Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 195 The Apostle Appears, Shocked With The Players

The second task-

[Recognition of Saint Michel]

[Task content: The Arad continent recovers, and the twelve apostles will gradually resurrect. As the newly promoted dungeon lord, you are about to face the test of the twelfth apostle: Saint Michel in a week’s time. Please get his Recognition! 】

【Duration: 30 days】

【Task Reward: Settlement according to the task progress. 】

Twelfth Apostle!

Jiao Yuan frowned.

In the continent of Arad, apart from the god of creation and the god of death Dreyfes, the twelve apostles are the most powerful.

And Michelle, don't think he is only at the end, but Jiao Yuan dare not look down upon him.

"This is definitely a fierce battle!"

Jiao Yuan murmured, then looked at the third task——

[Limited trial copy: Tomb of the Gods. 】

[Content: With the recovery of the Arad continent, many villains of the ancient gods will also set off war again. It is too reluctant to rely on you alone, so you need to improve the combat power of many adventurers and help you share the pressure. There are five levels in the tomb, a ten-person team challenge mode.)]

[Quest Reward (Adventurer): The adventurer who has cleared 5 levels will receive several rewards (see the description of the dungeon for details). The top ten thousand, one thousand, five hundred, one hundred, and the top ten have high ranking rewards. 】

【Duration: 30 days】

[Your mission reward: After 10,000 adventurers pass the level, your basic 4D attributes will increase by 30%! 】

New copy!

Similar in nature to the first PK task, it is a win-win task for the player and Jiao Yuan!

Jiao Yuan looked at the copy of [Tomb of the Gods] and found that the prerequisite for entering was Lv40!

From the first level to the fifth level at the end, the bosses and mobs in each level range from rare to legendary levels.

The difficulty is very high!

"If ten players want to pass the level, the premise is that they must have rare quality equipment, otherwise there is no possibility at all!"

Jiao Yuan thought silently, feeling a bit tricky.

This copy of [Tomb of the Gods] is too reluctant for players at this stage. Those who have the capital to clear the customs, it is estimated that at most two or three teams can be gathered.

The reward requirement of the mission is to allow Jiao Yuan to pass the number of adventurers under his name to 10,000 within 30 days. This is not a simple matter!

If there is more time, it will be easier.

But only 30 days... We must find a way to quickly improve the players' attributes!

"I only have permissions below Lv60 in the dungeon warehouse, and the amount of rare quality equipment is very small, and it is impossible to give it to the players in vain. Therefore, in terms of equipment, they have to get their own copy..."

Jiao Yuan pondered the plan silently.

A copy of ordinary King difficulty, the highest quality equipment of pink artifacts, but this chance is too rare.

Not to mention the quality of the artifact, even the rarity is quite insignificant.

These days, Jiao Yuan silently observed that players within the normal range of European Qi played ten King-level dungeons, and it was not bad to burst out one!

And these two or three pieces of equipment are too insignificant in front of dozens of people on the team.

Coupled with the limit of stamina, ordinary players can play up to 20 copies of the King's difficulty every day... This progress is too slow and too slow!

If the players are allowed to develop normally, it is absolutely impossible to clear 10,000 players in 30 days!

Therefore, Jiao Yuan must use his brains to increase the probability of everyone's equipment acquisition as soon as possible!

"Let the management take the lead?"

This idea just came to Jiao Yuan's mind, and he vetoed it in the next moment!

After all, the management has a small number of people, and if they lead the people separately, the efficiency will be reduced and their time will be taken up. Who can advance the progress of their new copy?

[Building a dungeon] and [Abyss Challenger] mission rewards are the same to improve the basic four-dimensional attributes, isn't this because of small losses?

Therefore, this plan was rejected!

After thinking for a while, Jiao Yuan finally came up with a plan that is not perfect.

"The ancients said, let some people get rich first, and then motivate others! I think it makes sense!"

Jiao Yuan decided to bleed and lower the redemption conditions for high-quality equipment in the guild warehouse, so that players with enough contribution points can redeem them by themselves.

At the same time, he is ready to immediately execute the first PK task [The First Fighting King Challenge], select players with better operational ability, and give priority to redemption rights.

Plus the latter's own reward...&

Two-pronged approach!

Two blossoms!

Jiao Yuan felt that this should almost complete the third task!

"Well, just do it!"

After making up his mind, Jiao Yuan didn't write any ink.

Except for the second mission, the other two missions are closely related to the player, and Jiao Yuan, as the lord of the dungeon, has the authority to publish!

Immediately, he released two tasks!

At the next moment, all players on his turf will receive the task prompt——

【Ding! The dungeon lord (Qianye) releases the task: the first Fighting King Challenge! 】

[Task content: Players can sign up to participate in individual competitions, and players who get ranked will be rewarded. The specific rules/reward content can be viewed in the PK field rules for detailed information! 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

【Ding! The dungeon lord (Qianye) releases the task: Clearance event copy: Tomb of the Gods! 】

[Content: Clear the dungeon of the Tomb of the Gods to get a dungeon reward, and the top 10,000 will have an additional ranking reward. The specific reward content can be viewed in the dungeon entry interface for detailed information! 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

The mechanical sound of the two missions spread to the ears of all players in the dungeon. In an instant, everyone was boiling!

"Fuck, the president's father has become an NPC?"

"Can you post a mission? Niu approved my dad!"

"It's actually the PK of the fair mode! It's cool, it's time to show the real technology!"

"Wow, the difficulty of the newly opened event dungeon is so high, you can only enter at Lv40..."

"By the way, have you all watched the rewards? After I watched it, I started to doubt my eyes!"

"Same doubt..."

The players were very surprised by these two unexpected missions, and they didn't understand why a player from Jiao Yuan could publish the mission.

But soon, they were attracted by the rewards of the tasks, and after watching them, they gasped with excitement.

"Experience, gold coins, resurrection coins, fashion vouchers, titles, equipment... God, am I dreaming?" someone shouted in surprise.

"I, I, am I too happy?"

"It's over, after reading this reward, I am completely disinterested in other dungeons!"

"Fuck, look at the reward for the first place in the dungeon clearance!"

"Mythical quality wand...his!"

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