Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 194 Cards and New Tasks Appear

Huttonmar, the outermost area of ​​the site.

Countless players are standing busily on both sides, with a scale of more than 100,000!

As everyone watching Jiao Yuan and Shuang Aoxue approached from a distance, shocking cheers broke out.

"President's father is mighty, management is mighty!"

"President's father is mighty, management is mighty!"

"President's father is mighty, management is mighty!"

The shouts of the crowd broke through the clouds, and the eyes of Jiao Yuan and his group were full of enthusiasm!

This storm that was first set off by the Guild of Disdainful Heroes was wiped out by everyone headed by Jiao Yuan after only one day passed.

The invincible posture they showed in them made all the members of the two big guilds feel proud.

Look, this is our president's father and many managements!

Under their leadership, Zongheng "The Original" is not empty talk at all!

With such bosses, how can many members not be excited?

Among the crowd, there are many members who have started the live broadcast, and there are also many people who share their screenshots on the forum.

With such a huge scale, all players on the server can't help but feel shocked.

"Ten, 100,000 players greet each other in the lane? This card face is simply the best!"

"Look, the equipment of these players is so gorgeous. Looking around, there is basically no lower quality than silver!"

"Envy, is this the group of players supported by Qianye Great Devil? Too envious!"

"In fact, we don't need to worry. According to the live broadcast of Qianye's father before, we will also have a chance in the future!"

"Yes, but I can't wait to join this big family!"

Looking at the whole server, which guild can compare with the guilds of King's Landing and Fengming?

The enthusiastic shouts of 100,000 members not only demonstrated the respect of many members, led by Jiao Yuan, but also took the opportunity to show their powerful armed forces!

The explosion rate of many dungeons in the dungeon is very high, and the equipment on them is basically all of the silver level.

In this era when mainstream players in all servers are still wearing bronze equipment, the players of the two major guilds have exceeded a level!

"I feel that even if the Great Devil Qianye doesn't do anything, there is no way to disdain the guild and other alliances to take the two guilds."

"Yeah, this can be regarded as the mercy of Qianye Great Demon King's men? Otherwise, the other party will definitely suffer more deaths and injuries!"

"Actually, Dad Qianye wanted to take care of his own people, so he did this, right?"

"It's so happy, it's so happy to be able to live under Qianye's father!"

The audience whispered.

On the other side, Jiao Yuan sent a few cordial condolences to the 100,000 members, and then ordered everyone to leave!

Jiao Yuan himself felt very surprised at receiving such a reception from players.

After asking Yu and Shuang Aoxue in June, after learning that this was an action organized by the players, they couldn't help but smile.

"These little guys, they know how to report, not bad!"

This is just an episode. After Jiao Yuan ordered everyone to disband, he returned to the original life track.

As for the two guilds of revenge against the dark monarch and the violent battle? Not in a hurry for the time being.

It is too time consuming to chase across camps now. For example, when I went to the Demon Clan for main missions, it only took about half a month to go back and forth.

Orcs are farther away from the territories of the human race, so it takes more time.

Jiao Yuan is unwilling to waste such a long time when the underground city has entered the initial stage of rapid development.

Still the same sentence, children have no brain impulse, and adults pay more attention to interests.

In Jiao Yuan's eyes, the process of destroying the dark monarch and the violent battle is also very easy. For the two defeated guilds, it is not worth it that Lang gave himself so much time.

"When the development of the dungeon stabilizes, take the time to visit the two camps!"

Jiao Yuan decided silently.


Everything is back to the original track.

Jiao Yuan doesn't need to fight all the dungeons in the current dungeon himself, as long as he waits for everyone to advance and get his own reward.

But staying is also boring, and occasionally he will bring guild members randomly, just as a bonus.

The progress of the new dungeon mainly depends on the first kill of Shuang Aoxue and others.

When the abyss level difficulty reached the Lv42 first spine, it could not be pushed, and everyone turned around to deal with the Lv46 king of difficulty.

The Boss of the Forbidden Land in the King's Difficulty is only the level of ancient legends. Frost Aoxue and his team only took one day to successfully win the first kill!

At this time, Jiao Yuan’s ear system also sent a reminder——

[System prompt: Lv46 dungeon Skyshroud Forbidden Land (King Difficulty) is opened up by a team of warriors, and the Dark City area and the Snow Region of Ston are open! 】

The two newly opened areas, the Dark City is to the southeast of Huttonmar, next to the Alvin Line, and can accommodate 300,000 players.

As for the snowy area of ​​Ston, it is in the northwest of Huttonmar, which can also accommodate 300,000 players!

At this point, Jiaoyuan's site can accommodate a total of 1.2 million players!

I have to say, it's already terrifying!

The domain is equivalent to one-third of the major main cities of the human race, and the expanded area has already bordered the Gobi city wall.

If you must wait to open a new area later, Gobi City should be accommodated on its own territory!

This makes Jiao Yuan a little bit emotional.

"At the beginning of playing "Original", I belonged to the single-player adventure mode. Now that I became the lord of the dungeon, I instantly became the lord hegemony mode..."

The expansion of the area can not only accommodate more players, but also make Jiao Yuan's task of promoting the intermediate dungeon lord even further.

And most importantly, at this time, he triggered a new task!

There are three--

[You trigger the task: the first Fighting King Challenge! 】

[Content: As a dungeon lord, you need to improve the competitive status of the players under your name and plan a PVP (fair mode, divided into 1V1 individual matches!]

【Duration: 30 days】

[Participating player task rewards: the top 10,000 players will be rewarded with 10 gold coins; the first thousand will be rewarded with 20 gold coins and 2 resurrection coins; the top 500 will be rewarded with 20 gold coins and 3 resurrection coins; the top 100, 5 1 resurrection coin, 1 high fashion voucher, title, top ten, starting with 10 resurrection coins ~ 9 high fashion voucher, attribute title. 】

[Your task reward: After the event ends, you will get 20 NPC resurrection quotas, which will be unlocked with the permission of the Dungeon Consumables Mall. 】

The first task, from Jiao Yuan's point of view, is to give the players benefits.

Gold coins, resurrection coins, fashion vouchers, titles...the rewards are pretty good.

After Jiao Yuan spreads the news to attend, the players will follow suit.

At the same time, his personal reward for this task is also considerable.

There are many useful things in the consumables section of the Dungeon Mall!

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