Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 193 Disregarding the Destruction of the Heroes' Guild (Part 2)

The emperor still has a certain prestige in the guild for many years, and it didn't take long to gather 30,000 diehard fans.

Under his command, these people rushed towards the headquarters of the guild!

Even if I knew that this was a move that was tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble, I still did it!

Soon, I arrived at the location.

"Thousand night dog thief, since you make us unable to live on, let's fight to the death!"

Not much to say, the emperor yelled out first, and immediately started to charge.

Jiao Yuan was not surprised by this.

As the saying goes, the dog is going to jump over the wall in a hurry. After the guild is disbanded, it is basically impossible to regain its former size.

As a hero, the emperor certainly couldn't accept this ending, so it was reasonable to fight to the death.

However, Jiao Yuan will not be soft-hearted because of this.





Various skills were released, and the blood red numbers appeared in pieces!

The emperor took the lead to fall down, and the rest of the players couldn't make any splashes, and they were often chopped over without getting close to Jiao Yuan's side.

Moreover, after certain long-range professional attacks reached Jiao Yuan, the ten high-level guards standing guard next to him also began to take action!

"You dare to attack Lord Qianye, your sin is unforgivable!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The addition of NPC is like the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

In just five minutes, 30,000 members were completely emptied!

The audience in the live broadcast room watched this scene, all secretly smacked and frightened.

"Big Qianye, in front of the strength of the NPC, actually has such a big face, it's really terrifying!"

"These ten high-level guards really look like Qianye's little brothers!"

"Niu Bian, I'll take it!"

"The members who look down on the guild should be desperate now, right?"

"Brothers and sisters, I just received news. According to incomplete statistics, the total number of players who dominate the guild has been reduced to less than 200,000!"

"Hahaha, these people are all scared away by Dad Qianye!"

Commanding the NPC to fight, surprised everyone, saying that such a Qianye Dad is really terrifying, and no one can afford to offend him.

The large-scale players who scorned the guild began to retreat, which opened their eyes to the audience.

This guild has not been forcibly dissolved yet? Just retired?

It's really a group of "junjie"!

At this time, after a few minutes of attacks, the cornerstone of the guild that looked down on the guild headquarters was finally broken by Shuang Aoxue and others!

[System prompt: The foundation stone of the guild has been completely damaged, and your guild will be forcibly disbanded! 】

The cold mechanical sound rang in the ears of the emperor and others, causing them to sink their heads.

The 30,000 members who were urgently summoned by the emperor were all confused.

Can't beat, can't hold.

This desperate effort, besides making one's own loss bigger, is there any other meaning?

"President, I, my friend has something to do with me, so let's go first!" said one member cautiously.

The surrounding eyes looked at him, full of unclear meaning.

"Well, you go!"

The emperor said hoarsely.

"President, I, I have something too!"

"Leave a step first..."

"My friend told me to play gold coins..."

They responded to the emperor's call, but it was only on an impulse.

Now the cruel facts are in front of me. The struggle has no meaning other than aggravating the loss, and my sense immediately returns.

The people who took the lead showed up, allowing more people to express their desire to leave.

Some people found an excuse, and some left silently without saying a word.

After a while, there were 30,000 members, and only less than 2,000 were left.

"You guys are really despicable!" Pride Lao Yuan scolded angrily.

The emperor waved his hand helplessly, "Don't say these things, the situation is not as good as others, I admit it!"


Old Yuan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the emperor.

"Get ready and start over from another place!"

"Everyone has divided the many precious items in the guild warehouse. Next, we will go to an unfamiliar place to create the guild again!"

"The guild created this time, don't think about fighting for hegemony anymore, and live a low-key life honestly..."

Old Yuan froze for a moment, "But..."

"No, but I have decided like this!" The emperor said decisively, "I am willing to follow my brothers, and discuss with me next, where to go, don't think about the rest!"

The destruction of the guild is equivalent to the waste of countless efforts, and the emperor is naturally unwilling.

But what can I do if I am not reconciled?

After offending Qianye, not to mention that he could not save the guild, and even estimated that even a comeback would be an extremely distant luxury.

This point, even if Qianye will be surpassed by others, and if he falls, it will not change.

After all, after this incident, his ability, credibility, and reputation will all be firmly remembered by all players, and he will be nailed to the shame of "Original"!

There is no way to get up again!

"If I had treated Qianye more respectfully, how nice it would be!"

The emperor couldn't help but think of this. When he thought of his own guild player's domineering and unreasonable behavior towards Qianye when he was in Xinshou Village 777, and he knew about the decision afterwards, he regretted his intestines.

As the so-called difference in thought, it is nothing more than that!

He couldn't blame others for being able to fall to this point, he could only blame himself for his arrogance and arrogance.


The emperor here was a little repentant, but Jiao Yuan on the other side did not stop.

Disregard the headquarters of the guild, the No. 1 branch of the trade union, the No. 2 branch of the trade union, the No. 3 branch of the trade union, and the No. 47 branch of the trade union.

Hit them one by one!

After crushing more than 30,000 members headed by the emperor, he did not encounter any twists and turns.

Jiao Yuan personally took action, so only an hour passed, and the 48 guilds including the headquarters, all destroyed the foundation stone of the guild and were forcibly disbanded!

At this point, there is no longer a guild of arrogance in "The Original"!

Live room barrage——

"Huh~ It's finally over!"

"At the beginning, the guild that looked down on the heroes was also one of the top ten guilds in the whole server, and the Fengming Guild stood on both feet in the human race. Now the development is very different. It really makes people sigh and sigh!"

"Isn't it all because of Qianye's father? Different attitudes and different endings, this is fate!"

"The Guild of Defeating Heroes has been destroyed. Next, I want to ask the two guilds of Dark Lord and Kuangzhan Fengyun panic?"

"Hahaha, it turns out that as soon as my father Qianye takes a shot, he will kneel down for all the shit to serve the top ten guilds!"

"Hello everyone, I am a player of the Guild of Fighting Wind and Cloud, I am panicking now!"

Countless barrages flashed by.

However, because the matter has temporarily come to an end, Jiao Yuan also closed the live broadcast room.

Immediately afterwards, he led Shuang Aoxue and others back to his territory.

It's just that I didn't expect to be the first to welcome it, but it was the grand cheers from the two guilds.

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