild showing the cruelty...

Just this level, the emperor has a feeling, fearing that the entire guild of disdain will cease to exist!

The emperor now feels like riding a tiger.

Up to now, he only hopes that the lunatic player of the Demon Race can play a key role.

At least, let Qianye be more restrained.


The emperor in Xuanwu City was in a state of confusion, and Jiao Yuan, who was still in the main city of Thunder, still killed the third stubborn guild according to his plan!

I have to say that the guild head of Thunder City is still very iron.

In total, there were less than fifty guilds with a scale of more than ten thousand people, and five of them responded to the emperor's request for declaration of war.

Even now, there is still a stubborn guild pretending to be a tortoise.

Is it a fluke?

Jiao Yuan didn't know, and didn't want to know.

Anyway, destroying a guild would only take him less than ten minutes, very easy.

While Jiao Yuan was purging this guild according to the plan, suddenly, a sneaky figure took advantage of the chaos of the surrounding crowd and quietly approached him!

Some sharp-eyed viewers in the live broadcast room immediately reminded him.

"Dad Qianye, the player on your left at two o'clock, isn't it from the Demon Race?"

"Fuck, Dad Qianye is careful, the player of the Demon Race is about to assassinate again!"

"Be careful!"

The appearance of the Demon Race and the Human Race is very different, which can be seen at a glance.

Under the reminder of the sharp-eyed audience in the live broadcast room, many other audiences who reacted also sent out barrage.

Heart, all mentioned his throat.

Because as far as they know, this demon player killed Qianye twice by unknown means!

Although Qianye has an unknown way of resurrection to avoid all losses after death, the audience can't help but worry.

After all, what if Qianye’s resurrection pathway just runs out?

He is a big red name, if he is really killed, wouldn't all his equipment be exploded?

But the audience's worry is actually unnecessary.

Since Jiao Yuan noticed the demon player lunatic last time, he has deliberately dispersed his mind to the surrounding situation. Of course, he has also noticed the main things of the audience.

So, without saying a word, Jiao Yuan aimed at the sneaky lunatic, it was a [headshot].



After a clear gunshot, the Demon Race player lunatic maintained a surprised look, without any struggle, it turned into a white light and disappeared!

"Thank you for your reminder!"

Jiao Yuan first said thank you to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then boringly explained a few words.

"This demon player, ID is called a lunatic!"

"You have also seen his total HP. The total is less than 2,700. If it is a head-on fight, I will level A at random, and he will not be able to take it down!"

"But the reason I was able to die with me the first two times, I guess it was some kind of rare skill."

"Don't worry too much, this skill must have a long cooling time and cannot be used all the time, and I have an infinite resurrection method that will not cause any loss, so it has no effect on me at all!"

Jiao Yuan's commentary surprised the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Rare skills belong to all types?"

"I'm going. It's a big killer. Besides Dad Qianye, who else can hold it?"

"The appearance of such a player in the Demon Race is really not good news for our Human Race, but fortunately, Dad Qianye is better at it."

"By the way, you haven't noticed. Dad Qianye said he has an infinite resurrection method?"

"Fuck, fuck, as expected to be my father Qianye, Niubi!"

There were two points discussed by the audience barrage.

The first is how abnormal the [Life Exchange] skill of the demon player lunatic is.

Second, what Jiao Yuan said, he has an infinite resurrection method!

Especially the latter one made the audience talk about it with great curiosity.

Infinite resurrection!

Players' PK situation in "Original" is too frequent, mainstream players almost all have the experience of death.

If they also had this infinite resurrection method to avoid the punishment after death, it would be so exciting!

The audience sent out barrage one after another, hoping that if Jiao Yuan didn't mind, he could talk to them about the method.

And Jiao Yuan is not ready to hide privately.

He had a hunch that according to the current state of rapid development of the Arad continent, soon players on his turf would also be able to enjoy the benefits brought by the underground city mall.

Therefore, the matter of [Resurrection Coins] will sooner or later be known to the outside world.

Speaking out now, it can be regarded as adding to everyone's yearning for being his subordinate!

"It's [Resurrection Coin]!"

Jiao Yuan smiled and said: "[Resurrection Coin] is a consumable. If you die, it can be resurrected in its original state without any loss. Shuang Aoxue and the others, I gave it a lot."

"Don't worry, everyone. Regarding the method of obtaining [Resurrection Coins], if I have the opportunity in the future, I will give relevant channels."

In just a few words, it immediately caused a boil on a large scale.

Resurrected in infinite place in full state!

Will I have a chance in the future? !

The players were all stunned, and on the barrage, they all expressed their expectations.

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